Genji has the second lowest winrate and is the 3rd lowest pickrate dps

Pretty much want the tittle said, disclaimer this is gm stats

Even niche hero’s have higher pickrate n winrates then him

And. Also has the lowest pickrate and second lowest winrate on console gm


Maybe from this month, but checking his stats from this week. On both PS4 and Xbox, he’s sitting at 10 and 9 places away from the bottom, with a 1.23% and 1.38% pickrate respectively.

On Xbox, his win rate is 62% which is higher then a lot of characters, Symmetra included, who usually has the highest win rate.

And on PS4, his win rate is 54.64%, which is average, and hardly the lowest considering there’s hanzo has a winrate down to 37% and Mei 40%.

This is over buff by the way, I assume you used the same website?


Pretty sad isn’t it that niche characters destroy my boys like that

Not really, the only relatively niche characters that have a higher pickrate is bastion and echo, possibly a sombra and moira depending on the console.

I am quite shocked about Bastion though.


Echos not a niche character , you lost all credibility after that statement, now I say good day.

N you shouldn’t be shocked about bastion look at the meta, I bet her was horrible in offtank meta

Stop thinking about characters strength level individual look at the meta and synergies
Ie rein zary and how their winrate/ pickrates/ meta relavancies correlate


Winrates are absolutely meaningless

i.e. Bastion has the highest DPS winrate in PC GM.

One day the OW conversation won’t revolve around global pick/win rates



Mean thinsg

So why do Reinhardt, Zarya, Doomfist & Lucio have 57%+ winrates? None of those heroes are meta right now yet they’re among the best performing heroes in their categories.

Reins strong in ladder play and always has been . Rein is the meta in ladder even gm. They hate it when he’s bad even for a couple months

N dooms good cause he’s a better version of genji.


Literally no-one in GM/Contenders is saying that Reinhardt is the meta tank right now. Sigma/Hog/Ball are far better options for them.

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I said ladder
N that’s where the stats r from not contenders so you’re literally arguing schematics

I know ball sig r the real best tanks
I’m talking bout ladder

Let me rephrase that in case u misread



Contenders is overloaded with Ball
GM players play double shield or Sigma + hog/ball

Doesn’t matter what stats you use, Rein (& Zarya) isn’t meta. Seeing how the devs balance primarily for these groups, meta talk about lower ranks is irrelevant.

His pickrates above ball

N last time I checked hogs not meta with all these shields around so why is he picked to much… cause people play differently on ladder

They literally get flamed in chat sometimes if they go the op meta characters n the other team has to mirror

It isn’t

Thanks for agreeing with me, I guess?

Yeah he needs a tiny buff for GM play to even him out. OTOH… where is it written he should not do any better than he does? Why do people insist he be top drawer? Yeah weeb cool is nice, I get it, that doesn’t mean maybe he is not where Blizz wants him.

Console really… i hate to say this… doesn’t matter because the control is so wonky compared to PC where he was designed for.

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He is just under sig in pickrate
People play more greedy on ladder
They don’t play with teams for months on end so that’s always gonna be the ladders defining difference

Not soo much mechanical skill

They can just get away with greeed more so they doo

Stop using console stats to base your argument on, they hold no weight (XBL player btw).

Nothing you’re saying is countering anything I said either so I’m not sure what you’re even going off about anymore.


But he’s still good right now ;((((((

Why does this whole “LOWEST WINRATE!!!” Only apply to McCree?

Honestly just powershift Genji and make him feel better play.

Mei and Hanzo have the lowest winrates. Where are their buffs???

Why are hitscans favored 24/7???


My mistake with echo but I don’t really pay attention to the meta so excuse me.

As for bastion, I would say so considering he’s hero that immobile for the most part, making it relatively easy to deal with him.

This isn’t even about meta, you talked about pick rate and winrate, then said it’s because of niche hero’s that Genji is bad. You didn’t mention anything about metas, you should edit your post and add in meta if that’s what your argument is.

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