Forced lose streak is a thing, stop denying it

Important note. I am going to share game codes here, and I definitely accept my part of the blame for losing these matches, and I am not saying that I was perfect. So let’s settle this down first. Now…

I have this alt where I am gold 1 now. I am diamond 2 on my main, and I have around 55% overall winrate on diamond. But on this gold, I have 65% winrate and I get forced into huge lose-streaks when I am near climbing and I can’t climb even to plat lol.

Currently I have 63% win rate on my Zarya, 7 elims per life. 13k damage per 10 minutes on average. I am clearly not a gold player because all my 3 tanks are around 65% winrate, but on this account I am HARD STUCK gold. The game refuses to put me even on plat. And the game forces me full 5 people crazy good premade enemies with me having absolutely handicapped dps. And every time I am close to plat, I have 4-5 lose streak with my dps having stats like 1/0/12. IN A ROW. To a point where I hardly won my last game with 52 elims and 3 deaths with, while my dps had 32 elims only and mostly because they just shared my elims, and I was monkey against reaper+bastion. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS. I don’t claim that I play perfectly, I do a lot of misplays here, I do some stupid things too, but I have dps who gets 21 deaths and blames me. Again, I am not claiming that I am playing perfectly, although all my mains are around 65% win rate now, I AM HARD STUCK on gold 1 on this account. It’s like the game decided that it’s my rank and that’s it.

Now remember how I said that I played these games not perfectly too? Remember that? Understood that? Did that enter your brain? If yes, then please watch them.

First match, WEF89V
Me 17/6/4 13,000 damage

My one dps 7/3/4, 4,000 damage

Second match, QGEYCP
Me 38/9/12, 20k damage

My one dps 31/2/21, 13k damage. 21 DEATHS.

Third match, T5HXE2
Me 13/5/6, 8k damage

My one dps 5/0/9, 4k damage

Fourth match, PY4CCP (I played like garbage here, the only match where i lost the tank duel, but even so my one dps managed to pull even worse performance).
Me 15/4/11, 17k damage

My one dps, 16/0/15, 11k damage

And then fifth match, the one that i won overtime and almost lost
Me 52/13/3, 14k damage

My one dps 34/1/11, 11k damage

I had to play 52/3 here to HARDLY win this game. How are the other players supposed to climb then? And this happens ALL the time. Not just once. This game has 0 respect for your skill or time.

Now stats don’t show how good you are, very often, that’s true. But things like 5/0/9 is definitely worth blaming. So fed up with this game and the community that SERIOUSLY wants to tell me that the game doesn’t artificially slow down your rank progress. And I know you are going to say, “But Awkward does unranked to GM” and to that I am going to say that this individual is a former contenders player, and when he enters gold matches, he creates 3-4 man advantage, literally. Him not being able to roll golds would be laughable, so please don’t use the 0.00000000000000000001% of the playerbase as your argument. You literally can watch these replays and see these mentioned people standing while shooting, in near plat 1 games!


I do hope things improve because I have had this happen to me as well…

:pouting_cat: :+1:



You clearly new to the game to wish for that.
It’s been years this situaton exists. And devs denied it.
Well let’s say it : they lie about it and won’t do anything to make things fair.


To be fair your peak is only diamond and you’re allegedly smurfing in gold. The skill difference between the 2 isn’t that much different from each other. Diamonds are just a little more confident in their gameplay because they are generally mechanically good at the game.

But for the sake of the argument let’s just say you do belong in Diamond.

You can’t prove that the game is “Forcing” you to lose. It’s all perspective. We all experience winsteaks from time to time. Is the game forcing us to win when this happens? Or do you give yourself all the credit when you win?

To me it seems like people only talk about forced this, forced that, but only when they’re losing and they like to remind people that this is a team based game. But if they win, well… then they say they were the carry.

I’m not saying that’s who you are but you are smurfing in gold. :eyes:


The forced 50/50 is def a thing. I to have an alt (my experiment I call it), and well that one I’ve been placed in gold lobbies for comp, while my main is stuck in bronze. Not saying gold or higher is where I should be, but I have seen forced 50/50 on both accounts.

Needless to say, I think I’m done with my alt account. Games are just as bad on it. Stomps either way.


the matchmaker will naturally end up in a 50% winrate if you get to your skill level, when you play enough games on your alt you will drop back to bronze

Yes, the devs care so much about an individual player staying hard stuck, that the big brain matchmaker will turn against that player specifically - to the detriment of all the other players.


the problem is, in lower ranks, there’s just not a lot of coordination, and, there is a persistent problem with smurfing, which ruins lower rank games, and it skews the ranking system in general, you see, a bronze cant go up into masters and ruin things, but masters can make alt accounts and come down to bronze and ruin things…and they frequently do.

i stopped playing comp and the end of OW1 when i realized that i wasnt going to be able to climb out of bronze, and bronze comp is really no different than quick play…it just isnt. ive had as many one sided stomps in bronze comp as i do in quick play. it’s not until you get up around plat-diamond rank where you start to find quality matches that are more even.

also, you have these youtubers who like to do “bronze to GM in a day” videos…where they intentionally tank a new character so they start out in bronze, and ruin other peoples gaming experience on the way up so they can get views on youtube.

i dont know if forced 50/50 is a thing, many people say it is, and im not going to argue, I just dont “know”. i will say this, looking at my roster of characters that I play with any frequency, the win rate for every one of them is between 46% and 54%…so, i dont know what that means…but, it would seem that the generally hover around that 50% mark.


The goal of EOMM is minimize players’ “churn risk”, meaning how likely they are to take a break from the game.

So it’s natural to believe that when it chooses who’s gonna lose a match, it chooses players who will keep playing anyway.

It’s then logical to me, to believe that taking breaks after losing games will make it hesitant to set you on losingstreaks. Before knowing about EOMM, I had already observed that taking breaks was beneficial to my matchups.


That’s patently wrong.

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I have had a string of games recently where my team was stomping the enemy so hard that I didn’t really need to be in the lobby at all. We were touching the spawn doors most of the round. I’m so used to the terrible games when I am in the loser’s queue but this was so incredibly obvious the other way.


Lol its not forced…

When your good at the game matchmaking has to sabotage you to keep you from climbing above maximum win rate thresholds…

When your bad it boots you to keep you above minimum win rate thresholds…

Welcome to marketing tool matchmaking…

People just getting upset they dont understand the system, thus dont understand that if your half decent, unless you play exclusively in 5 tops, your forced to manipulate the matchmaking to have any kind of a tolerable experience…

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The “rigging” is such a bore, I wish the game was more creative with it.

I went 5-11-1 yesterday and dropped from diamond 4 to plat 1. A mild inconvenience, I could care less since I know the MM will now reset.

Sure enough I go 5-1 and get back to diamond 5. I’ll go 5-2 next and I’ll be back to where I stared at diamond 4.

Rinse Repeat.


If you can’t break out of g1 as a Diamond 2, is it a forced winrate or is it a skill issue?


My peak was high plat (consistently) or low Diamond in OW1, this game at launch dropped me to silver, in gold now. They also put me on stupidly long losing streaks, then give me just enough wins between each loss to even out my w/l ratio.

I really don’t feel like I’m doing any worse than I remember, so either I’m wrong, or something changed significantly in their MM or skill rating system.


I’ve been in my fair share of victories that legitimately did not feel like victories. A lot of matches I’m left feeling “I could’ve done more, I could’ve taken more off-angles” or “I could’ve been more proactive, I spent a lot of that match holding M1 on the Tank”.

And then there’s the rare matches where I go 0 and 9, but we still win because those deaths are from their Tank diving me in the backline & getting rolled imnediately afterwards, I just happen to be the fall guy who ends up on the receiving end of all the bad trades.

Those are funny, at least.


It’s literally a thing in games like League of Legends and Valorant as it increases engagement, players need to play more if they want to climb.

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This is completely false.

Although I suspect you’ve only ever played the game during 5v5? If so, you having that view makes sense given the RNG nature of matchmaking and MMR in general ever since the player base died.

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Welcome to OW. Where the only people defending the matchmaking are top500s and bronze developers that casually play the game xD


Yup, it’s pretty wild.

My last seven consecutive games today (all DPS, from most recent to oldest):

  • ZWAGGC Esperanca - 29 / 0 / 2 (Win) Satisfying win, only because DPS teammate from Dorado game avoided me.
  • AVC3FZ Dorado - 1 / 1 / 5 (Loss) Major team diff.
  • 4W5MS1 King’s Row - 14 / 0 / 2 (Win) 1 death from trolling
  • 9X8EX1 Oasis - 8 / 0 / 7 (Loss) Might have been winnable.
  • DQP8ZC Hollywood - 16 / 1 / 12 (Loss) Not winnable. Not sure what this trio (tank, dps, support) was doing.
  • FHB06C Junkertown - 26 / 5 / 5 (Win)
  • RFDEFY Nepal - 38 / 0 / 6 (Win)

I know it’s the weekend but there’s no middle ground. The wins are pretty big wins and can’t be fun for the losing team.

The losses are equally lop-sided and frustrating. The only factors at play here are how good/bad the tanks and supports are in helping the team and the objectives.

It’s just incredibly lop-sided.

Plat 3/2.