Genji with a 60% winrate in gm

you know what might also happen?

genji is still unusable in owl, they decide to keep the buff :rofl:

genjiā€™s enemy pick genjiā€™s counter more often, then those counter all get nerfed
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Genji mains be like

ā€œMy true potential has been unleashed!ā€

I like how so many of the ones who are defending Genji are the same ones who call Moira ā€œOverpoweredā€


Yeah guys just give it some time. Once the devs ā€œhave taken a look at Brig and Moiraā€ Iā€™m sure, Genji will be fine /s

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Why would they not! According to the community Moira is the most overpowered hero in history!!! (and this only got big after a certain youtuber said it too :slight_smile: )

Iā€™m nervous about it because moira this week has dropped down to 6th most picked support in high ranks, but ā€œapparentlyā€ they do changes based on high ranksā€¦ yet they are nerfing her instead of buffs?

Yet ana is still sitting up there wayyy above the rest of support, but this is fine they nerf all the other main supports so much and barely touched ana so she is much better than any of them


According to the forums, genji is. Id be worried about the hero being nerfed to symmetra level if the forums werenā€™t such a joke

Well, you can reduce the damage by one. You an make deflect cancellable but with the previous duration.

They can try to reduce the buffs in different ways. This has happened before. In the bastion president meta, they increased ironclad and then they reduced it.

This week :sunglasses: for the past like year itā€™s been Moiwaaaaaaaaaaa


Unless the hero gets nerfed to sym level, I doubt that the situation will change.

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Actuall so far most just want the buffs reverted.

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Good chance he will go up in pick rate. He was #3 before the buffs. Anyone that doesnā€™t expect him to be at least #2 has lost their mind.

Yes there is. Damage on normal attacks, damage on ult, number of swings on ult, deflect CD and/or duration and movement speed. And those are just some of the number possibilities. You could also change some basic mechanics, like what deflect can actually deflect. For example, you could remove its ability to deflect melee or explosives. Etc, etc. Not advocating a specific one. But, the point is there is a LOT about him that could be nerfed.

I would agree. And more that just assume new players are trying him out. You know they are, as his pick rate has gone up (getting close to doubling). So, new people are in fact playing him. And doing better than their current SR. This is hands down evidence that he is to strong.

Neither option reflects balance. If you are having to build a comp to counter a single hero this is an indicator of a problem. And if the best comp is based around just trying to empower a single hero, that is also an indicator of a problem.


Deflect cancel without pause time is the one that i cant live with. Its the most stupid change i can remember. Genji will either shoot you with your gun or his. Take your pick.


Why can Genji cancel his, but not Sigma also with an ability that prevents damage to him cannot?


because sigma is a part of double shield problem and his owl usage is ok. he cant be a solid main tank because of this problem with his e but who caresā€¦

And highest DPS pick ratesā€¦

And this weekend heā€™s seen a reasonable amount of use - on the pre-buff patch - in OWL.


I was really hopeful that they will give her more potential, but higher skill requirement. But nope. Just straight up nerf. Weā€™ll have to see what happens in the next experimental :confused:

this canā€™t be true because Moiwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa would kill him every time :sunglasses: she makes him unplayable!!!


The forums arenā€™t even close to being a percentage of the community

winrate down to 55%

You need to click on this week. His buff is a few days old.