From Plat to Silver

I feel you. I also was a Plat player.
I improved season by season and was 2650 eventually. When role queue hit, I got placed Silver (1960) in my main role (Support) and was not able to escape it for like 30 games now.
My Tank SR is still Plat though.
No idea what’s going on.
Except that I basically cannot play Ana or Zen any more…bc the meta. (Ana Main)
Even in Silver, they play that crap.

This is all nonsense while climbing i consistently do three times the average of people on my team. There is typically one guy doing average and one other person caring with me while the others are a detriment to the team losing and feeding more than gaining value.

Ow is a game where 2-3 players carry the other three

It means alot because a death helps the enemy team alot so getting more elims to less deaths is helping your own team much more.

That’s a terrible mindset to have.

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Its a team game with 2 main outcomes that happen 90% of the time, a 33 33 33 split shouldn’t be unexpected

Yeah in real life u can also burn all ur life savings on one night in a casino

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But medals don’t necessarily win you fights. To win in OW you have to win fights. Sure damage and kills matter, but which kills and which damage is more important in general to win a fight. Those who win fights will win games.

Seeing medals and then deciding to pump resources into a particular player isn’t necessarily going to make you win or even better your chances unless that person hard carrying. The people you the ignore are just going to to feed the other teams ults even worse which will be counter productive to you.

I am not saying I don’t want to see medals, but I don’t think it would be the end all be all or even change much in the outcomes of the games. It honestly probably will just make people flame the person more who is underperforming.

1 MONTH LATER -Squidward

10 losses doesnt drop 600 sr.
Ive had 15 match loss streaks & only dropped 400.
You must have been jumping off the edge & deliberately throwing.

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This is me honestly. before 222 i was 2 games off Plat and had been gradually climbing for a year. after basically a one week span i dropped to silver. placed into silver. how is it that a year’s worth of work getting better and climbing is erased in one week? so absurd.

take away the “fair” match thing from the matchmaker and match people solely based on their SR. just throw twelve people together based on SR and i guarantee you will get more gradual increases and decreases. for the vast population that means a better game experience.


“the system” is infallible – so they say

This is exactly how this works. Good, but stuck players against smurfs and alts in low ranks.


ol 10 matches… 10 losses. All no heals/boost. Carried them with 4 golds, 70-73% accuracy, etc.

I always get a losing streak like that after a winning streak - it’s like clockwork. MMR moves slower than SR they say, so supposedly MMR will punish you after a win streak with less SR for a win and greater penalty for a loss…

But from my experience it’s just that after a win streak you get matched up with increasingly worse teams - it’s like the game noticed you carried for a few fights so now it thinks you balance out really bad teams, but instead it breaks you and then MMR kicks in and takes your SR down to a place below the point where your win streak started.

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Or you have a 50 50 chance of getting a winning team so if you just got on a streak with good teams, chances are you will get some bad ones unless you are super lucky

The devs are correct. The team is picked from a SR bracket with somewhat equal MMR averaged. So if you are too high MMR then the other team mates have to be lower MMR to make the average equal. When a smurf or someone is carried their MMR throws off the average by quite a bit. In your case, assuming you are really really good ( Above plat ) your high MMR needs a low mmr, the bronze, to compensate against the other team.

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Yes, a problem I have with ow is that it tries to balance matches based on the mmr and not just the Sr. So if ur more mechanical skilled than most of ur rank but not as skilled as the next u will have games against ppl also more skilled mechanic-wise than the rest of the players at ur rank. I noticed this when playing with a friend who was a rank bellow me who has always been good with shooters and the snipers and tracers I had to play against were freakin insane man, nothing like my games


Wait… avg 25 sr per loss… 15 losses… that’s 375… which is not the amount separating plat from silver… o_O

Yep. My duo partner and i have earned Hard Mode. We can see it. There’s no way our enemies are your average high silver players. AND… we even have teammates claim that they’ve never seen such a crazy game before. It’s just normal to us.

So it’s true. 2100 isn’t 2100 for everyone. Some have easy mode. Some had hard mode. The fatal flaw of trying to force even matches, and not trusting the actual SR to naturally create even matches.

It’s extremely unfair to do this to your players. Here we are thinking we’re playing random games and hoping to rank up for 3 years. Eventually we just realize it’s rigged to force an even match, which makes the game pointless to even play in the long term.


The game is pointless because matchmaking is keeping you somewhere where you arent bad enough to drop but not good enough to have an impact that consistently gives your team a good advantage over the other?

I like that. Calling it hard mode. I watch people in gold in youtubes and that’s not the same gold I play in. Not at all.