'Fun is subjective'

You…didn’t watch it then.

Or actually read my point.

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Blizzard caused the problem and instead of owning up to their mistake and reverting, I know how people love that word, the invuln, they reworked her. The rework was so bad it took 19 nerfs to fix, which would have only taken 1 revert to never have happen.

What are you even talking about? I never mentioned anything about invuln or devs owning up to mistakes or even that they never make them.


Everyone goes on and on about how “Blizzard did the right thing reworking Mercy because Hide & Rez and Overwatch League Mercy META”.

Blizzard would have done the right thing by not changing resurrect in the first place to grant Mercy invulnerability. That was the root cause of the problem. Everyone ignores that Blizzard screwed the pooch initially and instead of simply removing invuln we got Mercy spectator Mode Goooooo!

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Dude…go watch the dev update. They give several reasons they removed mass rez.


That was not the reason it left.

It was due to it encouraging a playstyle counter to the games design and the developer’s intent.

The strat of intentionally getting yourself killed as a team while one of your members avoids combat. Pretending to fight is not something anyone should encourage. It is even worse when BOTH teams pretend to fight and refuse to kill each other due to both having a mercy rez in their pockets.


They gave reasons based on the fact that at the time Mercy was immune to dying during mass resurrect.

Those reasons wouldn’t exist if Blizzard wouldn’t have screwed up and changed her in January of 2017.



    While performing a resurrection, Mercy now becomes temporarily invulnerable along with the allies being revived

Developer Comments: Mercy’s Resurrect has always been very powerful, but it often forces her to sacrifice herself to use it well. There have been changes in the past that attempted to help her in this area, but haven’t done enough to solve it. This change means that once she uses the ability, she will always survive long enough to be with her team again.

Then in August of 2018

Jeff explains that
“Lets say your a team that puts alot of effort into getting a full team wipe…you wipe out the entire enemy team, it’s pretty disheartening to have Mercy erase that moment with a full team rez. So we felt like her resurrect was something that needed to be addressed.” -Jeff Kaplan-

Those two excerpts go directly against one another. First they want to make resurrect more impactful for Mercy by making it so she will “always survive long enough to be with her team again.” Then once they make her invulnerable they think its too strong when she can rez 5 people and keep healing after.

They created their own problem.


The mqin reason for mercy’s rework was for OWL and i have no problem witj that reason, i have always been a Mercy main and i enjoy the rework as well so it is their game and they can change any hero they want for any reason they want

And yes as a Mercy main since launch i hated Mass Rez it was a cheap ability and i always felt cheap using it, single person rez is fine

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“Fun to play with” is subjective
“Fun to play against” is just laughable
“Unfun to play against” is again subjective but an inevitable part of the game
“unfun to play with” is subjective what can be solved.

What isn’t subjective is the fact that blizzard just didn’t want mass Rez in their game, end of story.


Then why wasn’t the initial change to remove it instead of making her immune to dying?

Yeah, you’re avoiding some of that info.

First off, start at 1:00

They explain that it’s wrong to either tell a healer to stop healing, or a healer to let their team die or to go off and hide.

Second…your two excerpts don’t counter each other. The first one assumes that mercy is staying with her team. The second one says it’s wrong to have good teamplay and coordination to get a teamwipe and just have it erased by a single mercy. Furthermore, they don’t say that they think it was too strong to keep healing after for the second point.


More like they didnt like how most popular streamers and yt-bers react to it :stuck_out_tongue:


She only started doing that because there was no risk of death upon resurrection. Before that change she stayed with the team and healed because if she didn’t there was no way in hell she was getting off a 5 man resurrect, and if by some miracle she did, she would have to trade her life for it.

She was staying with her team…until they made the need to do so irrelevant by adding invuln.

That didn’t happen with the origin and intended version of mass rez.

That conclusion is reached because as I stated earlier, if you did, by the grace of god, get a 5 man rez, you wouldn’t be around afterwards to continue to see the rest of the fight.

Because despite this change being put in place hide and rez would still have been a thing. Sure it become more prolific because of changes made to mercy that encouraged it. However, the damage was done. People at large were now aware of the strat and would still attempt it often regardless of any changes made to discourage it.

Mass Rez had to go because hide and rez was never going to stop being a thing as long she could still do it.


People attempted it before the first change. It didn’t work well and normally because of the advantage the enemy team still had over the team that just got rezzed, they knew exactly where all the people who got rezzed are and would just delete them again as they had no Mercy to heal them.

I have no definitive data for or against the amount of “hide & rez” that went on. I would say like most things the forum community says, it was vastly over inflated.

It was known before the change and no one did it, or at least did it effectively.

I don’t necessarily have beef with Blizzard for changing mass rez. I just point out that if they had never screwed it up to begin with, they would have never had to change it. Second, Valkyrie is garbage. More garbage if you compare it to pretty much any other ult, to include mass rez.

Can you stop spreading propaganda about why they changed Mercy res? Obviously there’s a lot more to it than trying to boil it down to such simplicity when it’s a lot more complicated in reality.


Natorian has a point though. The number of complaints about Mass Rez skyrocketed after the invul buff. Not saying there were none prior but they were rare and the ability was far from a hot topic.


Oh there were complaints. It was a rare “I got a 5K with Death Blossom and Mercy undid my PotG”. That happened about once a week maybe.