"Genji was so bad before"

more like 4.6k is the same as 4.2k games
and people who scrims and get a pro coach are the same as 4.6k

wanna balance the game off stats ? SURE

go ahead nerf ashe and genji
rein , ana and brig if all of that happen i am fine with genji getting nerfed

Lmao. Their are tier 3 teams who scrim and have pro coaches who are plat my dude.

So not just people who scrim with pro coaches. Just the ones that fit your narrative. In Overwatch league and maybe contenders. That play top 500 with the rest of the world class players.

Also lets be real here private profile.

A meta shift can dumpster these hero’s, and has, multiple times in the past. That’s exactly what happened to Genji. Now he’s been buffed into a broken monster that is working in Meta’s that he shouldn’t be good in. That’s the opposite of balance.

no i mean actual good players
like pro players

Certain heroes are by nature more offensive than others when it comes to popular feelings. Genji absolutely ruins games and doesn’t feel at all fair in a way that Ashe doesn’t. At least she has defined weaknesses and predictable approaches. Genji has neither thing. He’s a textbook “Magical weeb hero gets every advantage and no weaknesses because Better Than You” that pervades certain parts of nerd culture.

He ruins the gameplay experience for literally every other player in the game when he’s this strong. Ashe isn’t diving backlines and shredding tanks as well as support and any DPS back there. Ashe doesn’t have easy-bake escapes or the ability to counter almost anything in the game. And even Ashe doesn’t erase heroes as fast as Genji does.

Genji gets everything and sacrifices nothing for it. Before his buffs he was well-balanced; he could do well for those who were good with him, and was average at best everywhere else. That is the only way a hero with his design can and should exist.

Now he’s just like playing the game on easy mode, as bad or worse as any Reaper or Brig or Moira ever was that these players hypocritically decry. Genji players get every conceivable tool to dictate the pace and flow of their encounters in the game, and it’s still not enough. They still have the audacity to say their guy takes skill or is somehow more countered than anyone else, which is absolute garbage. He’s the least countered hero in the game.


Even before Brig’s release Genji was still relatively mediocre. Tracer was the dominant dive DPS and Widow was a strong pick. You basically only picked Genji when you didn’t have a better Widow of your own and hope that you could kill her before she killed your entire team.

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So many ridiculous whataboutisms in this post.

Why do they all have to be niche and Genji can’t?

Because some heroes are niche and some aren’t. It would be impossible for every hero to be equally as viable (or not)

DVA was far and away the most overpowered must pick of a tank for a very, very long time. Metas shift and change, it’s okay for DVA to not be a must pick for a while. Hog I agree needs some balancing to be more viable.

Lol stop dude. I can make every hero in the game sound easy by dumbing down their playstyle. This is not a genuine argument and you know it.

As a Tracer player myself, again Genji being more viable than X hero right now doesn’t mean there needs to be immediate balancing ASAP. Ebbs and flows in the meta, Genji is currently a meta pick right now. He won’t be forever.

To shift the meta a bit, he did

I love playing Tracer, but I don’t think she “deserves” more buffs than Genji. IMO she’s one of the most balanced heroes in the game. Tons of solid counters, but can also high skill ceiling and can hard carry if you’re real good.

What we can align on is that he is now overtuned. I actually agree with the buffs that he received, as a way to shift the meta for a while. Now it’s time to do some balancing around him and rebalance some other heroes instead. The issue with making very slow, small balance changes (like they used to do) is that once a meta is in place it is REAL hard to change literally anything without a few heroes being OP at any given time. I think it was a smart decision to buff him, it changed the game for a bit. But now sure, let’s maybe buff and nerf some more, down with that for sure.

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By who?

The devs :kissing: back during the beginning of the year. Essentially confirming what overbuff said to at that time. And genji hadn’t moved on overbuff when he was buffed

It was a “fun fact”

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Interesting. Is that like B tier?

No he was like literally in the middle. Number 6 or 7 in GM . The reference was about both genji and soldier doing bad and about like power creep or something

Oh I do remember that now. When they said soldier and genji are both in a good place right? I’d say pre nerfs he was probably b tier and could have taken small buffs to A tier. But in typical overwatch fashion they all or nothing changes sometimes. So he took 3-4 buffs instead.


He needed a couple small buffs, this was way too much… I didn’t think “bolder and faster” balance changes meant to sit around for 6 months before making Genji more broken than Smash Brawl Meta-Knight.

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Depends on how many enemy heroes can easily deny you that value. If Doom, for instance, had needed an Ana to get value, he’d be pure trash. Genji’s kit makes him flexible enough that he was relatively low-tier, but still usable, even without an ideal comp (which, honestly, requires more than just an Ana, largely because Ana herself isn’t perfectly flexible).

In a way, though, that actually meant that Genji saw more frequent ineffective play, because he was still technically usable — and therefore used — even when things were far from optimal for him.

Genji was the same as Sombra yet she got nerfed and reworked.

Funny how he’s at the top and she’s at the bottom


In a perfectly balanced state, the heroes you named are more unfun to play against than Genji. If Genji isn’t able to instagib you as easily anymore, the only unfun thing about him is his mobility. But you can beat that with better aim or simply going a non aim reliant hero. No matter what Genji does, you still are 100% in control of your character. Heroes like Sombra, Mei and to a lesser extent Sym and Doom are able to strip away your ability to play the game. Sure they’re counterable, but a lot of bad things in real life have solutions, right? Also, ‘‘tank buster’’ heroes like Reaper, Mei and Sym are absolute pains for tank players.

So, yeah, the heroes you named should stay underpowered unless Blizzard finds a way to neuter the unfun parts of their kits and buff the more unique parts. Genji, who is a non niche hero, that doesn’t have any CC or inherently unfun mechanics was way too weak before. Remember, he was made to counter hitscan, but was unable too. At most, he maybe needed 1 or 2 buffs, not all 4.

CC isnt the only thing that can be unfun, annoying mobility heroes can be unfun as well, he also feels way easier to “tank bust” tanks since he can hop around barriers, less riskier than no mobility reaper, least thats how I feel in gold tier


he was a throw pick tbh, didn’t want him on my team and when i saw an enemy genji it was free sr. He did no damage and was a literal blade bot.

Now you can actually play him into double shield.

I agree with the majority of this post, but I have to nitpick this. Even if they forgot to flip a few variables, that’s still a bug. I’ve made similar mistakes before while working on a game of my own. One of the singleplayer missions was literally unplayable because I forgot to assign a variable after making some changes, which resulted in runtime errors in the code that was responsible for managing the mission objectives. It’s still a bug. The vast majority of bugs are just developer oversights.

That said, a major difference between the bug you mentioned and the bug I described is the time it took to fix them. I pushed out a hotfix for the issue along with a few additional balance changes before the day was over. Blizzard takes weeks to fix trivial issues.

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Genji was bad before.

Other heroes being bad doesn’t mean another hero isn’t bad.

You thinking Tracer takes more skill from Genji doesn’t change the fact that Genji was bad.

Is Genji overtuned from his buffs now ? Yes. I think they should first revert his damage buff and see if he cools down a bit. The other elephant in the room is Nano which I think should be slightly nerfed to open up counter play.

After the buff, I played Genji myself and got gold at everything except for healing. I didn’t play OW since because I knew how broken he was.

I heard he was going to get patched, so I played him yesterday – got gold at everything again except for healing. All the games are in casual QP Classic. And, btw, I’m a tank main.

Genji is easy to play, the only thing remotely hard is his blade, and he’s still broken as of yesterday.