"Genji was so bad before"

He wasn’t bad, he’s a popular middle of the pack hero that’s hard to balance because like Tracer, Genji has a lot escapes that allows him to operate near health packs with minimal/no support. Buff him too much, and he’s a solo carry monster, which is why prior to the buffs, the word around pro-circles is that the buff he needs is just a slight shuriken buff.

Other Genji streamers had other opinions, though – they wanted dash-fan-melee to be faster since that action sequence used to have more animation cancels. The compromise Blizzard came up – tightening up the fan of blades and slightly increasing its firing rate – is, imho, the worst. It’s even better than a Reaper left click – if they don’t remove the buff to Genji’s RMB, might as well remove Reaper from the game.

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you hit the point right there. the honest truth is that genji is a hero that fits third person shooter style games and not an fps game, he should never have been introduced to the game. not many people know that, but blizzard’s original design of genji was him running around with his katana all the time, they made it his ult when they realized it was too powerful. not to worry tough, blizzard will nerf him soon enough.

At least you tried him out before calling nerf this and nerf that. And naked blade is hard, it’s not an auto win button like everyone here likes to believe.