Frustrated Parent - Overwatch 2

I don’t think it really matters. Both our personal anecdotes can be true, and my point still stands relatively well. Because we’re talking about like 15 years ago. We are now in 2022. Phones are definitely ubiquitous at this point among teens. If I’m able to cite even a personal anecdote of teen cellphone ubiquity 15 years ago, what should that say about today? And I lived in a major city too. Growing up in LA and Vegas, high population areas (which is why the location matters), which will better reflect the national average.

If you’re German, O2 pre-paid works. For me at least.

Sorry but it doesn’t matter via personal anecdotes. It’s a parent’s choice on whether or not to let their kids have phones.

Or who knows they could have an alternative smart device with a VoIP or messaging service. That’s becoming more and more common. Again we don’t know the situation and it’s completely gross that you’re trying to push that you do through your personal takes.

How is it so hard for people to comprehend that parents don’t want their kids having phones or devices until they feel ready?

YEESH this place is disappointing. Parents getting ridiculed for not giving their kids phones, disgusting.

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I dunno about “switch’s” (lol nice), but I had an “I’ve already added a phone number” button when launching overwatch “2”. My account does not actually have an associated phone number.

embarrassment? they made multiple millions from that cheap mobile game. i think they won in the end lol

Most parents don’t let young kids do that. They wait till the kids are old enough to make better decisions. This applies equally well to cell phones

I bet you’re the guy that walks in to a party & everyone looks at each other & says “wtf invited him?”

The people ridiculing the concerned parents clearly don’t understand that it’s easier now than ever to be an internet creep and act maliciously by targeting children. I’m not trying to derail the thread, but predators have it very easy nowadays compared to “15 years ago” where stalkers didn’t have tiktok, social media, ect. Even a 15 year old who’s well equipped with knowledge to avoid being preyed up can still make mistakes easily.


Personally no amount of money would make me get over that sort of embarrassment that Wyatt Cheng experienced on stage. It was so bad I got severe second hand embarrassment just by watching it.

But either way I’m no longer a part of the consumer base for Blizzard, so it’s whatever to me how much money they got from it.

This Overwatch treatment was the final straw for me and seeing how all of their games are actually developed as live services, I have no interest in playing nor supporting such trash. Going to play actual great games instead with actual talent and passion behind them, than this junk they keep putting out for years now.

I don’t think this will work? I already have an Overwatch license on my main account.

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Oh no, you can’t boost your wife on a separate account now? Oh the horror

You know not all of us are boosting our partners? Arcade can be really fun, you should try it sometime :slight_smile:

To be completely fair, Blizzard has been doing live-service for virtually all of their games years before it was popular.

Then if you are playing arcade why would you need another account? That’s not logical here. If he needs another account to play with his wife it’s because she is in a different comp level and he doesn’t wanna mess up his main

I’m not pushing anything on anyone. I’m merely pointing out how ubiquitous phones are among teens. And because of that ubiquity, corporations like Blizzard are going to act in accordance with that ubiquity. You wanna go against the grain and not give your teen a phone, go right ahead. Maybe take it a step further and don’t give them a PC with internet access either for consistency. But don’t expect large corporations to accommodate a minority case like that.

first im glad they added the sms protection. the game is already less toxic! and 2nd you got a good 6 years out of ow1 sometime games close after 1 year. thats not bad really

so overwatch is 13+ teen rating game and most 13+ have phones as it seems schools make it a requirement these days for taking pictures of notes they need cause kids don’t have the time anymore to write anything down. If they are younger it seems they are outside the rating which wasn’t recommended anyway. In this day and age in the 1st world at least, thats an unfortunate circumstance and time to tell your kids they ain’t old enough and not everyone can get what they want in this world.

Please do correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought MMR is still calculated, even outside of comp? I wouldn’t want my MMR to take a hit just because I wanted to play a quick play with my wife.

How do you know she isn’t boosting him?

Right Like the time spent in Ow1, Gone
The money Spent for skins in game, gone
All in the name of “Better security” fat load of good it did we’re on day 2 and still getting ddosed so bad most people who have made it past the sms still have yet to play