Forced lose streak is a thing, stop denying it

Yeah, you’re right.

That means the matchmaker cant find the right balance of players quickly enough, so it just gives up and starts anyways with unbalanced teams. This randomly bumps people up and down skill ratings, which makes things even worse - high skill players “carrying” low skill players up ranks etc.

It’ll still average at 50/50, but over a longer period, and be less fun while it does it.

I am not smurfing, I am trying to rank it up too. How is it my fault that the game refuses to rank me up?

It happens all the time. Just now I came back, won 4 matches in a row, and lost 5 in a row, and all 5 games both dps were absolutely handicapped. 10 out of 10 dps appeared to be handicapped. Do you understand what is the percentage chance of having 20 games and in all 20 games having absolutely handicapped dps while your enemy dps is doing crazy good? The chance of this is something like 0.0000000001% something, yet it happens all the time. How is this not scripted?

Because it happens all the time. Literally, all the time. You can never get a win-streak and don’t expect a disabled dps. If you have a win streak and the game doesn’t give you handicapped dps, that is very strange for everyone. We reached to that point now when something normal happens, we feel like it’s strange.

I am not

It’s more like forced slowing down you cuz they want you to spend more time. It’s so obvious, I can’t believe people protect it.

Then how come I am diamond 2 on my main, and how come I overperform my teammates 2, 3x times? So in your idea, you rank up if you overperform your teammate like 5 times?

It’s not against me only. Let’s not pretend that this is not a big complaint that a lot of other players have.

it’s fine to have around 50% winrate, I get it. But if it’s natural, you should have something like WLWLWWLLWWLLLWWLLWLWL, but in OW2 it’s WWWWLLLLLWWWWWLLLLWWWWWLLLLL, and people deny it.

I took a break, came back, 4 wins in a row, and then 5 loses with all my 10 dps being absolutely handicapped.

How is it a skill issue if I maintain 65% winrate on gold, lol, did you forget your pills again?

The game is trying to convince you that in 1 day you lost all your skill.

that’s a mild exaggeration

With the amount of matches we play, it should be very possible for players to have win-streaks like 10 games, but we always get win streak, lose streak all the time.

Ok, so my dps was not doing the same right? And what peeling are you talking about, what is it, like 2017?

How about elims then.

Ok, then why my dps didn’t do the same then? You sound it like a dps diff, which I am claiming here too.

I didn’t play perfectly, and it’s very natural to watch someone’s gameplay and find mistakes. Still doesn’t explain the dps diff.

I am diamond 2, but ok.

The amount of people defending obviously rigged things is alarming too.

But I have 65% winrate.

Look at any unranked to gm runs and you’ll see how it does not happen.

Top500 players create 4-5 player advantage, but the system creates 1-2 players disadvantage for you. If you are top500 contenders or league players, you can overcome this easily. So, let’s not use the 0.00000000000001% players population as a general example, please.

Its not just top500 players, either.
The system is not out there to get you specifically out of all the players in the games.

Anyways, its up to you whether you believe or not what the devs have themselves said on live streams etc. - the system is not built to “force losses” on anyone if they are winning.

I have little reason to believe they would lie about those things in the public rather than not say anything.

Everything in this post translates to “the game got harder once I won a bit, then I lost because of it and that’s the game’s fault”. Perhaps you should focus on improving your understanding of the game by rewatching your matches from different perspectives (especially the enemies). Having the highest stats on the lobby doesn’t do much if your team can’t capitalize on that and convert that advantage into win cons. For example, I could spawncamp a Zen all day as Tracer and let my team fight point, I’ll probably end the game 30/2, but the match will still be a dice roll because despite winning the 1v1, the 4v4 in this case will probably matter much more.

That being said, pretty much everyone I know personally that has alt accounts has this strange belief that some of their accounts are cursed, but even when they are saying that they know it’s just a comforting lie (I’m no exception to that). I think you should focus more on your Diamond 2 main to improve there and hone your skills so you can carry more often your Gold 1 games.

Haven’t checked the replay codes yet, btw, might do that later.

This is usually as they have an account they have played maybe thousand hours on, and are “stabilized” to their rank.
And then they create a new account which may get peaked higher, and then just “camp that peak” instead of play that same account for 1000h as well.

I do think ow comp stats could show some long time average rating in addition to the current / peak rating only.

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Yeah, pretty much it. I was going to put on the comment that it usually happens especifically on accounts with the longer playtime due to rank fluctuation only being an actual issue on your first 50~100 ranked matches, but since OP’s comment referred to a new account with this issues I think it’s the other way around for them: they peaked Diamond 2 and is currently camping that rank on the main account while trying to prove to themselves that they climbed out of skill, not luck, by doing it again on another account. And boom: game’s locking them at Gold 1.

People still think it’s a forced thing because they’re not as good as they thought they were so they get win streaks, followed by loss streaks, followed by more streaks? Oh dear oh dear lol.

It’s not a game problem. It’s a you problem thinking such ridiculous things. You’ve reached the rank you’re meant to be at. Either work on bettering yourself or accept the fact. The fact you can’t accept that sadly shows you’re putting too much self worth on a pixelated set of numbers. There is no forced 50/50.

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Keep playing and it will trend towards 50%. 65% means you’re climbing ranks.

If you toss a coin 100 times you would be surprised how often you have 5+ streaks of one side. Its counter intuitive I would say but theese streaks happen mathematically much more often than your brain would think.

This is a trap for roulette players who thinks longer streaks are really impossible when in fact they are quite often when you look at 1000 set of results for example.
IK you mentioned about game details, k/d ratios and such but still understanding the nature of 50% randomness is cruciall.
Do this experiment with coin tossing or generate sone random sets of 0 and 1 and check how often streaks of 0 and 1 occure

The classic case for this was also when Apple had a “real random” in their shuffle function in their players - people didnt think it was random because of how often it repeated things, or played same artist or so.

“we’re making it less random for people to think its more random”

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I understand, but we play more than 100 matches, and for me personally, it happens 100% cases.

Just now, close plat game, the dude says he is literally first time playing ranked.

imgur. com/a/Ergqeug these are my ALL games now. Not 1, not 2. ALL.