Game is dying, if not close to dead yet

Not constructive, all I can see is whining. You start panicking because finally there are heroes counter Genji.

i love it how people always bring up genji’s

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Have you even seen Destiny? This game is no where even remotely close to dead / dying.

Can I just laugh at the fact that we calling out “the game isn’t dying” with supporting data of the number of people playing the game every day is a personal opinion, but you preaching that “the game is dying” is NOT a personal opinion somehow?

The hypocrisy.

Your only argument is “I don’t quit but now I wanna quit”? Lmao you really need better ones


They didn’t market it as just an FPS but as a FPS-MOBA and they mention it all the time. If you missed that and that is what makes you upset that it is a FPS-MOBA then you picked the wrong game.

From my experience, genji is more braindead than moira, but genji is more mechanically hard to use.

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Wrong reply to me?


The game is dying for you. Not really anyone else.

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I would actually read your pov on those three mentioned heroes balancing and why you don’t agree with it, but when I read “Overwatch is dying/dead because…”, I never read the rest, because it’s a dumb premise to claim the most popular shooter in the world today is dying because of some balancing challenges.

Stopped reading at “0 braincell”


I don’t like Brigitte as much as the next guy… But, this game isn’t even close to dying pal. :roll_eyes:

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Just because a game has a ridiculously op character does not mean a game is dead. A dead game would be a game that has very little players and has developers that neglect the game. Neither can be said about ow

The game is not dying. People are still very much into the game.

I would say it is in a stage where a majority of players have a “love/hate” relationship towards it like me.

Hell, since the beta. Protect the President has existed since day 0. And anyone else remember 6 stack Torbjörn?


I’m going to have to agree with ya there on Moira and Junkrat especially, but Brigitte…? I’m not sure… I see her get wrecked regularly, and her shield doesn’t stand up to much in the line of explosions nearby, aside from being hacked or just being shelled at from a medium range.

And as for Hanzo; at least now he requires people to actually ‘aim’ instead of glancing at the ground and firing before looking elsewhere, knowing you already got that ultra cheap insta-kill for no reason. It was too corny for words, honestly. Is the hitbox for his arrows still pretty huge? Yeah, a little bit. Just head into training and fire beside the heads of the bots - you’ll still get the hit.

But he’s much better than he used to be. Most people complaining about him now are mostly salty that they’ve gotten their zero-skill-insta-kill ability taken away and have to really aim in for 6 powerful shots, which is actually ‘much’ more of a buff than a nerf, but hey…its less annoying than scatter arrow. They weren’t going to nerf him regardless, because he’s also a crowd favorite.


Haha. I knew people would never stop complaining about hanzo :)))))))))))

And your opinion that the game is dying isn’t ?

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People like you are the same people who will be saying this game is dying in 5 years when its still kicking. There are 50,000 of these posts. If you don’t like the game anymore, please leave and stop whining.

Also, you can’t be taken seriously when you say there are “braindead” characters because there are none. Some are easier, but none are skill-less. Sniper-like aim isn’t all you need to have skill, get over yourself.

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This game is rigged to make you lose.

that game is trash anyways.