Genji Sucks Now

Thats Symmetra, not Genji.

Stop proyecting the issues of other heroes into Genji. If he was only strong when he has a whole team pocketing him, he couldnt be the most picked dps on most of ladder, MUCH LESS the lower half.


He doesnā€™t suck, he just feels like garbage to play because they nerfed his recovery speed.


Gawd can you weebs stop your melodrama for a week actual bigger things are going on, let people discuss about that give us space after that you have one whole year to whine how a net buff overall still nerfed your hero.


Read instead of arguing it was not close to a net buff


Basic math shows it is.

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The post your math and prove me wrong


Right as she gets nuked out of the game. Feels bad.


See thats what i meant anything can kill brig right now just like basically anything can kill genji during teamfight


I dont care they nerfed his damage and literally buffed roadhog in the same patch, just dont reduce the right click attack speed please. As a casual, its really hard to play with genji right now. A flanker with reduced attack speed. Playing genji flaking feels like throwing the game rn


nah git gud bro hes back to being a blade bot people are gunna cry if they get outplayed so just adapt and overcome man


What else are you suppose to do? Sit there and not be able to voice your opinion? Even if it is a waste of their time, they still should feel free to make a forum post, hence the name of the pageā€¦ a forum.


Stop wanting Genji to be braindead. Thats what a lot of these discussions are made for - to want their hero braindead noob-mode. Let the meta come down to his level. While weā€™re at it, lets revert Mcree and Ashe and make OW better for everyone.

^ this


McCree has had and still has the lowest winrate across the board and it was never changed, so let me just tell you what everyone else said to me when I pointed that out

ā€œheā€™s fine lolā€

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Honestly nearly every hero has something major wrong that needs to be fixed with the exception of maybe rein, zarya, and Anna

to be honest. I wouldnt mind anything in the buffed genji only if they didnt give him deflect cancel.

just completly removes the counterplay against him

Valid point but i feel like their are better ways to get counter play like a penalty for canceling like a longer cool down

dude i am even okay with him having deflect cancel how it is now. But for the love of god just add a simple sound queue which is as distinict as the deflect start up sound so I can actually react to it

Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again,
Genji needs a small delay after canceling deflect so he wouldnā€™t get a free shot (0.25s delay- that way it doesnā€™t feel bad to use and doesnā€™t feel bad to be against)
Also add a more obvious sound.
After that genji can actually get some meaningful buffs without people crying about him having too much without counter play.

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besides his fire rate he is pretty ok to play. He obviously doesnt feel that strong anymore because of the powercreep, and buffing dps heroes will only make it worse. They need to nerf tanks, supports and dps heroes at the same time

I agree, the problem I have is more about his blade being really strong and his base kit being weak, overall he is balanced, but it would be nice if we could powershift some of the power of his ult into his mid fight.

Iā€™d say nerf nanoblade and his ult cost, and buff his base damage and some other small things

Iā€™ve made a post not to long ago about changes to genji
Here it is in case you want to read.