Genji has the second lowest winrate and is the 3rd lowest pickrate dps

Yeah I’ve been watching the Jake unranked to gm vods recently. They’ve been super helpful so far.

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By the way, watching your own replays is really good as well since you can pick up on your mistakes.

If you want me to look at one of your comp matches I could do that also, I don’t have much else to do right now lol

Genji is dog crap

and he needs those buffs back from a few months ago but this time with blade nerfs

I agree with you, but don’t use pick rates and winrates for argument sakes, they don’t matter 99% of the time in game balance


“Yeah but Genji is picked a ton in diamond so he’s clearly strong!” - everyone who thinks Genji is strong.


Thank you so much! Here’s the code: S1SQBN. I’m the genji on the red team.

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As I said in my comment, when is this from? You can comment a bunch if names with no context, but nobody is going to understand what you’re saying. I already mentioned who was below him this month in GM for win rate, and his monthly win rate is 53.7ish%, which is just shy of the average of 54-55%. This week in GM hi win rate is 53.4%, as of me making this comment, which is also just shy of the average 54% for the Rest of GM. Sure, he’s not the best DPS, but he’s decent and not as bad as people are making him out to be.

Imagine have all this “Tools” on a character and still saying “MY CHARACTER IS WEAK AHWWWW”

  • Double Jump
  • Vertical wall walk
  • AoE brain dead secondary fire to farm ult that dont need need aiming “SKILLS”
  • Slash that reset after the AoE secondary fire hit something
  • Ultimate with team wiping potential and ana is meta on every dam rank since 12-15 months mininum
  • Deflect that works at level of dva/sigma defense matrix
  • A tiny Hit-BOX that make very hard to hit him

If you compare that kit vs hanzo, mccree, widow, torb, sym, bastion, s76, sombra, junkrat, mei. reaper. You see how GROSSY broken and op he is but then you have “Genji’s fans” clamining on the forums he is weak and need attention awwww

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First fight, you didn’t really do too much.
You should of followed your dive tanks on the high ground to secure the kill on the echo, yes she did die, but you still should of gone with them. You spent too much time killing sym sentries.

The kills on the 3 was really good when you got onto point (they were amazingly out of position, so dont expect this to always happen tho). As you climb you’ll find these kind of scenarios to be more rare. But really the fight was already won once your dva got picks. You cleaned up but it wasn’t a massive impact. The thing with genji is that it can seem like you are carrying, but you’re just cleaning up fights that were already won. If you want big impacts, there are 2 things you need to do:

  1. Distract supports, then tell your team to push onto their tanks so their tanks will have little to no healing. Try killing them, but don’t worry if you cannot.
    What Is Making Space? - Overwatch Essentials - YouTube
    Not sure if this is time stamped, otherwise go to 6:04, that explains flanking better.
  2. Make sure high ground is clear.

Really, I’m on the second fight and it just looks like your team is better. Your picked the zarya so the fights basically already won, they’re just trickling in and you’re cleaning up. The focus on the moira was good, but again, as you climb prepare for more people to peel for their allies.

Third fight, you kill everyone with blade. again this team was so wildly poorly positioned and unprepared you could easily sweep with even a dry blade.

When used her bomb you should of immediately went to cover rather than trying to kill the echo. Echo already basically has two lives during ult and her duplicate was about to expire anyways. If you didn’t die her, you could of cleaned up the fight once again, as you could see the zarya still trickling in. You could of also punished the mercy for her rez.

4th fight you weren’t punishing the supports enough, but rather playing like a mid range dps. When your team engages you should really be focusing key targets like squishies on high ground or supports. You could of committed to killing the echo but seemed a bit confused, kinding looking around. Really should of dashed to the high ground, and pressured her, then your team may of not taken so much dmg during grav and possibly survived. Otherwise though this was a lost fight, because the enemy pressed q. Try to tell your team to get a defensive ult (lucio/zen) and save it if they have a zarya.

5th fight. Focusing on the too much, you already have blade and she was being pocketed so there was no need to focus her. Also you should of really regrouped as 6. Reaper on high ground could of been killed, probably your mechanics need a bit of improvement. Try doing workshop aim trainers against every heroes hitbox.

No idea how you got value from that blade. You basically 1v6’d. But whatevs, you got value! lol. This is the thing about gold players, they are REALLY easy to exploit especially as genji so you can play way more aggressively than you think. got a haliriously good bomb rofl. It’s common in lower ranks because people don’t know the maps as well.

What the heck was that lucio doing… Otherwise good kill on the lucio lol

You were doing good play aggressively when they were trickling out of spawn, but then decided you didn’t want to play aggressively? You worry too much, they didn’t have any big threats at all (e.g hog/mcree) so you were free to roll their team. To improve, just keep playing the game, you’ll learn when you can and can’t be aggressive.

Again, too much focus on the There was a lone mercy healing her and you could of easily killed her, Tho the fight was a 4v6 (6 mins in) so you would of won anyways.

Yeah still about 6 and a half mins in, you just aren’t playing aggressive enough!! These are gold players, you can easily punish them. You should of grabbed the mega first and been able to kill the reaper, because he then wiped your team. While you were wondering around with that reaper, your team was taking serious pressure. basically was a 5v5. You took too long to leave that room. Try to be in the fight as much as possible.

Just a general tip: If you already have blade, and you’re attacking someone double pocketed, do not bother. it just feeds healer ult charge. only do this if you think there’s a chance for you to kill that hero.

Hard to tell if that blade was good or not, I think that fight was already won anyways, but they used a couple of ults, so it was mostly a good blade. Just try to be aware when you know you’ve won/lost fights.

Now you’re playing too aggressive. You’ve pushed up so far and fighting a 2v1 against echo and lucio, that’s not a fight you want to take, especially since your tanks were really far back. Yes you could of killed the echo if your mechanics were better, but overall, try not to take those sort of fights, the fight was already won, and the enemy had close spawn, so it would be much worse if you died instead of them (also they had mercy rez)

Don’t focus a high charge zarya with personal bubble. Ever. Especially since she had mercy on her. I can see why you’d want to kill the mercy, but it’s too risky. It would be best just to fight with your team and clean up. I can see you did that in the end which was good.

Round 1: Teams positioning was awful, you made some good plays though, but carried by that lol.

When playing as doomfist, try not let the enemy know you are there, because then you can surprise them with flanks. Ult charge is not super important as doom because his ult isn’t amazing (good escape card though)

You should of held the high ground longer so you could of gotten a better slam combo, specifically on their support. The kill on the junkrat was good though.

Don’t focus tanks with your combo like you did with the rein, focus supports.

good flank on the mercy in the end, but she could of been killed quicker with better mechanics. and you could of used rp as an escape. basically it was a good trade, but you didn’t need to die there.

  • You didn’t say thank you for the rez!!!

It seems like you didn’t know that you could get extra momentum with RP when jumping at the end of it. Really it should be natural.

Missed rocket punch, that should not of been missed, since he was shadow stepping.

the kill on the bap was good but too early. Try do it when the enemy team engages, then they’ll be distracted. Because then the mercy just rezzed and the rein was in the way of your RP.

Try not to use meteor strike offensively, more often it’s better as an escape tool. Especially since their team had zarya. It would of been better there just to pick their bap again from high ground since he’s a free kill for you.

Do not engage face onto their brawl!!! Bad idea!

Try not to barrage face onto their hitscans, rather go behind them and surprise them with it. Pressuring them with your rockets was good though.

You went too close to the rein, shouldn’t of died there.

Try to flank as pharah a bit more. Spamming is good, but you can’t JUST spam the entire team. Getting picks by going into their backline and picking off high priority targets (i.e mcree) is great because then you’re basically free to do whatever.

You did that in the end, but never committed to a specific target, but rather focusing on multiple different targets. Focus on the mcree first, because he’s the only one that can kill you basically, then you can pick their supports.

Why did you cancel your deflect when the reaper was ulting?

Try learn to flash + double headshot instead of FTH. In a lot of situations (like at 16 mins) it’s better because you were fth’ing from a weird angle.

I think that’s all I’ve got for today. I’m so tired lol

Just to let you know, I was only being harsh because that’s how you learn, I bet if I showed you a recording of my gameplay you’d find tons of mistakes as well, but that’s just normal. Good work otherwise!

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The complete and utter lack of logic there makes it impossible to argue with you. You seriously believe listing things that a character can do with exaggerations proves he’s broken?

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They do, so they will find anything not meta or close off-meta is bad which includes both Genji and Bastion. Which they claim both is bad.

I did not. I said Bastion is bad and that Genji is B/C tier based on their historical statistical perfomance. And that these standards of “meta or not” which lumps them both into the bad category doesn’t follow the stats.

That Bastion is bad by both metrics doesn’t mean that I’m using their metric to judge Bastion.


Do one POS mistake with Mccree you are death
Do one POS mistake with widow you are death
Do one POS mistake with most of the heros with exception of Tracer/SOMBRA

You are DEATH with genji you can always go lol secondary AoE fire and you have massive amounts of tools to escape. “No deaths” = not lose time-not down time more ult farming time

ANA is META since 1.5 years ago and nanoblade is a team-wipe potential ult. So go to try brain-wash “newbies” still thinking genji is a high skill hero or weak

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In pickrates that is true. He’s doing worse rn because the meta doesn’t favor him, but even then he’s better than half the dps.

Ladder =/= pro play. Sure he’s bad in pro play.

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Finish high school and come back.


I love to see how “Personal insults” is your only way to argue cuz you lack of ideas.

Somebody is destroying you on a debate -> the loser proceed to insult the other classic of the people without “education”.

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Imagine have all this “Tools” on a character and still saying “MY CHARACTER IS WEAK AHWWWW”

300 round magazine
Most damage for a dps hero
Most health for a dps
Can heal himself on a resource meter
Only hero in the game with damage resistance

If you compare that kit vs hanzo, mccree, widow, torb, sym, genji, s76, sombra, junkrat, mei. reaper. You see how GROSSY broken and op he is but then you have “Bastion’s fans” clamining on the forums he is weak and need attention awwww

You see how dumb you sound? I can make any hero sound op just by listing their positives. Also, no Genji isn’t op lmao.

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Like i said. Go and play these heros

“One pos mistake” and you are death “One bad choose and you get instant punished”.

Tracer is a “Real” hard character to master. You have even more mobility than genji but again “One-Mistake” and you are death cuz the 150 health pool.

With Genji you can do “Many mistakes” and still not getting punished. I dont mind buff “Genji” on tracer levels of mobility but then give him 150 hp to be fair and remove the “Right AoE click” so he finally will have to AIM to farm his ult and kill enemies

But yeah go ahead and keep thinking “Genji” is a hard hero to play or weak

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Try double jumping against a good hitscan player I dare you. If you mess up a single combo in high elo, or miss one shuriken with him you are dead(his mobility only works when you get kills.)

A. He already has to aim
B. It was like this in the beta and he was a meme hero

If you genuinely think he’s easy please play him and post a replay.

Also, if you’re having trouble countering genji list the heroes you play so that I can tell you how to deal with him.

Not to rank shame, but just stating facts.

Summarizing, I’m going to assume many “Genji mains” that are complaining about his current state is either

  1. high masters or;
  2. at GM

where he is basically extremely hard to play. (just like Reaper, Symm, Bastion, etc are hard to play at high level)

I think “Genji mains” who are at Bronze~Diamond and stating stuff about Genji not being viable… my only guess is that maybe they want Genji to see more streaming/OWL time.

If you’re rooting for a “powershift” of Genji (yes, he does need it) while you’re struggling at Bronze~Diamond, well you’re still going to struggle after the “powershifts”

Just saying.


He has abilities that negate shields he should be useful and brig is actually one of the supports genjis doesn’t have my trouble dealing with since they nerfed his deflect way back

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Would hardly say his abilities negate shields.

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