I don’t think that blizzard is realising how they are letting their game die by adding these 0 braincell heroes into the game.
New Hanzo (scatter was annoying but holy hell these full power arrow spamming hanzo’s are even more annoying and braindead)
as for Brigitte : blizzard… you do realise you’ve put this hero into the “Support” section yes? then don’t let her do so much damage man, how many times i see a brig spamming killfeed, let her do a stun that does 50 dmg, lasts for 1 sec and has a 5 sec CD is seriously insane, i mean if a rein charges in right, she’s like "oh hi rein, wanna charge in with your massive armor and huge inpact since it can one shot squishies? well NOPE have a small shield in your face and get stunned instead.
You’ve created and released this game under the category of “FPS” or “Team FPS”, then let this game be a FPS instead of slowly reworking it into a wannabe SMITE-like MoBa game, cause thats what you’re doing right now.
Do something about this or suffer a huge amount of player losses, i’ve been enjoying OW since release and i don’t quit quickly but since this brigitte, and new hanzo update, its seriously crossing my mind quitting if the game stays like this.
thats your personal opinion, but seeing hard to master heroes that take actual practice, and good positioning, aim like genji, tracer, doomfist (not the aim part for him) die like this, by adding these low risk high reward heroes isnt really fun, people spend days, weeks in practice range, in QP learning the aspects of a 3 star hero, by then getting absolutely wrecked by a braindead moira or brigitte, isnt really motivating people to learn those heroes anymore. but hey everyone their opinion isnt it.
No, it is an objective fact that the game continues to be supported by a large, active community. You’re projecting your personal desire to quit the game on the rest of that community. I suggest that speaking for yourself, rather than declaring your view to be universal, would be a better way to move forward.
However, I reiterate – I wish you luck in finding another game.
well alright, in your point of view, brigitte is perfectly balanced then? she is allowed as a support, to counter almost every hero in a 1vs1 into the game by just stunning them, whacking them, and if not dead yet, by just doing the same thing over and over untill they’re dead whilst she heals herself? i don’t mind her wrecking a genji or a tracer because she’s an anti flanker just like moira is, but i don’t think she’s supposed to be able to win a 1vs1 vs a tank, or almost every dps for that matter
I haven’t been talking about Brigitte, but rather your hyperbole regarding the health of the game. But if you want to know what I think about Brigitte, it is that the hysteria over her effectiveness is overblown. She is a strong hero and she is receiving nerfs, but the way the mob describes it she is an invincible god-hero that defeats entire enemy teams by herself and is without weakness or counter. And that’s nonsense as well.
To be Fair TF2 is also an FPS and the demoman can completely turn into a Melee class using the eyelander, charge and targe and the alibaba’s booties. And the spy is mostly melee while occasionally using a revolver.
And using that logic Rein should be a problem to you.
You can’t “add” what was already there in the first place. His play style really hasn’t changed and he’s not a “0 braincell character” in the first place.
But, what’s really funny…is you main Mercy in comp and talk about all this “blah blah blah 0 braincell heroes” which Mercy doesn’t really require that much skill either.
Game isn’t anywhere close to dying. Stand in line with all the people that say WoW is dead.
junkrat not a 0 braincell character? alright cause his kit depends highly on positioning and aim i guess, getting 70% of his kills of random nades that are just bouncing around like a pinball, or just firing 1 nade and throwing his mine into someone’s face that 2 shots every 200 - 250 (minor damaged) heroes. his highly skillcapped wallriding mini dva bomb that mostly secures 1 kill, guess hes not braindead after all, and actually i don’t main mercy, i used to play her, waaay back, before all this nonsense of braindead heroes, i’m an EU player, so thats why you can only see my mercy stats probably, i main DPS/Tank now for a while.
Actually, yes it does or did you just completely ignore the latest nerf to him? He has to be up close and personal now to get his nades to do more of what he wants. He took a 33% radius nerf which is useless for area denial now. Oh, and for him to take out a Pharah in the air for sure takes some skill. Guess you just ignore those things.
Only if it’s direct hits. Again, you pay attention to nothing of the stats. Mine and nade ONLY do 120 damage if it’s a direct hit. Mine is as low as 30. Nade is as low as 12.5 with splash.
Oh no, an ult that kills people. For shame. Too bad that on the record Genji and Soldier get more kills with their ults. Mei is barely behind him on hers. Man, an ult that kills. Shocking.
Then complain on EU’s forums. What? Were they tired of listening to all this rambling as well so you had to come over here?