MHz Analysis of New Role Queue (stinky or no?)

Thats not the only fact we know. What is the point of talking to you if you repeat the same thing despite what anyone says. This is why he quot the challenge, because the owner of the account is someone like you who just ignored everything and blamed the rank up on other factors such as bliz flagging the account to rank up, or calling him an aimbotter whole providing only 1 clip of said “aimbot” and it is just him hitting a ashe dynomite

No. I am the person who likes the facts. You belive only what you want to believe. It something fits your philosophy you don’t dig any further, just because you like the answer.

And fact is, this person MHz never showed any kind of proof how matchmaker is rigged or how are people kept in certain ranks. Actualy he never proved anything he claimed.

Exactly. Nothing was proven.

Milions of games created, people able to record their games. Its even more easy now with replay system. Countless topics how system is rigged and how are people kept in lower ranks by blizzard and yet not once anyone showed proof with recorded set of games in almost 4 years. Its funny.

Even UFO has more evidence lol.

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You are literally explaining your situation. You provide no facts that prpve the system works like the way you say other than that you are too bad to rank up. When other people rank up or even do challenges to get a “marked” account into diamond, you make baseless accusations on why it worked for them and not for you

and what it is I say?

You are agreeing with MHz and you can see that nothing he says is backed up with any kind of proof. He just provides an example for the way the system COULD work and when people who have actually climbed provide evidence of getting better and ranking up, he invalidates it, says the account isn’t “marked”. When the guy got to diamond he refused to believe he should continue the challenge because he thought he was cheating, at a point where he didn’t even get to 3300 yet. He learned something good today that I have yet to learn (because I am taking time to reply right now): There is no amount of evidence you can provide that would change your minds, you come up with excuses everywhere.

  • Oh you were bronze a few seasons ago, ah no, bronze a few seasons ago was bad, today’s bronze is at the skill level of diamond 2 years ago (something I have seen today, not sure if it was from MHz)
  • Oh, you got out of bronze last season? Well you were only bronze for 1 seasons you weren’t marked
  • oh, you were bronze for multiple seasons? Your account must have fallen through the cracks, the matchmaker messed up and took you out of your rank
  • Oh, you got my “marked account” into diamond? Huh, you are gm though, even though your account isnt GM you probably are gm so your claim is invalid.

There is nothing you can say to a flat earther, no evidence you can provide because anything that makes sense will be ignored or met by the same response “cgi photos, fake pictures of earth, every piece of evidence you have is actually faked”
"You are aimbotting on that overwatch account; your account must’ve been unmarked jeff saw it on forums and made sure to unmark it; you got lucky and the matchmaker failed to give you a bad team, you are a rare gem (despite the fact that so many people who have climbed are commenting on these posts, but nope all of em are rarities, or as MHz would say, COMMENTING ON MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS. Wouldn’t be surprised if you were an MHz alt.

We are the people who present the facts, you only believe what you want to believe. If something fits your philosophy you don’t dig any further, just because you like the answer. It’s like if Socrates bringing up some logic on why the sun is rotating around the earth, and Galileo shows him his telescope but he just tells him that the telescope is broken.

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No no no. QUOTE me where I say how the system works. You said:

QUOTE where “I say”

Do you think it doesn’t exist because it was on another post? :man_facepalming: thanks for making me scroll

What I say here is that the games are not balanced.

You are claiming here and in other posts that in 80% of your games there is nothing you can do to effect the outcome of the game

Yes, I get matches when I see that my team doesn’t even need me to win. And I find it not ok and not fun.

So you are admitting that it is possible to blame your team for wins. Not a question mark at the end of that sentence btw just in case you didn’t notice.

I am blaming matchmaking for creating a game where I am not even needed.
If you think these games are fun and fair - good for you.

So the thing I specifically reposted 2 times (aka a total of 3 times) is:

““winning can be negative, let’s take for example the person arguing about 20-40-40% chances, they are arguing that they can sit in spawn and win and this is a failure of matchmaking” Just highlighting this part because you obviously skipped over it.”

And in that same post " I personally believe winning a bunch of games because your team can 5v6 is a bad thing"

But are saying that I (ME) think those games are fair and dandy, and you are the one thinking that a win like that is negative (the whole point I brought up since you claimed you can’t blame for a win because a win is positive). You are trying to litterally say what I said and claim I am saying the opposite. Hm, wonder why you would try to impose your original claim on me and take my original claim for yourself, hmmm, maybe becuase my claim was correct?

Dude, stop playing games, you legit took what I said and turned it into the exact opposite while taking what I said and saying it for yourself. Wha… how… why are you doing this.

The point is that you tried to prove that I blame the team. And I am telling you that there is NO TOPIC on this forum where you can find me blaming the team.

I don’t care what you think. You accused me of so many bad things and were rude, that I don’t read your statements anymore. They’re not worht it until you apoligize.

?? Stop trying to word it differently Ben S. I didn’t say you were on forums and said word for word “I blame my team for this win” but I was saying that that is what you do when you win games because you yourself keep bringing up the scenario where you could do “nothing” and your team would still win, aka you had no impact on the game and your team is the one winning for you. I don’t get how I can break that down any further. You put resposibility on your team for getting steamrolled and that you couldn’t have any impact on making them win, and you put responsibility on your team for winning and that you didn’t have any impact on making them win. This is simple logic and you understand it but you just ignore it every time I say it because it would prove you wrong on something that doesn’t even really matter. We all have games where you can try your best and not win/try your worst and still lose, but your flaw comes when you say that there are only 20% of games from which you can do something to affect the outcome. Aka, if you send in 10 consecutive vod reviews to someone, they would only be able to give you advice and point out mistakes that would have won the game for only 2/10 of those games.

That’s all I have to say.

So you won’t apologize for repeatedly ignoring half of what I am saying even after pointing it out 3 times but are trying to make me feel bad because I honestly apologized once for saying “you” when assumed you realized who I was talking about because we both read and reacted to the same post. So you say its not worth it until I did, so I did, and you still refuse to answer to the other claims I point out and even the one which I made a 1 word error with. You are so backed into a corner at this point and trying to find any reason to leave when it is so obvious that you are wrong. I admit making a 1 word mistake but you can’t admit literally taking my claim and saying that i said THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF IT and then continuing to take that claim that I said, and use it in your own comment as your own claim. If in your next comment you choose to ignore that you literally took what I said and restated it as your own claim while claiming I believe the opposite [of what I said] I don’t know what to think of you. I apologize for assuming you agree with MHz because you are repeatedly defending him on his claims (not a far off mistake) and will you apologize for this:

What I say

I personally believe winning a bunch of games because your team can 5v6 is a bad thing

What you say in response

I am blaming matchmaking for creating a game where I am not even needed.
If you think these games are fun and fair - good for you.