Game feels dead recently

Saturday afternoon, I’ve been playing on and off for the past couple of hours and I’ve gotten a mix of the same 7-10 people every single game in Open Queue. I even stopped for about 30 minutes and got back on and got matched up against/with the same players? Like did the playerbase tank THAT MUCH after PVE was cancelled?


i mean you are playing open queue what do you expect? no one like this game mode cause you are at the mercy of your team hero selection…


I had a similar experience in RQ. The thing is, the game always puts me against the same people that obliterated me and my team in past matches.

Now the game has become a complex thing where, at the very start of the match, I have to look to see if the enemy has those Master or GM players, (usually stacked, by the way) to then avoid one of my teammates before I leave the match, so the game won’t make me backfill in the same rigged match.

It’s an extremely boring process. Something to add to the miserable experience OW2 is serving.


Can’t speak for everyone else, all I can say is that personally I went from playing some hours every other day to playing maybe two hours once a month. And when I do play I basically play no support anymore and instead have virtually completely switched to dps. :woman_shrugging:


Yeah I’ve been getting matched with the same players lately as well, it was like this at the end of OW1.

I feel there’s still plenty of new people in my games but there’s usually at least one recognizable player.


That happens regularly in OQ tbh. And on a Saturday afternoon, wouldn’t be surprised, it’s not exactly prime gaming hours.


Yeah I think it has been, but I’d have to defer to someone who has actually looked at the numbers.

At least between me and the group of friends who I used to play with on a daily basis… we’re now down to 2, maybe 3, nights a week… if that.

A lot of them are now playing MW2 or Apex.

Open Queue is probably very limited on availability as it is. One thing I’ve noticed though is that sometimes if the matchmaker thinks it would be faster to re-queue with some of the players you were playing with then it will do just that. If it can’t find a close MMR bracket of players to queue up against then it will choose some of the last set of players you were playing - because they are closer to your Open Queue MMR

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A lot of people are quitting overwatch 2. None of my friends play it anymore.


I feel like arcade has more players than OQ
But I also avoid lots of arcade things, as that’s OQ too…

stopped playing OW2 after “no PVE” announcement cuz:

  1. OW2 never felt as smooth as OW1 for some reason.
  2. felt like they forced OW2 on us so they can revamp the system and force us to buy battlepass for skins which we used to be able to buy with coin earned from playing. (from Lootbox hell into battlepass c-block…)
  3. OW1/2 used to be the only FPS I can play without motion sickness… not the case anymore.

I’m glad that people are boycotting some of us have had enough.

100% feels like what it was like at the end of OW1 - except the game was fun to play and less of a stress / stomp.

They ruined this game. They deserve everything they get. Wait until they have to put the latest figures for Overwatch revenue in their earnings reports. Holy cow.


Oh no doubt this game will be dead before the end of this year.
Mr Aaron Keller “Or as i like to call him Ellen Keller because hes just as deaf and blind” is a terrible director.
Meanwhile while Jeff Keplar had his own problems going on, he at least listened to the community and if it wasnt for him leaving we’d have a real PvE mode right now.
This game is dying because we’re not the target audience, they want Korean and Chinese players, they are the ones who spend the most money in mobile/heavily monetized games.
Just get Aaron Keller fired and you’ll see just how faster and better things get, why? Because he’s leading the team the same way he ties his shoes, like a moron.


Let’s see what happens after Microsoft buys Blizzard in the next 2-to-8 weeks.

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Nobody plays oq I think that’s why. Don’t over think it. I get like 1- maybe 5 minute queue times on dps and tank. And like 5-8 on support

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I hope to god they get rid of Aaron Keller.
That dunce of a man is running this game to the ground.

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Aaron is fine.

Let’s focus on getting rid of Bobby Kotick.


Well let’s get rid of both. Deal? Deal.
I can handle 10 microsoft passwords checks if it means i finally get to have fun in OW again.


Nah, I’m good. Just Bobby.

Content takes budget, and Aaron’s been doing his best with a bad situation.