Genji is factually overpowered

hes kind of that hero who hard to balance, if he get back to where he used to be no one will play him again, he hasn’t been in meta since years so. and i think they should buff symmetra and bastion and nerf torb’s turret.

Hanzo - fine
Tracer - really good
Reaper - useless in gm, idk about other roles
Winston - trash but still better than Feed.Va
Soldier - fine
Mcree - REALLY good
Torbjorn - really good
Zenyatta - literally useless do not pick
Pharah - fine although I preferred her with less splash damage
Junkrat - fine just his damage output is the same as Ashe so why not pick Ashe?
Zarya - fine, just trash in this meta
Mercy - fine just really boring
Lucio - struggling, and useless in this meta, unless you have a Rein.

That’s from a gm perspective at least

It’s entirely on purpose that they’re not introducing an ult charge nerf at this point. There’s no question he needs it with his increased reliability and damage outside ult. They’re just sitting on their hands for OWL, no doubt in my mind.

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Noone from masters and above. He was quite frequent pick in mid and low elos. But hey we never fallowed meta. It just don’t work since coordination and commmunication are… Almost non existant

He should be dropped into the 150hp category with Tracer. He has great damage, insane mobility, and now he has control over his 2-second deflect.

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Not related to this post, but how about Doomfist?
I’m low diamond DF otp and I feel like he’s useless, throwing and feeding are the way to go with him atm.

I don’t think you understand what win rates tell you.
*High win rate and high pick rate will only really happen in GM, because lower ranks the person just moves up (can’t go up from GM) till they balance out. In GM a high pick and high win means the hero is over preforming.
*High pick rate, low win rate means people are picking a hero for a specific reason (like trying to counter pick) and they are not as effective on the hero and so don’t do as well.
*Low pick, high win tells you the hero is generally not effective (which is why people don’t often play it), but in specific niche cases it is really good. So, it gets used there and wins. But generally only in those niche situations.
*Low pick, low win. This is just a generally ineffective hero.

McCree is often seen as and used as a ‘counter’ for a number of heroes. So, you expect people not as practiced on him to use him now and then for that. And being less practiced, they are less likely to get the rank value. So, you fully expect the lower win rate, even on a above average strength hero.

Genji on the other hand is just over preforming in every rank and with every metric. So, OP.

He was the 3rd highest picked hero before the buffs. So, that is hardly “no one.”

Fixed it for you.

Also, not the ‘meta best’ is hardly evidence of being weak. He has always been an above average pick.

He only dropped below #3 in GM. And even then he was above the median %, and still a solid pick.

Which is the difference between GM and below GM. GM needs synergy and team work. Genji doesn’t add much to team work. He is very much on ‘off on his own’ hero. Which lowers his value in GM, but not elsewhere. Which is why he was only a decent pick in GM before and not the top tier he was everywhere else (again, before the buffs.) Now he is basically a must pick everywhere because he is so broken OP.

DF is a different case. DF is either OP as hell or a bit too weak depending on enemy comp. DF is bigger, with less evasion (and no deflect) making him more susceptible to CC. DF has so much damage and survivability that if there is no CC on the other side he is near unstoppable. He can basically do whatever he wants. But, add a couple heroes with CC on the other team and he can struggle to get much done. It is definitely a balance issue that should be addressed, but it is not nearly as oppressive as Genji is atm.


tbh I dont think we are at the stage where mercy was

But we’re getting close. You also need to factor in that there are less supports than dps heroes, so Mercy had less competition. No other dps ever reached 8% pickrate and surpassed even Reinhardt.


eh well we will see because im sure a riot will happen if it ever gets that high and it will not just be supports or tanks, im sure some dps will also jump in because i have seen quite a few players annoyed because of him and blade

Doomfist is an OMEGALUL pick right now. Still good if you’re a god with him though.

It’s so hilarious how people try to defend something blatantly OP, with evidence to prove it as such. Really hate how people think their feelings hold as much weight as facts, because in reality they don’t.

When you need to have x hero on your team to have a chance at winning there’s kind of a problem here.

Symmetra has had winrates around 60% since her launch up until her rework nerfs. Many other more niche heroes maintain high winrates too because for the most part only people playing them are mains/ onetricks like Violet on Brig.

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In every single Competitive game I play, there is a Genji. The entire game comes down to which Genji is the best and being pocketed the most. It also depend a lot on the map.

From my games, the pickrate of Genji has been 100%.

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I don’t believe this, but I would sure love to see it.

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complete cluster fk of a mistake on him, its clear to me the dev team is on weed 24/7


Mcree can literally shot 3 times on a stunned target and he shoots so fast that can kill people extremely easy when they aren’t covered by a shield.

And you want more buffs?
joke of the month.

They all wanted to scream for dive with their rose shaded goggles. Shocking how when they got what they wanted it’s just as boring as any other meta. OW did not need a e sports league. It needed to find it’s identity, but the devs have gone out of their way to make it worse every change. We need an entirely new team, I mean I can’t imagine how many resources are wasted because the devs just hit the wheel of bad choices randomly. Riot has had questionable choices without a doubt, but their playerbase can negate this by A having a hero roster big enough that bans actually work. B having the ability to build against their enemy team. OW the players are just stuck with devs who know about as much as the pros which is not much at all.

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Counter-picking later in a match doesn’t affect winrate much because there’s less playtime. The majority of the playtime on McCree is people just picking him from the start or close to the start. And they’re just not being effective on average, at all. McCree is fun to play. He can be decent if you’re REALLY good, but otherwise, he’s mediocre in the median range of people’s skill even at GM.

Switches happen really fast in a lot of cases. My experience is that most of the time they happen after the first or second fight or they don’t happen. So, he still ends up with the higher play time.

The match making system forces players towards a 50/50 (if they win more the go up till they are equal, lose more they go down till they are equal.) The only exceptions are the top and bottom ranks. So, outside the very highest and very lowest a win rate deviating from 50/50 by much indicates something else going on.

And so, with a less than 50% win rate, you are seeing people who don’t normally play that hero playing it and not doing as well. This can be because they are trying a hero that is considered OP, but is not real easy to get value from. But that tends to be a short lived effect on win rate as it tends to sort it out. Either players will stop playing the hero as they are not getting the benefit, or they will skill up on the hero and match their level. The other reason is counter picking. Example, if a Junkrat player goes into a match and is faced with Genji/Pharah he will have a better chance just switching, even if he is less skilled on the other hero. So, he might switch to McCree. But he wont be as good, so wont get his ranks value. So, maybe his win rates in those kind of situations are only 40%, likely still better than just staying on Junkrat, but it does artificially deflate the win rate of McCree.

In short, counter picking does happen. And for some heroes you know you have to switch right away, so most of the play time for that match ends up on the counter hero. And, McCree is one of the top go-to for a counter to a number of heroes. So, you will expect him to be picked that way.

That is kind of the thing. If people are playing him regularly they will end up at a rank where the value he gives is equal to the enemy. It is only people that irregularly play him that adjust the win rate. (Outside of GM anyway.)

Genji, who competes with 16 other hero’s in his role, almost has the same pick rate as the meta tank and meta support, who compete with 7 and 6 hero’s respectfully. That’s actually insane.