Genji is overnerfed

Genji is not overnerfed. In fact I’d say he never even needed deflect buffs in the first place. He just needed tighter spread and maybe slightly more damage.

The real issue is the power creep that made him trash.

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So the third most picked hero in the game with one of the highest win rates? That’s not a good thing, it means he needs more nerfs.

Thank you.

Let’s revert some of the DPS buffs (Mccree fire rate, Reaper lifesteal, Junk/Pharah damage boost, etc etc) and try to make the game balanced for all roles again.

But that’s boring right? Who wouldn’t want to see 1 DPS player 6K’ing everyone.

June Patch Notes



  • Damage increased from 28 to 30

Secondary Fire

  • Spread reduced from 12 to 9


  • Duration increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds
  • Can now be cancelled manually

July Patch Notes


  • Damage decreased from 30 to 28

Secondary Fire

  • Recovery increased from 0.65 to 0.75

Like Brigitte, I don’t think we’ll know his true state until double shield ends. Double shield just counters and weakens SO MANY heroes that I don’t trust the power stats of any heroes actually usable in it. They get overinflated.

It was a revert.

And if this is an “overnerf”, Bastion, Sym, Sombra say hi.

Can’t you accept that you have net buffs and you’re still good? Or lemme guess, Genji’s nerfed and it’s the end of the world, amirite?

Unbelievable. I can’t tell if this is hilarious or stupid. Probably both to be safe.


Like he kept his spread buff and deflect changes…only nerf he got was the recovery.

No, he’s not.

Don’t forget, it’s also a firerate revert. His firerate was buffed sometime.

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Dont you know genji mains are the new mercy mains now?

Back then most genji main are roasting mercy mains for being dramatic and overeactive! Oh how the tables have turned! Such deliscious irony!

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Genji was statistically very strong before the buffs, and is now stronger than he was at that point even after the reverts. In all likelihood, he will need more nerfs.

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Genji is fine. You clearly don’t know what over nerfed means - look at Mei.

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u still have brig and moira cancer strong heroes, genji not cancer and not strog unlucky

I trying! really)

Part of me wants Genji to actually get nerfed to Bastion, Sym or Sombra tier just so you can see how ridiculous you sound. Genji is far from trash tier.

hmmm no dude he near them he near bastion and sym in OWL, in mm he always had good pickrate cuz he fun, but in OWL Sym 1.7% pickrate, Genji 0.7% bastion 0.00%
ridiculous ur understanding of game balance


If you say so.

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The nerfs didn’t address the big power increase from landing easier headshots with cleave. It just nerfed his overall damage from further ranges a bit (6 damage if you hit each shot) and made his right click slower.

4/6 buffs stayed is not a nerf. 6/6 should be reverted, then additional nef should come, to be considered as a “nerf”

laughs in indian

symmetra : first time?

Not fair cuz this pickrate after buffs and we talking about Genji after nerfs