Genji is below orisa and bastion in GM

Anything to make it look like Genji is worse than he actually is…


Why would I do that?
I have had a very vocal hatred for genji over the past few years, and I don’t deny it. Look at my post history if you must.

But surely we can’t deny that genji is in a rough spot right now. Also, Monthly data is gonna have his pickrate skewed because people were trying out the new buff.

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Because it SUCKS playing against genji. You die with hardly any opportunity for counterplay way too often.

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The only thing that absolutely sucks to play against is nano blade. But that’s for another thread and I agree it’s an issue. I can literally just ignore him when I’m playing support, it’s quite sad, tbh.

Firstly, I wish people would stop using Overbuff for their data. That place is about as unreliable as it gets.

I’m just trying to convince people he’s in a rough spot since lots of people use overbuff as the freaking bible around here :skull:

I still think he’s a sub-par hero, and needs a small buff.

It’s just not accurate to watch weekly pickrate on overbuff.

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He is probably about right atm, just using pick rates no matter where you get it from is a bad way to figure out if a hero is good or bad.

Orissa is strong atm… But her pick rate is low because people don’t enjoy playing her.

What? He hasn’t changed.
I agree that certain days can skew data though.

For example, one day made soldiers weekly stats rise to 1%, when usually it’s around 0.5%. I still think he’s sub-par. There’s been no “abnormal” days for genji, however. But either way, monthly pickrate is of course going to be skewed, ONLY this month however, because of the recent buff that genji got. Lots of people like to try out new things obviously.

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lol get rekt gengu




My guess is because he struggles against Rein/Zarya comps

Ok I hate this. They are not gengu mains issues. It’s the same way people always argue and it’s disingenuous. Everybody cares about their hero more than the rest. This is a common fact. None of us are under any obligation to advocate for heroes we do not play, especially if it’s people who don’t even know what changes those heroes would need. Gengu needs help, the data might be unreliable but his general stats over the last months say that he does actually need help.


Not only is she the worst tank in GM, she is the 2nd worst tank in OWL so how is she strong. How unfun is she that people who play for thousands of dollars wont pick her. She sucks dude, you have no idea what you’re talking about.


Just because she was Somewhat used in Overwatch league (she wasn’t even used that much) doesn’t mean she is strong. Overwatch league is a completely different game from Overwatch. And Orisa is literally unplayable for all of us common folk, and even in gm she isn’t doing too hot.

She is still a strong go to on a few maps. If the enemy run double sniper. You play Orissa Sigma into them.

So Junkertown and Havana are her niche.

Like legit Orisa is literally low tier trash. How anyone could think she is “strong” right now is really weird to me.

That… that doesn’t make her strong. Being a niche tank in a lineup on 2 maps is not strong. Again she isn’t used in OWL or GM or anywhere below that so what proof do you have that she is strong?

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Don’t need it. She is in a good place. When the snipers come out she is good.

As a main tank player, Orissa can go away. She is tedious to play. Not quite Mercy levels, but she is booooooring.

(when I play support and someone asks me to play Mercy I always reply with "I’d rather uninstall the game than play Mercy).

In other words it’s a lie you can’t back up.

Subjective, she is incredibly fun for me.

Further proof of the above. She is one of the most popular heroes in game. Clearly your opinions are not proof of anything besides your own bad taste.