From Plat to Silver

1: I’m not a pharah main but every time I have played pharah I have found it is extremely easy to have an accuracy in the high 60s and low 70s and I even played pharah alot when I started because I thought I was naturally “good” at her because of the accuracy, but I quickly figured out that that wasn’t the case and now I have a grudge against alot of pharah mains because from my adventures from bronze to diamond, pharahs, especially in the lower parts like low gold, silver and bronze would always be cocky and flex golds and a 70% accuracy and act like they deserve greatness, and blame the team for not supporting them enough etc etc. If you can’t carry on it and you need a pocket, you can’t carry, simple as that. You provide little to no unfair advantage to your team that would cause them to win more, so why would you think you deserve harder opponents that would be harder to carry against.

That is because you have no impact on your games. Get better so you can have a higher than normal impact on games than other people in your rank

But everyone here is saying that a bad mmr will try to force losses to get your sr to match your mmr, so nuking mmr would makes your sr go lower by this logic.

If you need someone to be 24/7 with you you’re not carrying. Play an actual hero. Pharah is actual trash if you’re not getting pocketed.

It puts you with people who are playing well to even out the carries vs the carried. So if you just go potato mode and only do as much as you absolutely have to, you’ll win more often

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That’s a copy paste response.

and yours isn’t? How many people who refuse to focus on getting better have blamed games on being rigged to be 50% win-loss. Do you know what else gives you 50% win-loss? Being at a rank where you are too good to drop fast and too bad to carry the games and rank up. If you are feeling that only 20% of your games have something you can do about, you are trolling, stop blaming stuff on bs like that, thats why people can’t rank up because you are quick to blame teammates instead of spending your time improving on the obvious mistakes you make every game, and you choose to blame the game for giving you a match which you can’t carry in, but somehow with that logic you still want games against higher ranked, better players, while you admittedly can’t even carry out of the rank you are in now that has worse players than other ranks.

Yeah thats the bs, so you agree with people like MHz and others on multiple posts that the game tries to bring your sr down to your mmr but you say when you reduce your mmr the game will try to raise your sr. You people have no idea what you even agree with. How about instead of using little system cheats to beat the “rigged mmr system” you just play good? You guys yell at the “git gud” response but get happy when you see something like “don’t try to get good, just wait for mmr reset” “dont try to get good, just play like a potato”. Litterally just tell me why you want to play with higher ranked players when you can’t carry against lower ones.

It might be hard to get it, so I will explain it to you, although I have the feeling that you don’t want to understand it at all. Because you have this “get better” card and you think it fits everywhere. It doesn’t.

So. I’m talking about that I rarely get a balanced game. This is the only type of game that I can have impact on. So if a game is not balanced, if it’s roll or get rolled - the matchmaking isn’t working or IS working. We don’t know, we never will. The fact is - games don’t feel balanced.
To make it even clearler - I’m not talking about my rank, about my skill and all that stuff, so keep your “get good” for yourself.


Ive had to climb through gold multiple timea and had to get out of bronze and silver once, im what you are talking about and ik it better because I defeated it. If you worked on yourself you would feel that you had an impact on the games because you could carry. The only reason you guys still have the forums plauged in thia argument ia because you refuse to try to get better even though it is the only option. What do you actually want? Someone to give you a cheatcode that will make you win games?

Jesus Christ, dude. READ!!!
How of an impact you’re talking about if my team is rolling the enemy and I could as well sit in spawn the whole time?!

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Yes, now hand it over


Yes honestly i have had so many games recently where i play the best game i ever have and lose horribly . Its almost as if its pre determined

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In another example, if a player has been performing poorly (e.g., getting killed at a rate higher than the player’s historical rate), the scoring engine may dynamically adjust one or more coefficients to match the player in a game that will improve the player’s performance. For example, the player may be matched with easier opponents, matched with better teammates, and/or placed in a game that is more tailored to the player’s preferences (e.g., players that play in games more closely aligned with their preferences tend to perform better).

Jesus Christ bro, READ!! How are you supposed to have anything above a 50% win rate if you won’t improve yourself and literally blame everything on your team

In another example, if a player has been performing poorly (e.g., getting killed at a rate higher than the player’s historical rate), the scoring engine may dynamically adjust one or more coefficients to match the player in a game that will improve the player’s performance. For example, the player may be matched with easier opponents, matched with better teammates, and/or placed in a game that is more tailored to the player’s preferences (e.g., players that play in games more closely aligned with their preferences tend to perform better).

You’re hopeless. :woman_facepalming:t2:

friendly reminder to myself: never EVER try to explain something to this fanboy.


Same can be said for the 20% fair match thing.

The chance of raking up when you blame everything on your team and even rate your skill solely by comparing to your teammates, is very close to 0. Focus on improving and stop trying to make conspiracy theories that “prove” yoh are in a rank lower than you deserve

I blame my team for winning? Interesting :woman_shrugging:t2: