Genji has the second lowest winrate and is the 3rd lowest pickrate dps

Not even close, not even barely close to being the best. Sorry to be not sorry!

Genji had 150Hp? Rly ? Didnt know :open_mouth:

Yeah, he also had 8-second dragon blade with 35 damage shuriken, triple jump, and ledge dash. He became a meme hero because he couldn’t finish his ult line before dying(kinda like Pharah rn.)

I knew about the 8sec blade, tripp and ledge jump, but first time im hearing he had 150HP!

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I can’t speak for Rein or Lucio, but both Doom and Zarya both have abilities/playstyles that equal freelo when performed properly hence why so many people play them.

For example, a Doomfist main and Zarya main on the same team is horrific because nothing counters a bubbled Doom outside of bubbling whatever he’s trying to focus. It doesn’t happen every game, but people have definitely caught on that putting a barrier that blocks all forms of damage and CC around a fast-paced, one-shot, dps hero is a strong strategy that doesn’t require much finesse outside a couple of callouts and button presses.

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I think genjis more mechanically difficult whereas the other ones just have physical limits they can’t reach unless the meta revolves around them ie rush meta for reaper.

And they’re more niche then genji, he’s meant to be a decent pick on pretty much every map whereas others aren’t like sym and they never where designed to do so

And I don’t agree with lower ranks struggling even with power shift due to nano db being genjis most valuable resource and it’s harder to execute in low ranks