You group up with others in similar skill levels. I have multiple accounts to and they’re definitely not within 50 SR of each other, one of them is a tier and a bit higher than thee other, although I solo almost exclusively. I appreciate your experience but the many threads on this suggests others are not the same.
But it doesnt mean system is rigged, a lot of people just think that they are bette than they really are. I have multiple accounts in same place too, when i tried hard enough i climbed to my elo every time. Sure my account be be at different sr sometimes but thats because i dont play exact same heroes, or dont invest so much time into grinding more games.
It doesn’t mean it’s not rigged either, btw I’ve never claimed that it was rigged but that the implemented algorithm may not be the best way to judge rank and is possibly flawed in some situations. Anyway I was responding to the other players comments about their experience, it’s an experience I can accept mine is just different and so is many other players.
We all know where you stand on this, if you’re unable to accept other peoples perspective and experience in game and provide constructive conversation I don’t understand why you keep commenting on threads like this.
Still waiting for links to all the data and proof you claimed to have in other threads.
I dont know why you keep posting this, i told you in that original topic that you have to specific what exactly you want to see.
If you want to continue with that discussion do it there.
I don’t know what specific proof or data you have you’re the one who claims to have it. Backtrack some more. Oh and I did continue it there and you stopped posting but keep replying to every other comment I make in other threads.
This is like talking to 5G morons, their bias is so strong they cannot accept another opinion and when they can’t stand up to scrutiny they backtrack to rhetoric like this and cower away from their own claims of proof that doesn’t exist and deflect by trying to put the burden of proof on others.
We have a different opinion, if you can;t offer anything constructive just deal with it.
I found that topic you talk about. Whole thing was that some guy said that I dont know how system works and i replied that I know how system works by doing some tests myself.
Then you came up and wanted to see the links or data. All whole discussion was about that, if you dont remember i can give you link. I can try provide some info for certain things, links or raw data, but i need to know for what exactly. So plese stop posting how i ignored your requests/left topic when you werent specific in what exactly you want to see. My last question is still there for you and you didnt respond to me after that. So again, i said i understand how comp system works, that was my claim. I will obviously wont write 50 pages of text how comp system works just because you say provide data a links. I can do that if your requests will be more specific.
Different opinion about what? It wasnt about opinion. Our whole discussion was that i think i understand how comp system works. I of course dont know everything but i think a know a lot. If your opinion was that i dont know how it works, well ok then, we can agree to disagree.
Actually the discussion was about your anecdotal evidence, personal opinion based arguments and dismissing others opinions and expecting them to take yours on. Claiming you have proof and evidence and not providing anything at all. Maybe you should read it again here I linked it for posterity.
So don’t go around making up bs to support yourself again. You obviously live and die for overwatch, but that doesn’t make your personal opinion anymore valid than the next person who has had their own experiences. You’re just an arrogant flaming forum troll, who has followed my comments around ever since that thread. I’m done with you.
Good because discussion with you is going nowhere anyway as you are not able to respond to my post there.
Discussion :the action or process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas.
You’re incapable of discussion on these threads.
As i explain it to you before, if you would like to have addiction questions use the topic you quoted
And I thought you are done with me, i guess you like to have last word .
Now i am done with you, go for it, say something smart again to have last world. I wont replay to you anymore here. And i keep my word.
These happen. I have experience. 2992. Highest I’ve been. Then, loss, loss, loss, loss. Back to 2890. Go back up to 2990, loss, loss, loss, loss, loss. Back to 2890. This has happened 6 times this season and it seriously aggravates me.
3000 line is not easy to cross. You will get there, keep trying.
You probably play different heros on each of them or don’t play either of them enough to flatten out variances.
Your MMR is impacted by the heros you play and your relative output on them. If you’re 80% as good at hero X as hero Y and you have to play hero X to counter someone, you might get some losses afterwards to bring your SR down to your MMR on hero X. Whereas on your other account you might have gotten to play mostly hero Y and you’ll get games designed to nudge your SR upwards. I pretty much 3 trick Genji/Ashe/Tracer as DPS and hog/zarya on tank on my tryhard accounts so that’s probably why I get more consistent results.
You know how badly designed that system is for a ‘team based’ game? According to you, I have to be on fire as soon as the doors open pretty much in order to climb
What happens if we’re on Havana and we have a Godsend hitscan who’s making almost all of their shots. Enemy team switches to dive and our tanks and supports wont swap from Rein/Zarya Mercy/Moira. I know full well that if enabled this player can carry us to victory, so what are my choices? Do I swap to Reaper or Doomfist and stay near the hitscan to intercept a dive? We might win by my decision to do what I can to ensure the hitscan obtains value. However, I won’t have all the fancy stats and gold medals, and my reward for being this team player is to get a string of seemingly unwinnable games designed to push me back down the ladder??
I don’t have proof one way or the other but I’m pretty sure your MMR is impacted by either
your on fire % compared to expected on fire % for your rank and role. Plat DPS might be expected to be on fire 15% of the time whereas a plat support might be expected to be on fire 13% of the time.
win/loss vs expected win/loss. Closest match available is 54/46 and you lose, drags your MMR down because you should have won and vice versa. Win a game you should have lost and your MMR goes up by more than if you win a game you should have won
It’s one or the other but I’ve noticed that by filling a role I’m bad at to counter the enemy carry, I might win THAT game but because my stats are bad because I’m bad at that hero I lose future games. That is in contrast with playing my best hero even thought it isn’t working, but putting up the best stats I can for the situation. That’s why I think people should specialize.
Don’t one trick or you’ll be useless when you’re countered but don’t try to be a jack of all trades or you’ll be a master of none. Pick 1-2 hero’s per role (or 3-4 if you’re only going to play one category) and ONLY play those NO MATTER WHAT.
Precisely this.
Or in other words, play this “team based” game selfishly like it’s objective based CoD and don’t try to play the game as part of a team. Gotcha.
I’m not coming at you crooked or anything, pyah. But you cannot tell me this system is optimal. I’ve learned a lot about being a team player from playing this game, such as doing what I can to enable my teammates. And sometimes it feels good to do that, you don’t pop off or frag as much, but your teammate does. And yet you still pull thru for a win. But then you get punished. Like what?
I’m a 4.4K Lucio main, playing on an alt that was 3.6K, now 3480, even if you’re good you can’t carry when people just feed, I had to literally report 16 people in my last 4 games.
Kinda boring to be forced to lose games.
The game has won, I’m gonna derank on this account now, no point in trying with trolls and hardstucks players that keep making mistake after mistake.
Well it’s your choice whether to place value on this flawed systems visual representation of your skill (your SR).
If you’re taking a test for college and you don’t think it accurately measures your knowledge (multiple choice vs essay or whatever), you still have to take the test if you want a good score. Play by the rules if you want the best score.
I don’t really play different heroes on each although one is much older than the other which could account for it, as there’s older stats on that account. Although since role queue I have pretty much played only tank and occasionally heals using the same heroes. Usually I just play Zarya - although depending on how the team is going I might switch out if that’s not working at all but Zarya almost exclusively. There could be other reasons why it’s so different though, but I don’t do anything majorly different between the two.
I really don’t care or focus on rank too much, I’m more interested in having even games as stomping or being stomped is just not fun for me. There’s no challenge or interesting game play in matches of that kind.
This is an interesting point you make and I don’t do that. I might give it a go.