Forced losing streaks

good to see you back at it!

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“calm down…”


Same. Every time I get close it goes hard rigged on me. In 50 hours of gameplay and 100+ wins, I’ve only ever seen the same 70 accounts. That’s like 1/3 of Overatch league. How is that even possible?

When I get close to shattering into gold, the same 20-30 or so rigged accounts show up and I’m carrying garden vegetables vs. smurfs. Rigged af. And no, I can play mid-Diamond and I know what high silver should look like.

Don’t tell me there are only 70 high silver accounts. The Overwatch league has 80+ paid esports deities in NA alone, and represents a top 0.1%. High silver/lowgold should be 30000+ people by that scaling. I’m obviously being taken asside and pooled with/vs. smurfs and throwers for rigged matches to keep me away from messing up gold games.

A rigged joke.

You have to be REALLY honest about what you’re best at though. If you truly care about rank, you’ll pick 1-2 categories and 2-3 heros in each. Pick who you are TRULY best at and take into consideration how good you are at it compared to others at your rank. You might enjoy hitscan but you need to be REALLY honest about whether your aim exceeds your rank and don’t play it on days your aim isn’t on point (personally I don’t hitscan after I lift weights, aim is not quite on point). Or pick a hero you know you haven’t nearly maximized their potential and spending a lot of time on them will give you room to improve.

You also have to decide whether a hero is FUN for you. It’s easy to burn out on a hero you’re good at but don’t enjoy playing. You can end up on auto pilot and lose because you aren’t playing a hero that engages you.