Genji has the second lowest winrate and is the 3rd lowest pickrate dps

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Genji has the lowest winrate = Lowest this week goes to McCree with below 51%. Genjis is above 53%.

Pickrate 3rd lowest? Where u lookin? There are 7 DPS below him, which makes him still an avg pick, even for GM rates, where mostly hitscan players are dominating the game.

At least, make some facts based on truth rather then pulling them out of your … !

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You just said middle pickrate hero with lowest winrate.

Still ain’t good.

Your own statistical evidence contradicts you

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you would be quite surprised :slight_smile: you can probably get around 4.2 tops

necros is by far the best genji in the world yet cant get past 4.4

look at the top 500 list and look at how many people in their have genji as their most played character. There are more sym one tricks in t500 than genji players

Considering how I was responding to the OP using console stats, I think I’m entitled.

Act a fool, girl. Act a fool.

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Considering you just called a guy a girl I think you need something checked.

  1. It’s the internet, your name gives no indication what your gender is.

  2. It’s a quote.

Cool but didnt ask.

You’re making an inside joke nobody gets

And I didn’t ask for your wrong reply saying I shouldn’t bring up console stats, even though OP brought them up.

You may not know it but the point still stands, your acting like a fool.

And you did ask for it, when you came at me saying I need something checked, grow up.

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I ain’t acting like jack crap.

You’re the one acting mentally deficit.

In what what exactly?

what are u reading? I said he is above 7 other DPS, with a winrate above 53% ?

This aint good, that aint good, what is good, 60% and more obviously.

Seriously, there is no need to complain about either his win or pickrate unless u are above 4.2k SR where he struggles!

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You literally just said avg pickrate, lowest winrate.

I pointed our your argument working against you.

Says the one using some random crap quote nobody understands.

Your entire demeanor.

But what is Blizzard supposed to do with those stats, if he just gets a small buff QP and diamond will be filled with Genji even more?

Insulting people doesn’t make your point stronger. It hurts you more than it helps.


Just rebalance his kit by making his ult weaker and his base kit stronger.

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He said mcree has the lowest winrate. Did you not read past the first sentence?

I find it funny that the op made up a bunch of fake stats (genji doesn’t have the second lowest winrate nor the third lowest pickrate in gm), but a bunch of these genji mains are more upset with people pointing out that the op was lying rather than the fact that the op was lying.


Dude I really do not care, like genuinely. I hold respect for you and a few others, but that’s it.

Youd be amazed how little debate works in this forum. If it’s pointless ima have fun.

Are you that sensitive to your gender being wrong? I could’ve said dude and you would’ve thought nothing else of it, like really, I doubt you would.

My whole demeanour? I’m sorry what? If anyone has a bad demeanour, it’s you. Your came at me with your wrong.

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