Genji has the second lowest winrate and is the 3rd lowest pickrate dps

Tip: debates work more if you have your information right :wink:

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You seriously think it’s about gender you’re actually funny.

And I didnt come at you with wrong I came at you with meathead argument, which is what you showed me.

If people are going to act dumb, let them. At that point you’ve already won the argument. Try to be the bigger person.

I’m not concerned with bigger person stances.

If someones gonna act like a meathead I’m gonna get a kick out of it

How does that solve the problem of him not being broken in lower ranks cause people can’t aim vertical and shoot his deflect. It would just make it worse (in my opinion)

You can stomp with nanoblade easy in mid to low ranks.

Dissolve nanoblade and you get rid of blade bot genjis, which are common in plat below

I mean, it must be something because I don’t see what I did to make you so aggressive.

And you sure did come at me with a meathead opinion, I’ll tell you that.

And unless your talking about another comment, my original comment still stands, Genji’s pickrate and winrate on console isn’t where OP said it was.


Considering you’re still feeding into a half baked attempt to rile you up my job is done.

Lower rank Genji’s get value of blade botting because they can’t use his base kit properly. This would make him harder to play but better where he struggles.

Okay sure, Im probably laughing at this twice as much as you are.

I couldn’t care less, girl.

Proving your lack of maturity I see.

Nah, just proving how gay I am.

No, there are SEVEN heroes in the damage category with lower pickrates than Genji.Even then, Genji’s pickrate isn’t far below the mean pickrate and right on the median pickrate. Genji’s winrate is also median.

Once again, Top down balance does NOT mean “buff and nerf make the top players play all heroes more equally” it means look at what they do when they do play the hero. That means recognising the power of nanoblade even if it’s not common in bronze.


Onetricking and maintaining a t500 rank is going to be incredibly difficult on almost any hero unless you’re a special kind of person who is just incredibly good with that particular hero. That said, there are plenty of t500 DPS players who have Genji in their toolbox. You said you can’t get out of masters, but for some reason you’re citing the world’s best Genji “only” being 4.4 as proof that Genji is somehow underpowered. That doesn’t make sense to me.


No i cited that the worlds best genji player is completely unable to get 4.4k in the first place, meanwhile people can one trick widow ashe cree soldier and even torb and sym and still easily hold t500

You are describing perfectly the disbalance of hitscans and projectile DPS heroes. One are overtuned af, others are balanced with drawbacks and weakness.

Doesnt particular mean, Genji isnt balanced. He is struggling because TTK of hitscans are shorter and more consistent.

Where on earth are you getting these stats from?
This month GM he’s at 1.04% pickrate 53.84% winrate. With 6 DPS being picked more than him

This week GM he’s at 1.01% pickrate 53.77% winrate with 7 DPS picked more than him

So the title is literally lying.

I’m all for genji getting a power shift, but lying won’t convince anyone about his current state in higher ranks specifically.


Genji is #2 in plat and Diamond. Get over yourself and stop caring about the top 1%

From when? Both this week and this month show him being in the middle of the pack. This week GM has McCree, Torb, Mei, Sombra, Widow, Hanzo, and Junkrat as having lower win rates. This month has Mei, McCree, Torb, Bastion, Widow and Hanzo as below him. Are you looking at the “Offense” tab? Because that cuts out literally half the DPS roster.


With a side of hog and ana being op and “broken” :wink: