From Plat to Silver

Doesn’t mean anythhing in this game. You get elim counts even if you just tagged people. I’ve gone games where ive been full carried by others and have a 30:0 ratio because my dps were absolutely destroying.

You need to get the right kills at the right time to win games.


I’ve had this kind of thing at least a dozen times over the 3 years Overwatch has come out. 800SR drops in just the span of a single weekend. 400SR drops just throughout a week. Similar with climbs though typically not as quick. Around the middle ranks, that can be sufficient for it to be saying “Your rank has dropped by an SR equivalent to the skill level of 50% of all Overwatch players in the world.” That is completely and utterly absurd. The idea that someone could once be a high rank and EVER be bad enough to need to play at the low end of SRs you can fall to - it just shows how broken the ‘ranking’ system is.

I can relate it to a real-life thing we see in cycling: If you have EVER, in your life been a cyclist at a level to be a national champion, while you might go away from the sport for even 10 years and lost all that fitness, you never really drop below about a B-grade domestic level, and it typically only ever takes a person about six weeks to get back to being able to run in A grade. It’s no different with nearly any sport or ability - you can be rusty, but it’s not like you can be an A grade or C grade basketball player one week and D grade and E grade the next. It just doesn’t work like that. Yet, all the players around you will be at at that level - and you simply can not perform to the level you would expect and want to when put in among that kind of environment - and you certainly can’t control how good your teammates are. But yet, you have a system telling them you’re as good as them?

No. It just doesn’t work that way.

The system needs to implement a SR drop floor.


average SR in games is like 24? 10x24 is 240.

Its not plat to silver. you would need 20 + lost games

Sorry, I dont believe you went from plat to silver in one night, not on dps role with waiting times and you would have to lose all games.


Boosting? I think you meant to say Yellow beaming while hes full health instead if we are talking about gold rank X)


I don’t know man. I watch a small streamer that used to be a Top 500 support main season 1-6 or something, I am talking 4400SR every season.
He then quit Overwatch and is now back in season 18, and his support role is stuck between diamond/master. He is not able to rank up to GM again.

Pharah was arguably more effective before 222 because there were more squishy targets, and at low elo, people can’t really aim. Unfortunately Pharah is in very situational state now at any rank.

You should pick up a new carry hero until you reach Plat again. I recommend Doomfist, Sym, or Widowmaker.

What is this utter bs people keep saying, the game doesn’t force a 50% win rate. If this was true, alt accounts/smurfs would never climb. If you’re better than the other people in your rank, you will climb.

I get why it feels like a forced win rate sometimes, but sometimes you have off days, sometimes you do get bad teammates, sometimes you do get throwers, but hey, sometimes the enemy team are just better than your team, but no, that’s not it, just blame a “rigged” matchmaking system for your inability to climb.


I think if you’re starting to lose a lot of SR, then maybe you should take a break. The more consecutive games you lose, the more likely you are to get tilted and impact your own performance. If I lose more than two in a row, I simply take a break and play something else then come back and go again when I feel better, otherwise I get in a bad mood and snap at my teammates, which tilts them and makes them perform bad.


Wow someone who thinks like me. This s MMR gives you hardest match in the seek of 'Balance". So you are helping a silver player in a high gold game to stay where they do not belong.


Dude you ended him XD

But seriously, stop blaming others for everything. If you lost 10 games in a row, you should be taking a break. Having a toxic mentality will make you throw games harder.

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If what you’re doing isn’t working adapt your play style or take a break from tilting. I dropped 2 tiers too and decided to play mccree instead and then won 9/10 of my next games. I could flank people who have no awareness even against double barrier I get 3-4 kill ults. Each team will always have a gold medal and with role queue you’re really only competing with one other DPS for kills now so they mean even less than they did before which was not much.

It would be next to impossible to go from plat to silver in one night as DPS. I mean, you would need to lose like 20-30 games and the average wait time for DPS games is like what? 10 minutes if we’re talking night games give or take on average?

Basically you would need to sit in queue 4 +/- 1 hour, then you have the games themself which has an average of about 14 minutes on top of that so you would need to play for 16 hours or more kind of in order to achieve this. Doable but not in one night.

If the system thinks you belong in silver you would be able to achieve this a few hours faster but then your whole speech about having amazing stats and all that would be a lie.


Expecting people to tell the truth on the forums is like expecting Donald Trump to tell the truth on Twitter.


Yeah game is trash. Just play casually. 222 is horrible when you have trash teammates and you can’t switch roles to recoup the lack of others


No, it literally means that the difficulty is adjusted to match your play.

It means 2100 isn’t the same 2100 for everyone. It depends on your play.

Suck? Cool, here’s easier games.
Doing great? Nah, can’t have that or it’s not fair.

Seen it over and over at various ranks for three and a half years.

Blizz trying to create even matches using hidden metrics, rather than just letting 2100 be 2100 literally IS handicapping.


Dont pharah if team not helping you. Use another dps. Ps4 i went 2814 to silver with mercy so i know the feeling

You’ve “seen” it over and over for that long because you WANT to “see” it over and over as an excuse, so you have the wrong mindset for this game. You even denied that it’s possible to “boost”, claimed to have a coach when you clearly don’t, among other things.

Seriously, stick to single player or co-op non-PvP games if you can’t handle playing with other people.

Post from your actual account in question, make it public, and post a video of you playing. Then we’ll take you seriously.

Until then, you’re just bad.

Typical Quarters, accusing people of things that he’s doing himself.

Check the boosters these days, btw. They can’t guarantee a thing. Not like they used to, because the system is built to cancel it out.

Well guess what.

That’s handicapping.


Again, I have to pull this card out. These two players “see” the same thing you do. Both players clearly showed themselves to be delusional about their own gameplay and how they are intentionally given “bad teammates” as a result. How are you different than those two? I bet you that you aren’t.

If someone were to give you an account in Diamond, would you be able to keep it in Diamond? I doubt it. Same with a Plat account.