Genji is factually overpowered

Brig A. Wasn’t a niche hero since she was the 3rd most picked healer in GM for 6 months and B. Was insanely strong due to her armor packs being able to bring a hero like tracer to 300 health. Anyone who actually thought brig was fine and didn’t need nerfs just doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

Honesty the dev team is so out of touch that I’m extremely concerned for overwatch 2 because this game has some of the worst balancing I’ve ever seen

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That is objectively false. When Brig was dominating the game she had around 13-14% pick rate with absurd winrate. Genji barely peaks over 8% right now.


It was like this 2 weeks ago too. We have been given enough time for his monthly stat to be updated. You can check there on GM and see that its as much as you guys are making it out to be.

Yes it did. Mercy meta was a thing.


Genji being strong is fine.
Genji’s counters being nerfed to oblivion is not.

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super exaggeration lmao. just take the cringe deflect changes.

Right click to head + Shift is instakill on squishy characters. Ultimate gets charged extremely fast. The character was strong even before the buffs.


The word “factually” brings back some dark memories here on the forums…

The least they can do is the ult charge increase. Even if they want their owl Genji being op gives us that minimum.

Fact, the only question remains is how much torment do we have to endure on ladder until the devs realise this.

He is as broken as widowmakers scoped. Overwatch crew is just incapable of fixing their mess they created with these two heros. Hanzo and doom are the addition to the dps cancer we have.

Mercy got nerfed and reworked after ppl said “unfun to play against”
but these are no arguments against our loved DPS heros

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Mercy wasn’t nerfed because she was unfun to play against, she was nerfed because she was insanely broken. She had an almost 100% pickrate in Overwatch league while being easier to play

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The original rework for mercy was because mass rez was unfun to play against despite actually being pretty balanced.
Most of the ones after was because she was an OP mess yes.

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I mean, Genji buffs made it so the Washington Justice looked almost competitive against the San Francisco Shock :laughing:

Mass rez wasn’t balanced, it completely reverted a team kill and was by far the best Ultimate in the game, and that doesn’t have a place in a competitive game

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stats wise she was balanced. Edit: I’m not even going to argue the power of her ult. She wasn’t OP until after her rework.


This better be good. Anytime I see people using “Factually” in their post title it is bound to get heated.

Grabs some soul soda and dark chocolate popcorn. :popcorn: :tropical_drink:

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You don’t have to argue, but if you think reverting a team wipe is something that should be in a competitive shooter then this is the wrong game

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I’m not arguing this. She was balanced and the rework made her not so.

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dark chocolate? i see we have another fine gentlemen in this forum

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