He wasn’t bad, he’s a popular middle of the pack hero that’s hard to balance because like Tracer, Genji has a lot escapes that allows him to operate near health packs with minimal/no support. Buff him too much, and he’s a solo carry monster, which is why prior to the buffs, the word around pro-circles is that the buff he needs is just a slight shuriken buff.
Other Genji streamers had other opinions, though – they wanted dash-fan-melee to be faster since that action sequence used to have more animation cancels. The compromise Blizzard came up – tightening up the fan of blades and slightly increasing its firing rate – is, imho, the worst. It’s even better than a Reaper left click – if they don’t remove the buff to Genji’s RMB, might as well remove Reaper from the game.