Look as a genji main when i heard he was gonna get buffs I was so happy.
But lets be real blizzard messed up with those buffs, everything except deflect cancel made him way too op. The buff to his Shurikins was nice but it made him get his ult WAY TOO FAST and the second buff was just dumb personally having every game be 2 genji’s was annoying even if I was one of them!
Now Genji has a ok pick rate but has a win rate of less than 50% which should be a big deal!
Current Problems
He still gets his alt to fast with the spread decrease he feels to much like a hit scan imo especially in the heat of the moment.
I love genji because im bad at his scan and have severe carpel tunnel and his fast pace play style mixed with a aim margin of error was great for me!
He currently can do anything during the mid fight unless his healers are heavily supporting him and the tanks are keeping enemies spread out.
Basically it requires the entire team to play around a character who is designed to be off on their own. IRRONIC!!!
Also he still gets his alt a little to quickly. Personally I like how powerful it is but it should be less frequent to compensate. The fact that Anna’s ult charges exactly at the same rate as genji is also just begging for a problem too!
And lastly the biggest problem with genji! Reverting the animation delay for secondary fire. This is what has currently killed genji in most circumstances.
He cant respond quick enough to keep up while being in the back line. He just dies unless genji picks a reaper like lurker play style. Which if you gonna play like that why not pick reaper he can do way more than just waiting around a corner for an enemy to walk around with low health.
The animation delay also prevents genji from being able to confirm the kill with dash+secondary+melee quick enough to get the dash reset to escape. 90% of the time a tank destroyers you or a healer saves the person your attack before you get the kill. Either way you end up dead in the back line and useless during the fight unless you have ur ult.
IMO genji was overall balanced in the right direction before they buffed him.
The spread was better before.
The animation speed was better before
And the damage was maybe a bit low but it was ultmatly fine.
So what would I do
I would revert the spread decrease back to where it was before
I would increase the animition spread back to where it was after it was buffed 6 months ago
And I would increase the shurikin damage a bit while reducing the ult charge rate by 20%
And honestly maybe he doesn’t need the extra damage but he needs everything else. The complaints about genji’s power before the buffs I truly believe wasn’t actually because genji was overpowered but because the characters he can punish were either too weak, buffed/nerfed incorrectly/ or they were way out of position and didn’t realize.
Ultimately the game felt way nicer 2/3 months and today the game feels really bad it so hitscan focused in most comp games and that shouldn’t be the only type of dps thats why i loved genji!
Blizzard please listen to your community even if you disagree throw up a quick experimental card or communicate about your opinions of each character but do something please!
Farming his ult is the problem and killing brig isn’t a genji problem its a brig is afwul now problem genji shouldn’t just be valuable for his ult thats like if the only thing good about ríen was his shatter and he couldn’t do anything else
Winrate alone is not a measure of balance state, combine that with the fact the is the most picked dps at all ranks and you get why he is maybe being picked by way too many people to have a winrate above 50%.
The truth is that the Genji nerfs were rather minimal to a hero who never needed any buff in the first place. He is still a top 2 dps hero regardless of your personal experience.
And other heroes have been at the bottom of the ladder for months if not years.
Before the buffs - Genji was a solid pick in every rank except GM. Again, I really don’t understand how y’all can sit here and complain that his winrate has gone into the negatives for LESS than a month whilst other heroes have been at the bottom of every rank for months with varying win rates. It’s not fair
Because as you said HE WAS. Great before the buffs they took a playable character and destroyed him i have so much sympathy for people who dont have good characters but their can be 2 problems at a time
Can you right something random so i can respond to multiple people
He is the most picked dps in plat with a 50% winrate.[quote=“Ranulf-1999, post:19, topic:540142”]
Stop scapegoating your failures as a player on a hero that is factually a top tier hero, its embarassing.
He is a top tier hero if his entire team player around him like in OWL
Ranked is not that even if you get a genji centric team your idea of a well balanced characters is a flanker dps that has to be supported by his team like he’s a tank!?
I dont know how you all Genji mains see a top 2 dps hero at all ranks and think ‘‘yeah he was DESTROYED!!!’’ when less favored dps heroes get completly destroyed for becoming slightly usable, like Sym.
Stop scapegoating your failures as a player on a hero that is factually a top tier hero, its embarassing.
He is a top tier hero if his entire team player around him like in OWL
Ranked is not that even if you get a genji centric team your idea of a well balanced characters is a flanker dps that has to be supported by his team like he’s a tank?!