Genji is below orisa and bastion in GM

No. She doesn’t need to be strong.

She isn’t weak.

The tank “meta” is dictated mostly by what supports are in fashion. If it is Lucio Bap… You go Rein w/ D.Va or Zarya.

That doesn’t mean other tanks are weaker, just means that those ones synergise better.

Double shield was a strong comp because Bap Brig enabled it.

When they got rid of Brigs over armour the support line changed and people started playing with double off tank, or Ball D.Va with Brig and Zen.

Mercy being popular means nothing to me, I’d rather play the game. Popularity is irrelevant when looking at team comps. Mercy doesn’t synergise that well with the other supports, that is why she isn’t seen in many of the meta/pro comps, unless they run something random to try break it. Shanghai running Pharah for a map this weekend for example.

So you admit that this was a lie.

Took you long enough.

That is just wrong. Like you couldn’t get more wrong if you tried. Seriously try and see if you can. First of all, supports only sustain the meta, the tanks make it, you pick supports based on which can better sustain the current tank comp, not the other way around. How do you get it so backwards. Not to mention Orisa and Bap have amazing synergy so even if I conceded to you that supports dictate the tank meta, that still leaves you WRONG.

Yes and before Bap Brig, it was enabled by Bap/Ana and Zen and before them it was enabled by Moira/Lucio. Almost like you have no idea what you’re talking about and are just shooting random words hoping it will make sense. This also proves your previous point wrong as Orisa and Sigma used every non mercy support in game to sustain themselves instead of them changing based on the support comp. This has always been the case in every meta.

The support line didn’t change when they got rid of overarmor. Brig stayed in double barrier until it was dismantled by pull and sigma shield nerfs and giga hog appeared.

He says as he used the popularity argument to rationalize Orisa not being picked despite allegedly being strong. You’re literally contradicting yourself at this point.


This is pointless as you clearly have no ability to analyse the game.

Supports have always dictated the meta, that is just how it works.

The support line did change with over armour. It went from Brig Bap to Brig Zen.

Double shield didn’t become a thing till Sig and role que arrived. Before that it was GOATS, then the Sombra version because Brig Lucio Zen dictated that.

And right now it is either Lucio Bap or Brig Ana. Watching contenders right now, one team attacking with Brig Ana in double bubble, other defending with Lucio Bap rush.

Anyways I am done here, you aren’t really getting anywhere. I shall mute you so I won’t know if you reply.

(you referred to the Hog mistake… of course people were going to abuse a clearly OP hero, just like they did with the short lived Genji meta… when someone is clearly that OP rules go out the window)

Anyways. Enjoy your games, probably in silver on Orissa.


Remember when apparently Genji was the problem? And now look at his fellow flanker who apparently was completely balanced…

Which again is why double barrier used 2 of the same tanks but 6 different supports. Clearly the 6 supports were making those 2 tanks stay in place.

Brig Zen was a niche dive comp on the pro scene but it was no way long lasting or dominating. The meta went back to Bap Brig double barrier in literally 10 days.

And Moira, and Ana and Baptiste. GOATs used all of these supports at one point or another so I can totally see how 6 supports dictated that meta.

Got it, have fun being an ignorant child that can’t admit when they were wrong.

lol my lowest rank is probably higher than your best.

Bet it is champ. Doesn’t mean you know anything.

(love the private profile btw. coward. lol)

I thought I was muted? You just can’t seem to stop lying. Is it a pathological thing?

Not done it yet. Plus muted still brings up your comments. I just don’t get the notification.

Whats your SR then champ. Although, you can just lie, hiding behind the chump wall.

Oh please do it. I am on the edge of my seat waiting. You’re still replying yet not addressing the points I made, at least you gave up on trying to prove your lies were right.

My SR is three thousand and none of your business. I brought it up cuz you called me a silver Orisa main. I don’t mind being taught the games theory by a bronze player if he actually has facts, proof or makes sense. You fit none of the criteria.

Looool ok champ. You believe that.

I don’t need to believe. I have actual proof. Is muting me such a long process?

Bastion, Orisa and Symmetra. Jeff, what have you done to overwatch? Heroes that dont deserve to be playable have higher pickrate than Genji, the superior of hero roster, he should be in EVERY META, no matter if its double shield, deathball, goats or bayblade

lol what i just said he needs to be stronger i never said i want him meta, thats the last thing id want to see.

29 dmg shurikens won’t make him meta :skull:

I wouldn’t mind see him doing a tiny bit more damage in neutral fights (maybe with dmg fall off so he can’t just spam from halfway across the map.

Might need the ult generation reduced though. Which is where they fluffed it last time. Upped dmg and forgot about the ult charge.

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Here’s a counterpoint: when people say that Symm, Moira, Doomfist, Bastion, Orisa, Sigma, and Brigitte need buffs, there’s a gaggle of people coming in saying “Yes exactly, you get it!”

When people say that Genji needs help, they immediately get “Genji is fine, stop complaining, you’re probably just bad. What about Symmetra/Orisa/Bastion/Brigitte? They need more help.”

I’m sick of it only mattering when it’s anyone but Genji.


Its not Winston dva, its Winston Zarya since the CC cant be blocked by defense matrix.

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Genji’s pick rate should be below orisa’s.
There are fewer tanks, each with clearly defined roles.


There’s a bit of winston dva I guess but you’re mostly right. Times seem to be changing. Dvas moving towards rein and zaryas moving towards winston.

Thank god. I am sick to death of playing with a rein.


More & More defense matrix by-pass so it makes sense lol

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I’ve tried with Orisa but the balance team has insisted on plugging their ears and pretending we don’t exist. At least with genji they listen