Forced lose streak is a thing, stop denying it

If it only goes up and down by “25”. What’s the difference between MMR and SR?

I didn’t even have to look because my QP matches are so bad today, I too was making a game log just to see if I was maybe imagining it. I wasn’t.

In 7 matches I went (1-6) and most were stomps.

1 match - my team had 2 feeders, but supports carried them until losing at the end.
1 match - my team had 1 new player dps and support, by profiles and gameplay. STOMP!
1 match - my team had a new player tank vs enemy full group (I recognize them). STOMP!
3 matches - had leavers or throwers after first team fight. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP!

1 match - my team won, going down to overtime near the end. ONLY FAIR MATCH

It’s awful with all these new players, feeders and throwers, being put up against full groups. Remember that groups AVOID this because they are far less likely to get problem players when they bring their own.

Because MM doesnt really effect match quality as much as the forum makes it out.

You could play 10 games all the the same people and same heroes and the same map, and each one of those could result in a different outcome.

MM doesnt factor in everthing.

It doesnt know if you ate a taco for lunch or not making your tummy upset which in turn effected your gameplay?

People love to say MM is the root cause but thats just incorrect.

The root cause for bad matches is humans. We cause bad matches more then MM does

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If it works like this and nobody knows for sure… then it shouldn’t be there in the first place.
Because without you knowing it, the system would be rewarding you for something that is generally considered bad.

If it’s not bad, everyone should do it.

That’s a good question, I’ve thought of SR (and the associated ranks) to be a "visually nicer"number for people to understand.
ie. the “internal mmr” is a decimal number from between -6 to +6 or something like that.
There are in my understanding other valid reasons for having two separate values as well, but it’s a bit out of my depth.
But it’s really nothing new, many games do the same thing.

quickplay mmr distribution:

There are some people on these forums who have worked with these kind of systems in more detail. Of course no one knows exactly how blizzard has implemented it.

Still nowadays SR should be relatively close to your MMR .

It was the case especially in the early days of OW2 that SR was showing potentially hugely different values due to the bugs and other issues they had with the system.

Like in early seasons, if a t500 player was on a new account, their internal mmr could have already been in GM level, but they still had a “plat sr” visually. But they were playing in GM lobbies.

This just made all other gm players suspect the system was mismatching players - when it wasnt - it was just showing information wrong.

They made a ton of mistakes with the “visual” changes to the sr system at ow2 launch, which they then have been rolling back.

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There is no universal definition for MMR. So it’s not “the same thing”.
It is just a secret how it is put together.
A few years back Jeff Kaplan said in one of his streams that MMR is not even a number.

What always annoys me about this topic is that it’s usually very misleading, and I think they do it on purpose so people don’t ask the right questions.

So healing on a support is bad now?

In dota there is a arcade game that someone made, you got points depending on how well you played. People were orginally playing the game as intended, but one day in a FAQ they mentioned how self regen gives more points then dealing damage to help tank builds compete since they did less damage.

So eventually people started going full tank builds to grind points and the game stoped getting played the intended way.

Before you had 1-2 tanks 2-3 adc and 1-2 healers. Now every game was 5 tanks.

People love to abuse systems.

So there is no need to know the innerworkings of a game.

If we had the knowledge someone could abuse it and make it so much easier to get a higher/lower rank then they should be.

Well no universal, but there you have what the values are from blizzard.

He did say in fact it is a number
It’s still on youtube, here:

We never use SR to match players … we never look at it, its just a number we display to players. MMR is not an exciting number unlike SR. MMR is a value from -3 to +3 and actually can go higher than that. But most of playerbase is between those numbers.

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No please…

That would be bad, wouldn’t it?
Because we’d assume it’s bad for the rest of the team if we stop healing and deal damage instead.
But what if the secret MMR calculation classifies it as “good”?
That should never be the case, except that’s how you have to play this game.

So by knowing how they want you to play the game, you would play better not worse.

Regarding stats affecting your rating: (they dont)

Then dont look at MMR for how to play the game?

Like if you want to learn how to play chest, you dont look at how points are scored

Okay, I misunderstood that, thanks for the clarification!
But I still don’t know how it is calculated. :melting_face:

So why are people, including professional streamers like @kragie demanding an MMR reset when they only need to win a few games? There are ex-OWL players complaining about it.

That’s not a question I asked, that’s my argument. :laughing:

Here’s my question:

Now I am reading that this no longer exists, have they removed the “SBMM” completely?

I mean in core as I understand the rating system is based on the ELO ( ) system (which is used in chess) which blizzard (and other companies) have then modified to suit better for team based games etc.

Rating “systemically” individual players in a team game will always be hard I think, and I wouldnt be surprised if OW is super hard due to how varied each match can be from one another.

Anyways, getting much deeper into that will be out of my league.

I think they’re not complaining about their own rating, but they believe there are other people who have been “boosted” higher than they should be.

Part of this is I think due to all the mess at the early months of OW2. As in the commonly heard phrase “all ow1 diamonds are now gm”, which of course wasnt the case. Or that “everyone is gm now” - which also wasnt true as Blizzard showed the SR distribution and GM was still around the top 1-2% of playerbase.

But regarding the ratings of people, you have to remember other factors like OW2 bringing in a ton of new players, old players back and so on causing a lot of fluctuation in the playerbase as a whole on top of everything.

Imo most of the changes blizzard did to the system were completely unnecessary and were the biggest mistake regarding ow2.

They probably had good intentions but did not test it all out properly. Just like with the “5 wins 15 losses” system.
Anyways, they’re now introducing “soft resets” once per year or something, so I guess we’ll see how it works out.

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Yes, it’s a weighted ELO system, as far as I understand it.
The key word is weighted, we know hardly anything about how this works exactly, but there are mathematicians who have figured this out through statistical analysis.

All im saying, is we as players dont need to know the specifics.

Just because they hide the specifics doesnt make it bad.

It could change to frequently to matter, or be to complex where knowing it means nothing, ect.

We do not need to know it.

If you don’t want to know how it works, I don’t blame you.
But I am more than curious about it.
Especially because how they marketed that part of the game years ago.

I guess theres been some difference in using terms. To me “SBMM” ie skill based matchmaking means what ow has always done:
Match players according to their MMR value.

But sounds like you thought of “sbmm” meaning player personal stats in games affecting it? Yeah, that hasn’t been a thing in OW2 at all.

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And its fine to be curious but from past experience from other games.

Knowing the inner workings does more harm then good.