Nah. Not really. Pretty sure the general consensus was that he was a mid tier pick, which is fine. Also even if he was, so? What about Sombra, Symmetra, Mei, Torbjorn (kinda), Bastion, Reaper, and even echo at the moment. “Oh those dps characters are just niche heroes” So? Why do they all have to be niche and Genji can’t?
What about What about Roadhog? If any role is going to be the one that has a character get 4 huge buffs, why not tanks? Tank player numbers are dwindling, and are just ult fodder right now. Why can’t they get a ton of buffs and be, if not overpowered, at the very least viable with/against a decent amount of comps?
“Oh but Genji takes so much more skill than any other character” I know dude. It’s so hard to spam the space bar and right click. You only have a mobility move that damages people and resets when anyone you touch dies, 2 seconds of basically immortality against most people in the front (that you can cancel anytime you want), a shotgun, a mid-long range left click that can deal with torb turrets ez. The ability to climb walls and double jump, and a really good damage ultimate that pairs well with a ton of other ults in the game. It must be so hard for you.
Meanwhile, Tracer, who is another flanker character. Has a much smaller mobility move (while having 3 charges on a 3 second cooldown), no vertical mobility (the most she has is teleporting from highground to highground, the ability to reset herself 3 seconds, a left click that can be really unreliable if you’re not up in the enemies’ faces, and an ult that is hard to use and is hard to pair with things that aren’t grav, and is barely easier to get than Genji’s ult. She has to manage cooldowns much more than Genji does. She also has a lower pickrate (across all ranks on PC) than 11 other DPS characters (5th lowest pickrate in dps), and a negative winrate in every rank except diamond and gm.
I would argue that she is harder to play than Genji is and that Genji’s kit is much more forgiving than hers, but she definitely shouldn’t get 4 buffs at once. No character should get 4 buffs at once, it’s crazy. Everyone would have been much more open to buffing Genji if you introduced the buffs slower, now a lot of people in the community have the opinion that Genji is just a low-skill spam character that people abuse to get wins.
As a side thing, Blizzard was so excited to buff Genji to insane levels for OWL play they forgot to think about how the changes would affect him and the rest of the game. I don’t think Blizzard wanted Genji to be able to ult as often as he can now. Also I saw in the patch notes that they fixed a “bug” where Genji’s deflect sound effect didn’t last as long as deflect. Blizzard, be honest, that wasn’t a bug, you just forgot to change the sound effect and didn’t realize/waited 2 weeks to fix it.
Tldr: Genji didn’t really need that many buffs, if any at all, Tracer is harder and “deserves” more buffs than him (but she doesn’t need it at all) There’s many characters who should have been buffed instead. Blizzard got overexcited and didn’t think before they acted and now many people in the community are permanently turned off to ever buffing Genji in any way in the future