Forced losing streaks

This is just my main. I was a mercy sym main on console and swapped to mercy when I moved to pc a few seasons ago.

I have a maintank and dps account mid diamond

How many times have you threatened to uninstall, and how many accounts do you have, OrisaGOD? It’s gotta be more than 5. You know you only need one to spam the forums, right?


How does this happen every time when earlier in your post you state you’ve fluctuated in and out of plat multiple times, then in and out of gold even more times?

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The more your internal MMR goes up, the more “dead weight” you will be seeing on your team. Its basically the system trying to assess if you are “too good” to be there or just regularly good.

Take advantage of that and add people who you had a great match with, that is HUGE and you will have a 60% ish WR for that season, guaranteed. Doing that you will eliminate part of the “random” factor you get in solo queue.

Apparently the matchmaker doesn’t erase your beginning stats; it uses very out of date stats to determine where you should be placed. So the matchmaker is inherently unreliable and any “decision” it makes should be put into question. Lastly, it’s better for the OP to be given time to acclimate to the new rank then to never be given the opportunity. After all, if they don’t belong in the rank then they will inevitably de-rank.

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I have to totally agree with him. They are forced. The game holds you in a pattern and just as you start to win your punished by getting teamed up with bad players. I am normally a low platinum or high gold but lately I have been teamed up with players that can’t even figure out a good team comp.

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They don’t exist, stop blaming other people for you not being able to cut it at a higher rank. Also you not being in the same rank you were able to get to last season only means you’re not adapting correctly to the new meta.

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Oh yeah, then how did I climb from gold to diamond? Loosing streaks only exist because you carry yourself up until you can’t anymore, then you ride the soft tilt down until you can carry again.

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Spoken like a true hard-stuck gold player that refuses to take any responsibility for their own improvement and would rather blame other people for their bad play.

Couldn’t agree more! It happens all the time!

Only 10 minutes ago I was sitting at 2999 (yeah I know) and queued up for a game. Got in and it was King’s row…

We won.

But couldn’t help but feel bad for the 6 people in the other team - who desperately wanted to get into diamond - that ran into a forced loss against me and my 5 team mates. I mean it wasn’t immediately apparent because it was a pretty close and good game but I reckon that was just to give the other team the illusion of actually having a chance to win. I mean if they had just dropped b0ngo 5 seconds earlier, before our rein was close enough to swing into the team with the nano I gave him, they might have stopped our last push. Or if their genji hadn’t gotten shut down the push before during his blade that would’ve cost us quite a bit of time off our clock and a hard reset instead of the soft reset we were able to do…

You see - so many ifs and buts but it was all destined to happen the way it happened. My win feels almost dirty now and I should probably go and throw a few games now just to stick it to Blizzard… I refuse to be an instrument used for evil any more…


This is not absurd. This happens to me and my friend every single time. We play solo q and in duo. It hapens. Every. Single. Time.


Ever think that this is because your not improving enough to rank up? that’s way more likely than an evil company taking your money only to not let you rank up despite everyone else being able to climb.


Its perception bias. For one you arent playing better than everyone in the lobby. For two you dont get crap teammates. You play the same as other players in your rank and you get teammates that do the same. When you think its anything else you are just not in touch with reality.

You saying this should prove its literally impossible to be a diamond struggling in silver/gold. If a diamond “has some bad matches” They would never be actually stuck in a rank that low.

Regardless of if i think its player skill that moves a diamond out of gold or you think the matchmaker giving easy ride teammates doesnt really matter. The result is the same a diamond skill player doesnt get stuck in gold.

If you struggle on a rank border its because your skill isnt high enough to get into the next rank nothing else. If you actually kept track its likely what would be revealed is normal win% above and below the rank border. When you dont actually keep track and you just think matchmaker does a certain thing you automatically look for things to back up your perception.


reading a gold say omegalul and trash talk a master in the same post might’ve been the cringiest thing i’ve seen all day


Calling a 3500 player a masters player is like calling me a GM player just because I have the icon :joy:

You are GM, why else would i call you something besides that? You’re more GM than masters. That person is more masters than diamond.

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Bro I’ve never even hit 4.1k, you can’t call that GM lmao. If you can drop out of a rank in like 3 games then you don’t deserve that rank.

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I’m talking about having a second account that is lower than your main, this is where it gets obnoxious - you can win matches on your main account in Masters but struggle to win and lose matches in low plat or high gold because of the team balancing that occurs.


Then no one can climb.

That’s an absurd claim right? That no one can climb?
It sure is! And it is basically what you are claiming.

You are in the rank you deserve!

Please substantiate this claim.
If you have no evidence other than “I see it! If you don’t see it you don’t play enough” then please don’t bother even trying because that ‘evidence’ is easily disregarded.

First we have to establish it is happening. You have not.

The need to get used to new brackets is literally what you are complaining about.

You repeatedly losing when you get to a certain point is the game letting you know that there is something about your gameplay that better players are able to exploit. You need to change this or you will continue getting exploited by better players and you will lose.

Also it’s not like the second you get to gold league all of the games are completely different than silver games. It’s a continuous curve that you have to work your way up.

You need to establish that the problems you identify in the ranked system actually exist.
I don’t think your interpretation of “true balance” is true or balanced to be honest.

If, of course, your interpretation of “true balance” is as flawed as your interpretation of the matchmaking system

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Yeah, maybe SOME matches. However, if you’re gonna play on that account frequently, you’re obviously not gonna sit at that rank for long