'Fun is subjective'

He didn’t though. He used more words but those words were entirely subjective.(by Natorian’s own admission).


They have never really liked Dodo. Don’t know if it’s just because they disagree or if it’s just the way that dodo talks, but Media has always reacted to dodo like that.


How is it that when somebody covers issues from the start somehow on the same level as “cause I just think so”?

Ah, Forum drama. I am not stranger to this. People either hate me or like me on these forums. Mostly because I typically do not take sides and will call out problems in arguments despite my own bia’s.


I’ve found that I am pretty 50\50 with you if that counts for anything.


I think Megadodo made good points. The difference in how we view Mercy and each iteration is definitely in contention.

I don’t have to agree with Mega to see they feel strongly that Mercy is better now then before. I cannot comment on their personal subjective view as it is theirs.

I still remain the camp that had Blizzard not changed Mercy in the first place we may have never needed the man hours spent reworking and retooling her kit.

Because the only thing Megadodo was responding to was a subjective statement and nothing else that was said.

He saw a subjective statement and disagreed with it using a subjective statement. Its pretty clear.

Just because Natorian was objective on other parts of this conversation does not make ALL of his statements objective.

Once again, why is Natorian’s subjective statement fine but not Megadodo’s subjective answer?


I am pretty much in the same boat. I just meant that Media has always reacted negatively to anything Dodo says simply because it is dodo, even if others have said the exact same thing, myself included, though sometimes he shares the same sentiment towards me most times nowadays


I find myself erasing many comments toward Jessika, just because its Jessika…shhhhhhh.

At the end of the day I still read what Jessika writes and find it compelling at times.

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On agreement? Yeah, but I can tell that you at least recognize that I try to be pretty consistent when calling out peoples lack of consistency (pardon the double use of consistent lol).

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I feel that on a personal level. My favorite recently was “we don’t need more tanks because they might replace rein” ugh

They’re both subjective, but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re the general consensus

Absolutely, probably one of the more (what’s another word for consistent D: ) people on the forums. Genji, you, Dodo off of just the top of my head are pretty honest in terms of views and at least trying to remain unbiased, or at least recognizing it, for or against certain heroes.

At this point, its all whathever the main mob says…Tbh…

X hero is “unfun” rework them

Y hero is “unfun” its fine,

A position I would not want to find myself in is this.


Blizzard reveals new tank.
Welcome to the game Arthur

Arthur has a mobile shield, and swings a sword. Arthur is Reinhardt’s Competition.

Reinhardt and Arthur 700% pick rate, nerf shield tanks.

People tend to forget that just because Reinhardt has competition doesn’t mean people won’t just run him and the competitor.

So far I have not figured out a way to resolve this quandary internally. Though I think Jessika is slightly heavy handed in their explanation of how this would affect the game, right now I can only see bad things coming from it.

The context does not imply that at all, even if that’s what you may have meant.

I think Mr. Tickles was just trying to do you a solid since your post directly states they are gone, when they are infact not gone. He was showing you that they are still in fact there for you.

Not saying I blame you for not wanting to go back through that mess. But that’s different than what you stated.


Valkyrie is very strong for several reasons

To mention some, but not all of its strengths

  1. Duration. Some claim that the long duration is a bad thing, I see it as quite the opposite. The lengthy duration gives Mercy quite a bit of time (in fast-paced game terms) to do a number of things she can’t generally do in her base state

  2. Positioning (strategic). This is a game with victory conditions largely based on where one is on the map at given points in time, and there is no better movement in the game than Mercy in Valkyrie mode.

  3. Positioning (tactical). This has immense benefits on several fronts - callouts to one’s team, pistol use, healing (and I am not yet talking about the vastly improved healing), and damage boosting (and I am not yet talking about the vastly improved healing). Example1: tho Mercy already has an advantage for a second or two healing through barriers, the verticality that one can achieve means that in general there are fewer barriers between Mercy and he patients, which means that extra second becomes at times an extra several seconds. The same more or less applies to damage boost Example 2: Pesky widow or Pharah? Position yourself directly above them and see how hard it is for them to fight back.

  4. Overtime Sprint. Ever played another character and you’ve just died and you’re nowhere near the point or the payload or and you need to get there fast? I do see people switch to Hammond for the speed under such circumstances - they need to get their quick. Mercy can get there even quicker and generally still have several seconds of increased healing and/or damage boosting left upon arrival

  5. Uninterupted Regen. Vastly, vastly underrated part of the power of Valkyrie. It’s almost like you put an orb of Harmony on yourself and Zen need not be present. You can even use this advantage (combined with valkyries incredible movement to bodyblock for your teammates and as such increase their net rate of healing, ie damage they would have taken they now dont take, allowing Mercy to heal them up quicker

  6. Unlimited ammo. Seems like limited value until you compare running out of ammo while killing a Widow in base mode and she’s at 1 and she kills you while you reload. Unlimited ammo means you secure kills you otherwise might not if reload delay kicks in.

  7. Baiting opponents. I love to use Mercy’s ability to get into positions where the enemy has to take their sight off of my teammates and try to track me through the sky, and as such, they don’t notice a teammate coming for them

  8. Removes “teammate dependency”. A lot of folks complain that Mercy’s biggest weakness is needing teammates nearby. Cant heal absent teammates, can boost’em either, cant GA to them, etc etc. Yep, these things are true. That weakness goes away with Valkyrie

  9. Obtained often. Valkyrie is one of the fastest Ults any player can obtain, and so all those advantages come into play for Mercy in general more often than the benefits of other ults come into play for other characters

  10. Defense. The regen aside, the fast movement and ability to position where others cant combines to make Mercy rather hard to hit enough to kill her - keeping in mind that the regen kicks in after the first hit on a healthy Mercy so you’re loosing ground on killing her with each missed shot

  11. Other stuff. Some folks hate the chains. I love them. A good team will rotate in and out of cover to gain maximum benefit for the team overall. I love how the chains enables her team to absolutely decimate the Talon heavy assaults in Storm Rising. This isn’t even to mention the extended range that allows a Mercy to be well away from the fight, meaning enemies with slow moving attacks or lacking long range attacks cant really even touch her

Was that a good enough start on it, Mr Tickles?


they also recently sent out an actual survey to a random sampling of the player community.

I dont know when (or if) they’ll announce the results.

Hopefully, they will at least provide a summary at some point

I agree with this assessment. I find nothing wrong with pointing out the strengths of Valkyrie.

I can dream that Blizzard would have been coherent enough to have kept mass rez, like it was on release with no invuln during cast, and made her E a mini Valkyrie that didn’t last as long. One can dream, one can dream.


All I ask is “why”. Why they feel the way they do.

I would LIKE to know how and why other than “I like it cause I do”.

Lumi for example has done a great way of explaining why Mercy isn’t all bad. That her base kit is what helps her impact.

Other have mentioned how they enjoy her for being able to enable their team to be better. How they can help their allies gain and get their ults faster or just make their base play better.

Dodo only says they like her cause they do. Nothing more.