Genji is factually overpowered

That’s not true either she has a higher pickrate in silver and bronze

whoever tweaked genji should find a new job

obviously they don’t play overwatch at all


You know that there are less supports.

So the chance to have a Moira is way higher than a genji


Nerf ult rate, and revert either the shotgun right click, or the damage increase.

Jesus what was blizzard thinking? Were they even thinking? Seems questionable.


I think his case will be identical to his brother after rework. Leap, fan the bow and almost hitscan projectiles made him strongest pick across all ranks. And he was allowed to be kept in that state for months with nerfs like “remove one arrow from fan the bow”. Untill i think almost a year when they reverted projectile speed.

I think here will be similar


I mean I don’t disagree with you that Genji is more due for nerfs than Moira. People seem to think that supports should be free kills with no way to defend themselves and that’s not how it should be. But you can’t just put out those stats if they’re not accurate

17 dps.
7 supports.

8 % Moira pick rate.
4 % genji pick rate.

Genji gets picked more


Who are we kidding, blizzard wants genji in OWL. If anything they will give him more buffs and hobble his counters.


Yeah I guess there are more DPS players than supports. Fair enough. You have proved me wrong

Of course they do. Genji has always been a fan favorite so I’m sure that was a factor. I don’t think they’ll give him more buffs. If they do they’ll just have to nerf him into the ground right after

It will be interesting if he ends up like Hanzo. They nerfed the wrong thing about Hanzo but finally buffed storm arrow which was the wrong thing to buff.

Hanzo’s kit is good and changed his hard counter match up with tanks to softer counter.

I would have them rather revert his primary fire and change or nerf the cooldowns so he doesn’t have easy spacing resets. Oh well.

With Genji they should have adjusted his ult charge weeks ago. They always forget about the ult charge with hero changes. That’s what dumbed down Junkrat, Baptiste, and other heroes on their buff re-release.


Pros can’t even stop Genji. Only way is with another Genji and its about who gets blade first.

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i tried playing genji in QP and I don’t even play genji

would get an ult charge every 20-30s just by holding right click on the enemy team/tanks without paying much attention to aim

I think his right click is OP as well… it’s like no aim required now and does way too much damage

30 shurikens is excessive

and on top of all that garbage he has dash and deflect??? wtf

lets compare DPS heroes:
amount of damage tracer can do without reloading ~200-300
amount of damage genji can do without reloading ~3000

makes a lot of sense


Agreed. I think they will nerf his ult charge but they making more changes to other heros and then release it as package in few weeks. My bet would be Summer Games patch.

I think problem is his shotgun secondary. As Gengu you are so mobile it is easy to get on top of your enemy and aiming up is harder than down so he doing flips, dashes and deflects just make it waaay harder to deal with him.

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Genji is at 59%. soooooo yeah


It’s super frustrating that he only reason they buffed genji was to make OWL more fun to watch like it’s just so stupid for normal players who have genji dominating and it really has come to the point were if the enemy have a genji and your team dont its a GG

And the argument is “well you’re team could switch to genji lol” but then thats the definition of broken must pick. you HAVE to pick them to win and that goes beyond meta

Genji is so unbalanced right now and needs nerfs because he’s too strong in the neutral now AND his ult is super strong too


Wow didnt even realize he broke the 8% pickrate mark as a dps and even surpassed Rein as the third most picked hero overall in the game. Looks balanced. lmao


I know the cool kids keep hating on brig. Sometimes it helps to use the own head.

no he wasn’t lol, only necros who was playing that hero.

the biggest lie the forums have tried to push LMFAOO

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