From Plat to Silver

“winning can be negative, let’s take for example the person arguing about 20-40-40% chances, they are arguing that they can sit in spawn and win and this is a failure of matchmaking” Just highlighting this part because you obviously skipped over it.


Just highlighting this comment because you obviously skipped over it.

I stopped reading after this:

in your next post after this:

You are arrogant, rude and disrespectful.

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“I mean it was a general statement” if you read on you would see why I said this. I said it because I wasn’t sure if you were the 20-40-40 person but I knew you agreed with MHz and that it still applied to you specifically anyways because of something you said on this post. Not only did i point out how it specifically applied to you, I scrolled and found out that you WERE the person talking out 20% matches where you can impact the outcome, but you just keep repeating the same sentence when I have already explained it multiple times, this is why I bring up flat earth. How can you tell someone something when they take one part of a sentence and blur out the rest of it because that part doesn’t fit their narrative, and still blur it out when I highlight it for you. People make mistakes and forget but I am trying to help you see what part you are ignoring and you refuse.

So let me also quote you from another topic (since you talk about it yourself):

My questions are:

  • where do I agree with MHz
  • what I am saying about the system
  • where are my “baseless accusations”.

FIND QUOTES (skip the middle one since I already have proven you wrong).

I legit provided a quote of your comment on the system on the other post where you asked for it, and that quote came from THIS post, are you going to ignore that?? Your 2nd and 3rd bullet are pretty much the same thing. I said " When other people rank up or even do challenges to get a “marked” account into diamond, you make baseless accusations on why it worked for them and not for you" I was wrong. I thought you would be able to realize that I was talking about MHz but I was wrong in wording it by saying “you” because I was grouping you with MHz since you 2 are the ones claiming it is suspicious that he didn’t continue the challenge, while mhz was accusing him of hacks, but you didn’t accuse him of hacks, you were just defending MHz on that post, so my bad. So we can both agree MHz is a spouting a load of BS?

Way back when I started fresh on a new account after being stuck in plat for what was shaping up to be eternity, I was playing in silver for most of my placement matches. I proceeded to slam garbage silvers for 10 games in a row, being called out for hacks every second game. I ended up in high plat after about 3 days of playing and am now masters.

My thoughts about your situation; if you aren’t carrying every single game in silver, you don’t deserve plat.

What are you so upset about? I thought that was what you were supposed to do, seeing that so much of the playerbase throws to bronze on purpose.

I routine move between mid silver and mid Plat.

I don’t care.

I play with a bunch of friends and my kids.

I do want to mention that you will climb or drop where you belong over time.

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I stay right around 2100. I’m ok with this for now.

Some matches feel like easy mode. Some feel MISERABLE

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I share your experience with role queue. My friends an I played daily from launch (17+ seasons), but everyone (even the people that advocated for it) turned against role queue, and my friends list is now dead. We’ve all taken a break. Not because we’re angry about ranks or SR. It’s all because the game has drastically changed, and feels inflexible and depressing. You spend ages queueing, just to accept your fate with the team you get. No ability to swap it up, or try audacious strats.

I have started checking the forums today, for the first time, in the hope that I can gauge the community sentiment towards 2-2-2. I hope that eventually Blizzard releases a “classic comp” playlist. I really don’t like 2-2-2, or the new meta. It will take something drastic to make me fire this game up again. And that’s really sad, considering I was playing daily for almost three years (and had a full and active friends list before role queue).


Throw an invite. Let’s duo. Mox#11438 with over 1700+ hours played. Still Silver. Still not climbing. For 17 seasons.

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this thread is so bad. please delete. everyone is just complaining and blaming the system lol.

i can only say 1 thing

if i make a smurf and start at bronze i will go back to my regular rank no matter what if you are good you will climb.

you lose some no matter what and u win some no matter what. thats how team games work.

The replies crack me up. You don’t go from plat to silver let alone bronze. Did everyone get insanely better in 1 season. Nah. People can say all they want. I kept/keep getting teamed with healers who focus dps (have reported many and have ss of healers like moria and ana dpsing vs healing while im at under 100 health right next to them for some time.

Keep getting people who leave/dc. People who solo ult to save themselves. People who solo charge. Healers who stay Lucio when our comp would benefit other healers. They refuse to switch. Etc. Role queue has destoryed it.

If you’re on a long losing streak maybe stop playing that role so it doesn’t lose too much st

Sounds like it’s a you problem. I won 80% of mine. Never been below 60%. Sounds like you are hitting a lot of people but either getting lots of splash damage and no direct kills quickly enough or your targeting the wrong people and not making game winning plays.

You are a level 39, seems more like you tried to abuse placement matches. How do you even lose so much with role queue? You know you got 2 tanks and 2 supports just like the other team. Nothings easier than climbing on dps right now if you play below your rank.

This is why I don’t want to see fresh accounts in my matches. Some bs players who can’t properly play anyway ruining my games. Meanwhile you stick to one account and still have to deal with that nonsense.

They need to start do something about that alt account bs

To be honest, after two losses, stop - take a break de-queue and let the MMR move on. If you’ve lost three games in a row your probably tilting subconsciously at least.


Nope. Nice try though.