From Plat to Silver

If you’re on a long losing streak maybe stop playing that role so it doesn’t lose too much st

Sounds like it’s a you problem. I won 80% of mine. Never been below 60%. Sounds like you are hitting a lot of people but either getting lots of splash damage and no direct kills quickly enough or your targeting the wrong people and not making game winning plays.

You are a level 39, seems more like you tried to abuse placement matches. How do you even lose so much with role queue? You know you got 2 tanks and 2 supports just like the other team. Nothings easier than climbing on dps right now if you play below your rank.

This is why I don’t want to see fresh accounts in my matches. Some bs players who can’t properly play anyway ruining my games. Meanwhile you stick to one account and still have to deal with that nonsense.

They need to start do something about that alt account bs

To be honest, after two losses, stop - take a break de-queue and let the MMR move on. If you’ve lost three games in a row your probably tilting subconsciously at least.


Nope. Nice try though.

New account, private profile. I’d be inclined to agree with him, you got lucky in placements and now are falling to your main account’s sr.
If you can’t dominate silvers as a plat you never belonged there.
It’s like playing vs AI, no reason you should be losing if you are even just slightly above average.

EDIT: Just laughed after reading this :

First it’s silver so you can’t expect them to play as if they knew what they were doing.
Second, I’m sure this only happens on your team, the red team is always smurfs right? :frowning: and third if you were actually as good as you think you are you could exploit those bots easily, but you can’t so all evidence points to you being an AI bot as well, unfortunate.

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I’m a fantastic Mercy and Moira. I know it’s a bit questionable to admit that you’re good in a forum where people love to tell you how bad you are, but I do that myself when it comes to my DPS :stuck_out_tongue:

That being said, I was Mercying my way to Diamond, reached 2980 or something, and now I’ve been hit with a massive losing streak and have fallen 100 SR because the enemy team is full of Diamonds and mine is full of Plats and, well, I’m the healer and there’s only so much I can do when the team is already outskilled.

Losing streaks are inevitable when it comes to Competitive Overwatch, but they’re so painful to play through. All I can say is, OP, keep playing through it. You’ll reach the bottom of the ditch eventually, and then you’ll have a winning streak and come back to where you belong. I used to be 625 Bronze and got to 2000 in that same season (Season 5) - Every time I was about to rank up, I’d experience a losing streak, go down 100 - 200 SR, then the win streak hit and I’d rank up. Every time. It’s a painful process, but keep playing as much as you can and make sure you create groups so you can have at least one other good player with you. I WAS doing that in these Support matches, but one guy solo queued to Diamond one night and is having a break (:expressionless:) and the other has been completely offline for 3 days. So…I’m having to wait and it’s stressful lol.

But for more advice, don’t 4 - 6 stack. It’s always harder when you’re up against properly coordinated teams who have been playing together for a long time. That’s my experience at least.

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I’m genuinely curious, what do you usually do in your comp matches to be hardstuck Silver? Not to flame you or anything, I don’t do that. Just very curious. :slight_smile:

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The opposite of most of my teammates.

I retreat when someone gets a pick (i.e. watch the killfeed), I don’t trickle in, I stay behind the frontline if I’m support, I save my ult and don’t lob it in when it’s 2v6 in the hops of some ‘broken clock’ potg, I focus on healing and not dps as support, I swap when countered, I counterpick, I watch flanks often (normally when I reload), I don’t leave the game, I use VC, I refuse to be negative in game as it does nothing, i refuse to fight amongst my team even if they ____ the bed magnificently, I habitually practice my aim, I watch each and every game I play to pick up additional things I could have done better, I watch T500 streams to pick up tricks (moira/bap have a few that many just don’t know).

That’s mostly it. And I don’t climb. I just don’t. For many a reason the opposite of what’s above, in addition to some not in the list above.

Like I said in another thread recently, some accounts have issues that others do not. Which makes me genuinely wonder what the aspects of MMR that Blizz keeps hidden actually are.

All of the above doesn’t matter of course, as I’ve all but moved on from Overwatch due to a new high end PC, and an apathy towards the game as a whole. I excel in other FPS games. I don’t in Overwatch. -shrugs-

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That sucks, dude :confused: But I do think the account issue might have something to do with it. People say that climbing with old accounts is considerably harder, and I think that’s true. I’ve had this account and have played Overwatch very often since January 4th 2017 (why do I remember the day? No idea!). I used to be 625 Bronze and my highest this season (for Support as I’m currently a Mercy main in this meta) is about 2980. Been on a loss streak ever since as is the usual case when I’m about to rank up, so I just need to play through it. But I do think the system keeps your old data, and as someone who was once the bottom of the barrel…well…those old stats could be wiped away and I think it would do me a whole lot better. Hell, even year old data is irrelevant to how I play now. But alas, it stays to haunt me :stuck_out_tongue:

Overwatch is difficult because it is SO team-based. People talk about “solo-carrying”, but that whole mentality is a toxic falsity. Unless you’re, I don’t know, a sniper main, you can’t do much better than the worst player on the team. Especially if you’re a healer such as myself - who you get as the DPS and Tanks determine whether you’re going to win or not simply because of how you effect the game. Even a good DPS can’t do well if the Tanks are cowardly, and Tanks can’t do well if the Healers don’t do their jobs and heal them. That’s the game in a nutshell.

I’ve said this since my Bronze days; it takes one person to lose a game, and an entire team to win one.


Nahh, that’s rubbish! I have beers with Dafran and Kaplan every weekend, I gained over 6000 sr in two games! Yea! I’m that good, top 500 ya know? I did it, so if I did it alone carrying FIVE POTATOES so can you! If you can’t, you shouldn’t even look at Overwatch! Sell your PC, you’re a disgrace if you can’t climb!

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That’s the “I’ve never played lower than Diamond - I also main Hanzo” crowd in a nutshell.

They’re just as bad as the “I am the difference between good and bad players” people.

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Meh. This thread capped it off pretty well.

Post #4:

"Guess I’ll just post this whenever I see a “matchmaker doesn’t do anything iffy” post:

Recently it was slipped that there are legacy values. Then take this Blizzard Activision patent into account:

“[0016] In another example, if a player has been performing poorly (e.g., getting killed at a rate higher than the player’s historical rate), the scoring engine may dynamically adjust one or more coefficients to match the player in a game that will improve the player’s performance. For example, the player may be matched with easier opponents, matched with better teammates, and/or placed in a game that is more tailored to the player’s preferences (e.g., players that play in games more closely aligned with their preferences tend to perform better).”

From: `

No words are really minced there. We need this quote to be unequivocally rejected that nothing of this sort occurs in Overwatch.

Or that the abstract for this patent describes matchmaker specifically placing people with unique skins in games with people without them, to encourage purchase of those skins."

The naysayers of course leapt all over it with ‘That’s not used! You have no proof!’. There’s no proof it’s not, and the OW Devs sure haven’t denied it, and there are plenty an unknown aspect of the MMR system in place.

It’s interesting to talk about, but that’s about it. I dislike parts of OW that some accounts are forced to deal with, and others get to skate on. For example, I’ve seen some ‘Bronze to GM’ full runs, each and every match, where those accounts have maybe 5 leavers in all the games played. I’ve had 5 leavers in a 3 hour session. If you dislike parts of the game so much that it tips the scales to dislike consistently? Time to move on. I have, and it’s so much nicer on the other side.


That’s really interesting, I didn’t know those aspects had ever been discussed. It’s definitely rigged though, even if not intentionally for the purpose of screwing players over.


Shh someone’s gonna come tell you it’s not.

But seriously, it fcuking is. Want proof? I’ll give you proof. How in the FCUK can that hotshot ‘Jayne’ throw around the numbers he did, saying something like ‘a third of your games you’ll win, a third you’ll lose, and a third are random’ HOW CAN HE SAY THAT AND THEN OTHERS HAVE THE AUDACITY TO SAY IT ISNT RIGGED???

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I got sick of it. Last game I played was a couple days ago now. 29-2, 24k heals as Moira in 2 rounds that didn’t even go 8 minutes, PotG also. What’d I get paired with? A group, but you can’t see it’s a group anymore (lolwut), with a Winston that outright refused to swap off vs a Protected Bastion with a Reaper as the other DPS.

I ‘play on my head’ and lose just as much SR as the randoms I’m paired with, with stats that are not even considered.

“But they are! You probably lost 2 less SR than the bads on your team!” Wow. 2sr. Gee. Thanks.

I threw in the towel with that game. The system punishes those that play well, and those that play badly get to skate. Enough. On to greener pastures.

I’ll keep an ear to the goings on of Overwatch, as things may change one day. But I’m certainly not holding my breath.


I think what Matchmaker does is it gives everyone mmr obviously, but then it puts people with the same mmr and Sr against each other. So a Smurf and a misranked player would be placed together. Both should be one or two ranks higher but instead they’re competing against each other for gold.

Instead of putting them both in the higher rank it basically forces the algorithm to pick the better one and level that person up. It’s an annoying loop, that doesn’t do quite what it should be doing. Sure it gives more fair matches in the short term, but it does keep people playing generally at the wrong rank.

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Golds don’t mean anything when you lose my guy. Gold damage could have been 10k in a 15 minute match…

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It’s funny how Blizzard put so much effort into stats and medals, yet they can very often mean next to nothing.


They validate your performance, if only for you to see it. I mean, keeps you coming back when you see and know you are the best player on the team, right? Psychology is powerful