Genji is factually overpowered

Well that’s not true anymore

Yes before his buffs

But now Genji has higher winrates than Moira from Bronze upwards

So either Genji’s skill floor is lower and he’s easier, or Moira is VERY underpowered

I don’t get why in every discussion about overpowerd characters the “Mercy needs no skill” argument comes. Moth was bad and got nerfed.

Genji is overtuned -> 20-25% higher ult charge would help there, remove deflect cancel or reduce the time back to 1,5 seconds (I would prefer the first one tho but that’s my opinion).

His pickrate is at 8% which IS a bad sign (compared to 16 DPS heros). We don’t need an other Moth like meta, where one hero sucks the fun out of the game for everyone else, just because his kit carries a big part (before you cry YES you need also mechanical skill)

leave my deflect cancel alone or i’ll hunt you down.

Genzi has a combination of skills, high mobility, a large set of passive skills (most characters have none at all), strongest ult in game.
To balance such a character, Genji should have done low damage, now the damage is high and the Genzi is overpowered. It’s like flying reaper with rockets.

Genji with real sharpened shurikens and katana and you with a bamboo stick.

Sorry Mate… you lost me at the “strongest ult in game” part… Nice troll post.

then I quit…

The fact is that his numbers in win and pickrate don’t lie. As well as the numbers in damage he does. So yes, he is overtuned.

The Fact is Genji received too much utility and that’s why got slightly overtuned. Even if we would increase ult charge needed by 15 to 20% and revert deflect back to 1.5s still having the deflect cancel…
People would still cry over “his right click is too powerful…” or “its a tank busting reaper…”

Most of the people crying right now won’t be satisfied until Genji is back to the low impact state he was. They just don’t want to be annoyed by him.

If you actually watched the threads … 99% of Genji Mains are willingly to get a slight nerf while most people just cry that he is OPAF and want all his nerfs to be removed again…

None of the things you wrote are facts. Try again.

or maybe y’all stop crying about his obvious overtuning and give constructice critic how to fix it while leaving him in a good state (NO HE WASNT BEFORE) other than “just revert all of his buffs”

Yes, he was. So yes, just revert his changes.

So thats why Genji got picked so much before his buffs and all OWL Teams played Genji… He had really low impact compared to the other DPS heroes played right now unless you are a god player.

Yes. That is kinda the thing for high skill high reward heroes. If you’re bad on him, you won’t get much out of him.

Yes he was.

They’re playing with us, and always have been.

It’s been four years of ridiculous balance and matchmaking, and noone has woken up to this already?

Genku has always been low risk, high reward. Why do people insist on pointing out his non existent skill requirement ? He does not care about positioning because he can get away easily - as opposed to non mobile heroes like Brigitte that has to think in advance of where they are heading in order to not end up sitting ducks while still maintaining easy access to her own team for heals.

High risk, low reward is what you meant, atleast before the buffs. Brig has almost always been low risk and high reward.

Who is high risk low reward?

No, I mean low risk, high reward. It’s quite unfortunate that people don’t see it like it is. It’s rather obvious once you look at it objectively as described in the post above.

Then I’ve misunderstood, because in my book genji has always been high risk low reward until this buff (to make his kit better outside of blade). But this buff made him slightly overtuned. A character with arguably one of the highest skill floor and ceiling.
However before he was quite undertuned and was not good compared to the other DPS you could choose from.