Genji with a 60% winrate in gm

yeah it dropped to 55% today.

Genji’s win rate is probably even more inflated considering the power of nano boost + dragon blade.

Do you mean only todays data? Oh yeah that might be different. But he also had above 60% the last 2 days, we’re kinda talking this weeks average.

Dragonblade was untouched. None of the buffs made that combo more effective. All stat increases are based on what the buffs did for him outside of Ult.

Except by increasing Genji’s damage, you indirectly buff his charge rate.

Now Genji’s get dragon blade much quicker and in some matches, can have it every team fight with a nano boost.

I think his charge rate needs to be toned down since they increased damage numbers.

Yes, but Anas charge rate is the same. If he gets blade quicker, that doesnt mean Ana get nano at the same fequency.

Ana’s nano boost charges quite quickly and I found in my experience, she generally got it a bit earlier than pre-buff dragon blade.

Now, I see that Genji’s and Ana’s typically get their ultimates at the same time, or one or the other is a little bit behind.

I’d argue nano boost needs to be nerfed in charge rate as well, it can be farmed as quick as coalescence, but is much stronger.

As his pick rate jumped to 5.5%, effect of mirror matches starting to kick in.

I eagerly await GMs whining about boosted Genji mains.


Holy hell, never have i seen someone butcher stats so badly at all, amazing. 20,40, 80%. Insane how you can pull those numbers out of nowhere.

This week GM, he has 58% winrate and a 3.6 pickrate.


On average there is 1 genji per game, every other game. That isn´t alarming considering we still have heroes that appear in up to 144% of matches in Ana, brig, Rein and Sigma. Meaning these heroes are so often on both teams at the same time, that only about 1/3rd to 1/4th of matches aren´t a mirror, at max (which is unlikely that we only see that scenario, as it requires pure mirror and pure none pick matchups).

Disappointingly, I just saw a post asking for more Genji buffs. I'm not expecting their satisfaction yet.

There are certainly some Genji players which wait for nerfs to his counters.


We’re looking at daily trends.

Tanks and Supports have higher average pick because they have 1/3 as many to pick from.

Rein and Sigma are problems.

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The math is still wrong and daily is the most useless stuff i have ever heard making stats over, especially on an already <1% rank.

A meta doesn´t care about options, if something is too powerfull it will surge high in pickrate no matter the options. Or in some cases if the opposition is just too weak, there is only one choice. While yes it will always be higher that is correct. Constantly, no matter the meta, having 1-3 heroes at 150-180% game presence is a problem, a huge one.

It’s sort of like how when Echo launched I was getting four gold medals and on fire in literally every match, even when I was brand spanking new at playing her - and it’s not like I mained Pharah or anything like that and just felt it was a small adjustment to my playstyle, I typically like going for heroes like Sym and Junkrat for their odd playstyle. Echo was both too easy and a bit flimsy, but I think she was only flimsy in MY rank because the healers in my rank are usually not that great. Lots of Ana’s that forget to shoot their teammates instead of the enemy because they get tunnel vision and really just want to be playing Widow or Mercy’s that are pocketing their one DPS friend and act like the rest of the team don’t exist y’know. But even still her flimsyness level vs. her ability to get in and out and deal insane amounts of damage? Waaaaaay too strong, especially at the start.

And guess what, they nerfed her. Surprise surprise.

Hah the logic of these weebs. Lads if you main a japanese character you are a weeb. And apparently being a weeb is an insult. in 2020. Wow.


they will cut off her legs so she can only use fade to move


Not overpowered.
Obnoxious, disgusting, braindead with random orbs sometimes getting crucial kills

And here we are, just a few days ago someone told me not to look at GM winrate because most of the players are silver-plat.

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But wait, dont the forum people say that 60% (above 50%) means a hero is balanced, and 50% is not?