'Fun is subjective'

I wish they would send them to a larger portion and show results sorted by maybe competitive rank if applicable so we can see how people feel at each rank.

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That’s a pretty solid post about valk.

I do think Valk has its issues, but I do think it’s played up as being “weak” too much on the forums compared to its actual strength. My issue with it is more gripes in design rather than in strength.

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They do when you ask instead of attacking them, and even you asking simple questions comes with excess hostility when directed at dodo.


I understand, though as you know, I dont agree…I dont this mass/multi rez in any form belongs in this game given the behavior it induces

Single rez doesnt have the same issues, so its fine


I think the best we can hope for is a summary, and I am doubtful we’ll get that, to be honest

Personally, I love the design

I’d like the beam to not break when entering Valkyrie…but I see that as a quibble


You and me both. At least they will have information so maybe changes will get made. Hopefully it is a large enough portion that obviously biased opinions don’t have much of an impact (even though I know it is hard to tell who is biased in a survey without names and post history, but you know what I mean).

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Despite they have insulted those who have stated they disagree with them? And seem to throw a conniption over a certain emoticon?

Am I a bit harsh? I guess you can read it like that. However saying Dodo hasn’t done anything in the like is laughable.


I dont know what methodology they used, but given that it was produced at the corporate level there is a very strong chance it was executed legitimately

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My money, if I was a bettin man, is Blizzard will place it in the round file. I am cynical like that I guess. Done many a survey for World of Warcraft and saw zero things come of them.

I dunno

Stuff like that takes money, time, and resources to produce, administer, and analyze; and just tossing it would mean said money, time, and resources were wasted.

I Do have my own case in favor of the “mass rez type abilities”, While im not just gonna go say “revert mercy” because that is basically a meme at this point and no amount of logic i can provide will ever get rid of that stigma, and at this point, there is no point on saying it

ill use symmetra ultimate, teleporter as a comparision.

Specifically, These two ultimates serves as “second chance” ults for defenders, Because, lets say you lost a battle, you still had either Mass rez Or Syms ULT, you could come back and try to retake it,

The reason why i feel the loss of those two abilities is a problem, is because of what i would call the “Ult spam” as we know, Defenders have to win every single fight in order to hold the point, and attackers just have to win one,

The reason why this is a problem, is that attackers, in certain cases, can come getting destroyed for minutes on end and theyd still be farming their ultimates, Sure, the defenders would too, but its likely their rationing theirs correctly just to be able to hold the point on close calls,

It will reach a point, where the defenders correctly used their ultimates to defend, rationing them and stuff, But the attackers, who got lost every single teamfights, Will have theirs, and it reaches a point where they all have to run in Press Q all at the same time and there is not much the team could do,

i feel like without these “second chance” ultimates, Ult spam has actually gotten a lot more sucesuful, There is not exactly much you can do what you get Nano Bladed, Grav Striked and they have Rally and Valkyere on the background,

You can maybe pop in a trans or sound barrier to defend yourself (if you even have those characters) but i dont think they would hold against so much damage

this is why i do think mass rez should come back or atleast, another similar ability, not out of some “it was fun” or “it was impactful”, but for the reasons stated above, i also find valk kinda meh in general, but its fine, there are Meh ultimates

Dodo v Revert is laughable in and of itself. Calling out Dodo over the behavior but not Revert is more laughable and shows your bias. I don’t really care about your opinion solely because you have made it a point to not call out people that do the same thing just because they are on your side of the fence. You refuse to acknowledge the other party is antagonistic and hides behind passive aggressive emojis all of the time just because it is easier to pick on Dodo than Revert.

Insulting a single person that made themselves a rival vs insulting anyone that disagrees is different and completely dishonest on your part.


No one on the enemy team has ever said “wow its so fun seeing the enemy mercy res the entire team”

I say I have my issues with the design with the caveat that I still enjoy it and mercy in general currently.

I think some of the things that make Valk good, are ironically the same reasons (or at least, play into the larger role) why a lot of people dislike it as a whole.

This often seems to get muddied somehow and people claim it’s weak when it’s really not.

Here, I’ll link a thread where I go into some depth about my personal qualms with Valk.

Oh no I call out Revert too.

I don’t agree with them on their stances.

Nice projection there.

Also calling people “flat earthers” IS an insult and one that Dofi has used.

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Hardly a projection. I have only ever witnessed attacks on Dodo and never on Revert and the 4 of us cross paths plenty.

I’ve also witnessed threads specifically making fun of Dodo and Revert, and you defended one and participated in another.


So it’s an assumption on your part. Amazing.

Alright THIS is a bold faced lie.


“PR can you get me a survey to send out to account holder?”

“What would you like it to say sir/ma’am?”

“Oh you know, random questions about the health of the game, its just to make people feel like their input matters.”

“How many questions should be asked?”

“Do up 30 and I will take a look at it over my lunch break. If its approved we can hit the button and transmit it to…oh…maybe…20 % of account holders.”

“What will we do with the completed forms?”

“Trash them, it won’t matter anyway.”

“Will do.”

I don’t assume Blizzard spends any time concerned by what people think. As long as what they think isn’t harmful or oppressive. The only number Blizzard worries about is the one they get from their bank statement.

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Not unless someone has gone out of their way to have your name and icon.