Genji with a 60% winrate in gm

He’s fine. Git gud, and stop whining.


No. If I recall correctly, 54% is average winrate for GM with 51% being the amount needed to maintain their rank as they’ll eventually drop to Masters if they aren’t winning more games than not.

60% is too high. 50% is too low for GM.

Then you have to factor in pickrate as well, as well as flexibility and class. In general the heroes with more broad use cases tend to have lower winrates than the ones with less broad use cases.

Anecdotally speaking my experience in Gold is he’s 100% in every game. Before buff, after buff. Difference is that Genji’s players I recognize now have me beat 100% in duels when it used to be closer to 50/50. That deflect audio that is shorter than the duration j-baits me quite a bit.

Genji and DoomFist must be lowered or banned below 3000! Everyone smurfs kills the whole team! Impossible to play!

I think your confusing player win % vs hero specific win %.

regardless, a hero would be perfectly balanced if they won 50% of the time. Since thats not posible, then it has to be a range. so I would think a hero would be deemed balanced if it had 49%-51% win ratio, in a system that is supposed to match people by equal skill.

But i see in the forums saying this means a hero is underpowered. Which makes no logical sense.

Nope. The averages from the heroes are based on player win percentages which is why you can see the GM requirements reflected in the GM win percentage stats.

They average out at around 54 iirc. It’s been awhile.

that makes no sense. A PLAYER can play several heros (in fact would play the OP heros more so) to rank up.

Player win % is significantly different than a hero’s win % to determine balance.

Thats apples and oranges.

And the hero win percentage on Overbuff is the personal win percentages of individual gms on that hero taken together and then averaged. And this stat collecting method is reflected in their data range.

You can’t be a GM and have a consistent 50% win percentage.

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I dont think you are getting the logic of math here.

Player % is NOT the same as specific Hero % to determine balance. UNLESS they ONLY play the one hero the entire time.

Player win % does not, and can not determine balance of a hero (determined by win ratio as a factor), unless again, they ONLY play one hero.

I mean from my perspective, the buffs weren’t needed. The devs just mopped themselves into a corner with Echo’s release.

We can wait as long as we want. It doesn’t change the fact that the devs keep power creeping the damage roster and nerfing tanks/supports

Honestly, that is all too likely

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It was enough to nerf Sombra, even though her winrates were still below 50% and her pickrate went from 0.6 to 2%

Or Symmetra, who was meta in a meta that she was literally reworked to counter

That isn’t what I said. I said that the data collection method used is from individual heroes collected from individual profiles, and then averaged out.

Therefore the rank requirements are reflected in the stats. GMs are required to win most of their games, and they do. And this is reflected in their dataset, pulling the winrate averages up.

The average winrate in GM is around 53%. I just double checked. The heroes generally considered healthy are in the 52-54%, and that is where most of them lie. But technically a hero only needs 51% average for their hero mains to play them, and them alone at an average quality for their rank, and still maintain their rank.

There are only 4 heroes in the game below that in GM.

Sorry but that is what i read you were saying, as understood by what u wrote previously… Otherwise you wouldnt even bring in the Player’s win % into the conversation, because it has nothing to do with topic at hand.

It does. I just said how it does and said it multiple times. I said that the dataset pulled from is the individual hero performance of players and that’s reflected in the stats.

Looks at Symmetra, Sombra, and Bastion :eyes:

Just so you know I am bookmarking this to make you actually say it. Ask Robotwizard, I do this alot

It actually dropped to around 55%, 3 of the last 7 days.

And GM average, is 56%.

This week his average is at 58%. Daily data is fairly worthless. Weekly data is little better, but it is better.

And in GM the overall average is 53%. Genji is well above average

You’re probably a weeb ew get away from me weeb