Forced lose streak is a thing, stop denying it

Nah. If you’re going to use a platform to communicate, you’re going to use the one that has the largest reach. That hasn’t been the internet forums in over a decade. Pretty much all forums consist of are older folks and/or people who selectively engage in social media.

Nobody drove anybody away.

I doubt these devs are so emotionally fragile that a few old people yelling at the clouds made them run in terror.


In order to allow T500 and other similar ranks to have games in a timely fashion, yes you are more likely to be placed along with others like you (doing well) in a sacrificial match.

Equally if you are diamond and doing badly, perhaps even against T500 in sacrifice matches, some bronze with a 7 win streak may find themselves pitched against you.

What else did you think balance and low queue times means?

EDIT: there’s no guarantee the T500’s side will win, but at least they get a game in a couple minutes and so do you

I literally went 20 games winning every other game. Took until the 21st game for me to break the streak and win 3 in a row. One game, I had a bap who just decided to go afk and throw the game outright.

I have my suspicions about this, but it’s unverifiable. I think that it’s skipping calculating drop-in losses in whatever metric they use for matchmaking.

I like trying to figure how these things work and I notice in Overwatch 2, a large portion of 10 loss streaks consist of 3 or more drop-in matches. Since statistics were added to the game, it has never tracked drop-in losses in your stats, only wins. It doesn’t matter if you are dropped in 1 second late into the character select screen, if you lose, it will not records the match. I believe that the matchmaker not accounting for these losses anymore contributes to the “streakiness” of matchmaking.

As an aside, I’m pretty close to 1000 games on this account(950 maybe) and I’ve had 7 10-loss streaks so far by my count. The most wins I’ve had in a row is 8 on two occasions. I have 45/46% QP win rate, but if you account for drop-in losses, it would push it sub 40%.

With stats like that, it’s not just me remembering the bad times.

uhh…thats forced 50/50…

im not going to say forced 50/50 is a thing…but I will say this…i would agree with everything you just said, if it werent for the fact that literally (not hyperbole) 95% of every game i play is a stomp on one side or the other. When i say stomp, i mean, as in one side can barely even get a kill and in some cases…the whole team only gets 1 or 2 kills the entire round, while the other team gets double digit kills each.

im not sure what that means, or why it happens, but it’s the one thing that’s keeping me from all out denying the forced 50/50 thing. im not saying it exists…but i cant say it doesnt either…there’s just to much weirdness with the matching system…at least in Unranked, but it was also an issue in bronze when i played comp.

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I think it’s weird that people think Blizz uses 9 other people just to force you to lose.

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it’s accidental, but it’s real. i hit “diamond 5” lobbies and i’m up against diamond teams, but that’s my mmr pushing up the lobby despite being plat 1. the 3 winstreaks (5-1, 5-0, 5-2) i took to get here catapult my mmr beyond my team, and my team comes in with “gold challenger” dps titles to “even out” the team while the enemy triples our kills lol. i hit instant 5 losses lol. then ended the night with 2 wins cause i’m already tired lol. hope they come out with the sr rework soon i can’t wait any longer haha

Forced 50% is mathematical impossibility to achieve… for a long list of reasons

Its a misconception born from blizzard by trying to maintain total playerbase average win rate of 50%… so they want the average winrate of all players to average out to 50% when combined and as long as it does… blizzard deems matchmaking to be functional…

Your total average win rate can be anywhere between 40% and 60%… as those are the minimum and maximum set by blizzard…

Blizzard has confirmed 40% to be mininum… based on what we know, 60% would have to be the upper threshold.

exactly…so if that’s the case, then that means the games have to be manipulated in order to achieve those stats…which means…they are forcing wins and losses to achieve those stats

lol, previously, i was kinda on the fence about the whole forced wins/losses argument…but after your post, you’re starting to win me over to the idea that forced wins/losses are a real thing :smiley:

I would say the matchmaking system is built to be biased…

Which side of it your on is determined by your win rate…

Its a bad system that can easily be manipulated by players, not going any deeper into this aspect… big brother doesnt like it when i do

so…that makes you wonder if comp is really even worth playing at all? i mean…if they have their thumb on the scale for matches…what’s the point of comp?

The ranked system functions independently of matchmaking and is likely looking at player stats comparatively to other players… i would assume. I wont touch it, so i can’t say…

If your someone who just wants that rank for meaningless clout. Yea its still worth it…

If your seeking actual fair competitive challenge. Absolutely not… which is why i wont touch it.

No it isnt.

They dont look at player stats.

Yeah man, I won 5 games straight on an ex gm tank account from overwatch 1 and then went on a 5 losing streak that ended at me getting a draw and then winning a bit, the odds of winning 5 games in a row, then losing 5 games in a row, then drawing, are actually insane. It seems like overcorrection but personally I think those games were unwinnable even to current gms. The chance for that all to happen, assuming 50% winrate, is like 0.1%, extenuating circumstances can’t explain that.


Source please… im not asserting anything, only assuming…

Id love to have data to try and explain the ranked system… to confirm its lack of credibility of find proof of its credibility

Though based on what i understand of matchmaking i highly expect to find its not credible

They actually use all of the players to do that.

I don’t consent to being used in such a fashion

I mean, 5 doesn’t sound too wild. If you won 15 then lost 15, I might be able to question it. Maybe

It is the length of the streaks and the frequency with which they appear that makes it so interesting.