From Plat to Silver

That’s how u get insane widows in plat a horrible ones in diamond

Out of curiosity, is the streamer Zzyzx? ;3

Game became garbage after like season 5. 222 system is trash and doesn’t allow team strategy or trades/counter.

this thread turned into cry about matchmaking a long time ago

Ehh I can see why with this new 2-2-2, you don’t have much reliability of people who can flex. I also have learned to not trust tanks or healers…not something that should happen in a team game, but honestly played five games where I was told as a DPS with gold damage, kills, and objective kills I was the problem I needed to do more. They also said they reported me at the end of the game for not playing harder that I realized that Overwatch at least on PC is horrible.

Don’t get me wrong climbing when I went from gold to bronze back up to gold was a struggle, but you really start to realize when some people are lower then the rank they should be. For example when I get told at the start of the match by both healers, “We are going DPS.” As a Dps you just scratch your head and go…welp guess this is GG already then huh. The DPS can work around with auto healers, but the tanks can’t. Just saying from watching other streamers and hell even Unit Lost, this new match making system is scuff for now.

“I play pharah (but can switch)”

Spends rest of post complaining about a problem that could have been solved just by switching off Pharah

Spends time trying to defend a broken system…oooof

I was high plat ~ mid diamond on 4 accounts now ranked down to low gold and silver within some weeks… matchmaking is broken.

no it isn’t, you’re the rank you’re supposed to be … according to many on these forums.

which is a really strange argument btw. if the “infallible system” is so perfect, why were you mid diamond, ever? the suggestion here is as the system ‘learns’ more about you it suddenly realizes you’re over a thousand points too high?

how is the system so wrong in the first place, yet according to many, so right in the eventual outcome?

it doesn’t make sense.

It’s probably a freak loss streak.
Keep playing and you’ll climb again.
I lost 300 SR, on dps a few months back, and then when I came back to it I had more fun than ever, since I had way more carry potential, and felt like a good player.
Enjoy the climb, and feel comfortable knowing that you deserve higher.
That or u were boosted by 600 SR.
Who knows

I’ll take a hit for that one. I was one of the players from the old forums that stated that. I truly did not think that people would take “competitive games” and turn it into “doesn’t matter if you afk in spawn because the game outcome is already determined when you click play”.

yeah i learned that in my job, there will always be people who are exploiting every possible angle to get the slightest advantage and people in general are way more stupid than you think

and most people don’t listen and just hear what they want to hear

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compare your comp stats with ana, bapt, and lucio to mine

look up my new MMR/SR reset account baronofsd-1919 cause apparently linking is a sin now.

why are we so far apart in SR ranking when if the the whole “hidden mmr is based of skill” theory is true, i should actually have a higher MMR than you? on those three heroes especially my ‘skill numbers’ are higher than yours.

yet im in a slow and continued slide.

i’m 100% solo queue btw, do you queue with friends or 100% solo?

Sorry I’m on the forums a lot lately, what rank are you exactly.
I completely solo queue- I can’t find friends who play as much as I do.
Again mmr may be a factor, but winning more games outweighs that hugely.
For instance on lucio I do a lot of speed- but my lower healing wouldn’t make me a worse player.
Aside from that it would mainly be gamesense that would be the difference.

  • what skill number exists??
    This is not a real thing

our lucio numbers are almost identical and I do the same thing.

my point - if the system weren’t horribly flawed you and I should be in the same tier. although if you compare my ana stats to yours … my accuracy is WAY higher.

you are in diamond, 1000 SR higher than I am and apparently either climbing or in steady state.

I am sliding from Platinum to now low gold. what the actual F?

the system is entirely RNG in my experience and I think what is happening is my MMR is being used to prop up my teams total MMR however at least 66% of the time the MMR of the opposing team is either tank or DPS leaving me in games 66% of the time where i have to hard carry as support against DPS that can click heads as well as I can or tanks that are equivalent.

i made the new account to test this exact theory. i wanted a fresh account with my current stats, without any legacy DPS or tank stats ONLY support. as soon as i qualified i was getting over 100 SR for wins … then I caught a losing streak and am now in a continued slide.

the only way to explain this is the system is expecting me to be able to hard carry my team’s to victory. if i were paired off against another support with similar MMR and also in the carry spot on the opposite team … my experience would be fairly consistent and the games would be close. when that opposing MMR to mine is DPS though, I can’t out heal them nor can my ability to hit shots make up for piss poor positioning on the part of the lower MMR players my team is comprised of.

What i have learned is that with 222 coming in you have to learn to play actaully overwatch instead of the random death match style it used to be. First of all your gold medals mean nothing at all 2nd you probably machanically good but not doing enough to have drastic impacted in the game we all have loss streaks as well i have had win streak from silver to high gold them a loss streak to mid gold after 3game loss i stop playing you should do the same take a day of because the sr system is correct

The system is simple.
If you win more games you climb, lose more and you sink.
Stats mean so little. Like nothing.
We have no idea how much mmr affects your SR, but it seems likely that it is very little.
If you deserved to be diamond, you would be there.
You probably do have better aim than me- but that’s not the key factor in winning or losing games.
Your rank is probably fair, or where it deserves to be at right now, and don’t tell me that you’re a better player than me because you have better stats-- any player might well be better than me, but stats aren’t evidence of anything.
If you want to climb–just practise and focus on improving, it’s really that simple.
The moment you start improving you will start climbing, and you will understand, almost immediately, that the ranked system isn’t broken, but fair.
I started last season in silver on support.
I had been in high silver for a while, but then I just played a tonne of Comp, and I felt myself improving.
Next thing I knew I reached diamond.
You can definetly do it, but Dont think that you are there now, or that your rank is wrong, but look at what you can improve on.
You cannot change any of your teammates, enemies, or the matchmaker.
You can only change yourself.
If we were both at the same rank, in the same game, on the same mode, but I climbed, it is no accident or forced winstreak- it took 100s of hours of grinding

how am i supposed to improve when all my stats are better than yours? i had a game yesterday where I hit 15 sleeps and a ton of antis and we got steam rolled.

the reason you’re higher than i am is the match maker doesn’t ever place you in the carry role but your game sense is high enough that you competently support the dps or tanks that are carrying you.

pick a hero and explain to me how you’re better? how about moira, ALL my stats too include ultimate stats are better than yours by a mile. youre suggesting what? my game sense sucks? then how to i have better stats across the board than you?

baptiste, again, across the board better.

the fact is, you can’t explain it. you’re guessing and assuming in the face of the fact that my mechanical stats and my ultimate stats are BETTER than yours. how exactly can I improve to be as godly as you?

the system is broken with 2-2-2. highest team MMR needs to be the same role for both teams. meaning “the carry player” needs to be support, or dps, or tank for BOTH teams. no more of this high MMR support facing off against high MMR DPS or tanks … its producing horribly inconsistent games ATM.

for anyone else like you, again, please tell me how i can ‘improve’ - baronofsd-1919 is my new comp profile. feel free to add me and queue with me you’ll see what I’m saying.

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That seems hard to do… on Friday night I was at the bar all night and got home and drunkenly played comp all night and didn’t go to sleep until Saturday at like 10 AM. After having placed 2722 on Tank I lost 7 in a row that night I think… I’ve gotten it back to 2619 but that was some pretty hefty damage. Even drunk me knew to stop playing. Why’d you keep playing?

I did notice in a lot of those games though my team and their team’s avg SRs were almost 2900… and there I was dropping back into 2600s. Maybe it was the time of night, or maybe it was the system testing to see if I was good enough to climb. Guess I wasn’t. I seem stuck in 2500-700 range.

currently 1-2, in my most recent game … bronze tank. full 1000 SR below the rest of the team and to top it off we get a leaver. i finish with golds in elims, dmg, obj elims, and healing.

its my fault though right? nothing strange going on here …

edit 2 more games just now.

first game, bronze tank but its ok he’s good and he is in a group with a platinum dps. other team is all golds and a platinum. predictably we get steam rolled.

next game, ever so narrowly squeeked out a win … with the other team only having 5 guys. neither of my tanks felt a shield was necessary. if they didnt have a leaver we had no shot.

stellar … experience blizz. you wonder why your player stickyness numbers are dwindling fast. best of luck on those Q4 earnings. remember when blizzard was a good company? you know … before all the original guys left?