Game feels dead recently

The same losers month after month.

Had this exact situation while in a 3 man. It’s normally the mode where I don’t see repeat players.

See, I’m torn because I agree with the idea, but he still repeatedly gaslights. He could find a way to not strictly lie, but instead that’s exactly what keeps happening.

Still need rid of the entire upper echelon (no man left behind; they’re all destroying the company and its products) rather than any of the actual devs, though.


Did you take a look at the “Accessibility - General” settings under “Motion”? You can reduce camera shake, turn off hud shake and reduce menu movement.

If you did not do this already, this should help you a lot.


I’ll take what we got now for communications than what we got the previous 3 years."
As for the “towing the company line” stuff, that’s basically that or get fired.

Heck, I speculate Jon Spector was responsible for the cash shop price reductions and got fired for it.

Like I said, there’s always a way to communicate without outright lying or gaslighting people who are voicing displeasure with their experiences while still towing the line, but of course you’re right to point out that they can’t really effect real change. Still, lying = bad.

Couldn’t say, but that would make sense given the timing and the position he held. I also don’t believe for a second that any of the major players leaving did so amicably or happily in the least.

Also just looked him up to refresh myself as I’d forgotten about this particular case, and he’s just recently posted a tweet of him playing OW, (the pitiful ‘event’ mode specifically) which, idk, if I was left with such a sour taste from such a situation, I can’t see myself doing personally.

Even in role queue qp (which the devs have acknowledged to be the most popular mode), its the same thing- You constantly see the same players.

Of course, maybe theyre just the closest matched players!

Which, considering the wild rank differences you see? Im just a smidge skeptical of.


I look at it as “doing what good you can, with the resources and constraints you’re given”.

Despite the content problems, matchmaking issues, underpowered servers and slow balancing with OW, they’re been doing a lot of good fundamentals on probably a shoestring budget.

And budget money would have fixed the other issues.

Oh yeah, and that’s another pet theory. Blizzard couldn’t touch their $12.6 Billion cash reserves for the last 1.5 years, because of the Microsoft merger. (As confirmed by Kotick at the Berkshire Hathaway interview)
So they probably yanked budget out of Overwatch, and put it into CoD and Diablo.

Literally running an AAA franchise on an indie budget.
It was almost obvious in beta, when they were trying to focus on no/low cost marketing approaches.
Much less the 3 year content drought before that.

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I’ve been playing DIV instead because the matchmaking is so bad. I’ve been upset about it since last season.

I’m in oceanic region, and games took way too long to find after 2:30am last night. Every game takes 9 - 18 minutes to find on DPS after 2:00am now. I know I shouldn’t be playing this late. But up until recently, I could find games all night long.

I wonder if they fixed the matchmaker recently? Hence no more fast queues all day and night long. But then again, the matchmaking quality isn’t that much better than last season. So I’m just at a loss why the queues takes longer now.

Rather than at the mercy of your team to actually play their role well…role queue is not better, it just makes you feel better to see a balanced team comp but it actually creates more unwinnable games than open queue ever did. It’s just not popular because it’s the unofficial ranked mode and game is not balanced around it.


Nah, the game will enter maintenance mode next year. They follow the “Heroes of the storm - How to ruin your profitable and liked game for short term moneyz” to a t.

It’s honestly unsettling how acuartly they follow it’s foot steps.

I miss hots. So much wasted potential, but since 2.0 it was just a fast downwards spiral.


The game has been in maintenance mode since launch, fam.


Nah, by maintance mode I referre to “basically only stability updates”. We’re just a bit from it now.

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OQ is dead ever since OW1.


Open Queue has always had very low player numbers even in OW1.

The vast majority of Comp players are in Role Queue. The official balance mode.

The game is not balanced for Open Queue, so a lot of players treat it as a clown-show.

I live in Europe and the state of the game is depressing. It doesn’t matter if I choose open queue or role queue, you can feel the playerbase getting smaller by the day.

I know the US servers are much more populated, but it’s getting boring over here.


You kidding me i love open queue so much more. Yeah sometimes you get a team that refuses to work together, but i play support half the time so it isnt an issue for me.

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Role queque is the same. Played for few days role and you start encountering same people also there. For the rest, i play only open queque, it’s just infinitely better. Role queque should be erased from universe.
The only problem of open queque is the matchmaking puts you with new players. Because in my 1000+ hours pre role lock on og ow, i never and ever had problems playing the game. Same with open on ow2. Of course, 1 out of 100 games you have no tanks and 1 healer, but that doesn’t determinate that you will lose. And no Raid boss every games. Variety, ability to select whatever you want in base of the map, the phase and the enemy selection.

i personally dont… not sure what rank you are? if i see the same player twice im lucky its VERY RARE