Genji is overnerfed

Genji stats now like before buffs: spread instead recovery doing nothing. Recovery without spread - did nothing.
Genji before buffs was like who? Right - trash, and even Genji haters said he trash. And now he trash like was!!!


He is still much stronger than before he got his buffs. You still have a better reflect and you can still blow up squishies with the more consistent spread. He was average before the buffs so this seems fine to me. There are still like 80% more dps heroes that are more “trash” than Genji.


Genji is far from overnerfed


what language is this

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He is still broken. These nerfs don’t really change much besides impact those who can’t aim and just spam more frequently. What he needs is his spread buff reverted.


Yo, time to “adapt and overcome” like every Genju main told Brig and Moira mains when they were hit with nerfs


If i saw it right, devs want to increase DPS overall… so this would be again a “huge” genji buff, making him reaper at close range agane

ok let’s call it how he is

he was average before, then became a must pick or lose hero (within 1% of brigs current pickrate, and genji has double the competition)

he is still net buffed from - ammo buff, deflect buffs, spread buff

and yet somehow you guys think that he was worse than ever before


I would rather they reverted the spread over decreasing rmb rate of fire.


Genji is overnerfed despite being 3 buffs better than he was 2 months ago. His fire rate has been like this for 4 years, you only had that buff for 2 months jesus christ and it was just one of the 5 buffs he got in the last 2 months so he is 3 buffs better than what he was before, which is a MID TIER DPS.

U need to adapt like u all said to healers :wink:


Still a net buff. 2 buffs with 2 reverted buffs.

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This guys is not “Trash” unless you imagine he’s supposed to be front-line fighter… .he’s a flanker

His skill floor was just higher than the dime store Genji players could handle…

Ooh yes that really hurts me. What a BURN. I am heartbroken now!

Feel free to flag this guy if anyone cares about CoC.

Moderator: Edited to remove quote, which contained violations of the code of conduct.


It’s not a nerf. Just partial reverts. You don’t need an OP character to get kill :slight_smile:

Tell you what. Let’s buff him if, statistically, he is worse than, I dunno, Symmetra in high rank.

It made his shurikens work better in mid-range. That’s something. It made it more consistent at that range.


This is why no one takes Genji mains seriously at this point. Anything less than godlike and he’s “trash”.

The nerfs were needed.

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Hmmmm. No…10 charrr

What??? English. Learn it, love it, speak it!