From Plat to Silver

Such an amazing system. Plat to silver in 1 night. Been Plat for many seasons. Role Queue. Now in silver.

10 losses in a row. I play pharah (but can switch). 73% accuracy. 3 golds and 1 silver in most of those matches. Had a Mercy in all but 2 matches. 0 boost. 0 heals. all matches even with me trying to carry,`

lol 10 matches… 10 losses. All no heals/boost. Carried them with 4 golds, 70-73% accuracy, etc. Had a Mercy for over 3/4 the matches. 0 heals. 0 boost. 5 of those matches they had an actual Pharmacy. They destroyed us even though i was 2 v 1 them with 0 heals and our mercy doing god knows what. Even the matches without the other team having a pharmacy… nothing,

How would a mercy not boost a Pharah with over 68% accuracy and golds? And that Pharah trying to carry a team? Guess boosting a rein who is a shield tank is worth more.


The game has always had a handicapping system that balances you out if you’re good, to force an “even match.” Lots of people deny this, but many of us see it plain as day.

Now with Role Queue, it’s ridiculously apparent. You’re the better player, but too bad. You get Hard Mode for your efforts.

I’m guessing what happened was…

Less people are playing. So the handicapping is stronger.


what is wrong with you people?

whoever first told us that the matchmaker looks to make even matches with 50% win chances made a giant mistake because people like you twisted that into some stupid conspiracy that the matchmaker makes you lose games

yeah but it doesn’t it finds a FAIR match and that means every game is HARD! because if you get an easy game the other team gets an impossible one

and if the matchmaker makes you lose it also makes you win, or is blizzard monitoring half the people only so they can get a loss against the other half who is allowed to win?

god this is so dumb!


Pistol Mercy? I dunno, i havn’t touched this season. First season i havn’t played.
Role lock beta just didn’t feel right, doom and gloom on the forums, dps taking support and tank roles for quicker queues and just dps’ing in that role.

People that were all for role q and defending it at first are now turning agaisnt it. As someone who played daily and lurked forums daily, after my role q beta experience i was completely turned off. If they want to make such a drastic change that was a year in the making, surely you’d drop a bunch of balance changes in the same patch to accommodate the massive change in the game. Took a year to lock 2-2-2? Without balancing it? What?

People say other social media platforms are more positive about all the changes, but you can’t compare the forums vs social media. Blizz have the real numbers of how many players theyre retaining.

With inaction on throwers, balancing, 2-2-2(in my opinion, in know there’s lovers and haters) i think their speeadsheets will show 1 less player.

Godspeed players.

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A scoreboard is the simple, most obvious answer for determining into whom to put team’s resources, but they want to keep the game in baby mode with team bickering about medals, blindly throwing accusations on each other.


And guess what-when I get an ‘impossible’ game I’m assuming it must feel easy for the red team, so even when I get these ‘easy’ games where I seemingly dominate I despise it JUST as much as I do the impossible ones because I know someone else feels like absolute sh*t!


so you don’t like it when you dominate, don’t like it when you get stomped and don’t like 50% chance games because that means blizzard is holding you back

got it, you just don’t like playing at all

maybe try another mode/game?


LMAO 15 losses in a row. I have potg’s, golds, maintained a 71% accuracy, k:d ratio of 4:1 and still kept dropping. But yeah. My fault. All my kills, dmg, obj kills, etc. all my fault yet still 0 wins. Weird how this all happened with role queues.

Oh well. maybe i should just keep losing and throw and get as low as i can and win then when i feel like it since it is okay for me to play this many games and have 0 wins out of (8-12 matches?) and me trying to carry.


Do you shave your legs?


not in this game lmaol

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The problem is quiet obvious: you were waiting that your team, your Mercy is adapting to you. They didn’t.

You should have adapt to your team.

Now, even with that stubbornness you seem to be a good Phara. You will get your matches to rank up again.


Nope. nice try though. Been playing sijnce first round of closed beta. Have been Plat / Diamond. Role queue comes and the account in questions has dropped now 300-400+ SR with no wins. But yeah… ALl me even though never had this issue till now. I am sure the millions got better over night.

OHHHH and to add. If a gaming company needs to hide “teams” so no one knows, then something is also up. Only reason to hide some thing like that is to say “Oh. We don’t hide our 5 or 6 man teaMS VS solo. You can’t prove it now”


Now honestly ask yourself are those stats legit or over exaggerated to make your point?

As tbe person above put the only constant is you. So to lose 15 matches in a row there is no way tbe fault is always on your team and not you…

But im guessing you are either lying about the stats you got or its a smurf account so your playing with ppl much lower skill then you anyway and are now seeing youre not able to carry like you thought you could.


I also dropped over 300 points with role queue. A lot of thanks and healers yet not on their right ranks.

I took a breaka few days and won 400 points the next week.


I remembered someone said the developers already said we have a fair match against enemies with similar MRR. We know that is not the case. I had a 7 winning streak and I was at high gold. The enemy team has all plat and my team had a bronze player and two plat players only. We know that the system is bullshxt.


Nope. And nope not lying. I am now on this account not caring anymore. Dropping that much SR while trying to carry… I have 3 other accounts. 2 plats and 1 diamond. But this account im talking about is a main on other blizz games


You played Pharah 10 matches in a row and lost 10 matches in a row? If you weren’t getting support, why did you keep playing Pharah?

The game is about winning, not medals. It sounds like you failed to adapt.

Color me skeptical, but I have a hard time believing you received zero heals over 10 games.

Maybe your team doesn’t need to be carried. Your mentality suggests you’re better than everyone else on your team, which is a hindrance, not an asset.

If you insist that you carried, then you carried your team to losses. Adapt. If you aren’t getting support, you have two choices—adapt or become toxic.

Mercy doesn’t have access to your medals, and I doubt they were checking your accuracy mid-match determining if they should boost you.

If you’re in team chat claiming you’re carrying with your medals and accuracy, you’re being toxic. I doubt anyone would want to support you.


You are incorrect my friend, the other constant in every game is this matchmaker, which is rigged and is stinky and it is handicapped. Also I recommend you should get some sunshine.


People don’t know what they have until it’s gone. Before, people “felt” forced to play certain roles because many would instalock a damage character, so they had to play tank/support. Now, players are forced against their will to play 2/2/2, and with that freedom taken away comes more frustration. Now players have no influence over another role, so if they feel their healers are bad, they generally lash out at their healers out of sheer powerlessness over the situation.

In my opinion, I think 2/2/2 is better off remaining despite the problems. I find it better to be judged based upon my roles and ranked accordingly, because one score shouldn’t represent my hypothetical godly skills at support along with my supposed mediocre tank skills. I also feel that any DPS tanks/supports will naturally begin to fall down in rank away from the players who are trying to win, or they will shape up and play more according to their role. It does feel frustrating thinking that I’m losing because another role on my team isn’t pulling their weight, but the best thing you can do in that situation is to support your team mates as best as you can and try and help them through their shortcomings. For example, I’ve seen some Mercy’s go for dumb rez’s in matches when I’m playing rank. Instead of thinking and writing in chat “dumb mercy you shouldn’t Rez in the middle of a standoff” I try my best to bring up a shield for Mercy so she can bring her team mate back to life. It can really, and I mean REALLY frustrating at times especially when they’re cussing you out, but it’s better to learn how to work with difficult people sooner than later in life. Trust me when I say when you work, you will ALWAYS deal with difficult people on a regular basis, and you still have to remain professional at all times. It sucks to be a team player or “the better man”, but it’s an important quality that many don’t appreciate.


It does. About 20% of the games I play seem fair and balanced. The rest is either my team gets rolled or I could stay in the spawn and we’ll win anyway.