Genji has the second lowest winrate and is the 3rd lowest pickrate dps

yes hitscans have a disbalance not just from the shorter TTK but also due to the fact that they have to take on WAY less risk to get value, but also even when genjis do take risk and do have that mechanical skill to get his full damage potential pumped out, he just gets blatantly outhealed

You’re splitting hairs. Saying that he can’t get past 4.4 isn’t meaningfully different from saying he is or has been 4.4. Don’t be pedantic. Maybe hitscan needs to be adjusted slightly, but I don’t think Genji by himself really needs any buffs.

yes it is 100% very different lol

No it’s not… It doesn’t make sense contextually to say he can’t get past something if he’s not even close to it…

op was using xbl or psn can’t remember

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that isn’t middle of the pack

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You don’t understand. He was only counting the heroes that matter. /s

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the best players at a hero, such as players like danteh who plays almost exclusively echo and tracer, is able to reach 4.7 for having mastery of those heroes, but necros, who is by far the best genji player in the world, cant reach 300 SR lower than that, just because of the limitations his hero has

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Symmetra is the third lowest picked dps on xbox for the month and the week, Doomfist is the third lowest picked dps on psn for the month, reaper is the third lowest picked dps on psn for the week.

Reaper, mei, sombra, mccree, widowmaker and hanzo all have a lower winrate than genji for the month on xbox.
Reaper, echo, sym, torb, soldier, ashe, mccree, sombra, widow, hanzo, pharah, junkrat and tracer all have lower winrates than genji for the week on xbox.

Hanzo, mei, and widow all have lower winrates for the month and week on psn.

He isn’t being honest my friend.


didn’t see, don’t know why he is using winrate anyways

that being said I do agree with his statement of genji being bad

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Well there’s someone in asia who has reached 4.5k on genji one tricking him (top 30) so maybe he’s not the best genji after all.

yknow what, thats a fair point, but also, asia


different region, saying necros is the best genji is a stretch but he is very flashy and has a lot of time on the hero

that being said its obvious the line between good dps and bad dps is bold and the gap is long so I would see buffs soon

dude has 100% got mastery of the hero to an insane degree across both EU and NA at least

100 percent mastery? His playstyle is super blade centric because thats literally why is he popular, like he will just not do anything to make sure he gets a 6 man so fast blade because it blows him up

Yeah, similar to what Yourself said, there are also people in Asia with Genji as their second most played hero who are at ~4.7. I just really feel like you’re doing your best to misrepresent things to make Genji look as bad as possible so that you can put it in the zeitgeist that Genji needs buffs. I feel like you’re pushing an agenda here or at the very least your line of reasoning about t500 proving one way or another that a hero is underpowered isn’t solid at all.

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that is literally how you have to play genji now LOL

nah if you watch some shadder when he isn’t feeding and korean genji’s its a more accurate playstyle

you rarely see necros get super agressive or use combos, when he does it is insane but its so rare so I don’t watch him as much. His blades are fast but his playstyle is more like a 7k hours+ genji who practiced blades before workshop existed vs just practical ladder games

Does he stream? Necro’s and Shadder are basically playing echo rn so I don’t have anyone to watch to learn how to get better at my hero.

Stop watching streams and play the game
It’s helpful getting a bit of advice but not really good in the long run.
Especially since your gold im pretty sure.

if you’re gonna watch streamers, watch an unranked to gm genji, those are helpful

because gold and t500 are just too different. you should only really be watching t500 streamers playing t500 if your maybe high masters.

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