Forced lose streak is a thing, stop denying it

Thank you for drawing my attention to this profile.
I will probably formulate a somewhat more compressed and precise question in the near future.
However, it is a real shame that Blizzard has completely moved away from its own forums.
I don’t like twitter/X,

Your on the same forum as me right?

Its good they left this place, they could say something like

“the sky is blue” and the forums would go rabid on them claiming that the blizard overlords are pretending that the sky is blue, but if they put in the effort it could be red.

The forums are not a place for reasonable discussions anymore

I think QP actually has a much stricter matchmaker than people think.

For one thing, the level of players in the QP games I play is extremely sensitive to who I’m grouped up with. There’s a couple people I typically play with and they’re good players (like masters/low-GM). The public profiles of players in our QP games are virtually all masters and GM (with occasional diamonds too). However, I also have some buddies in bronze, including a hard stuck bronze 5 player. And when I play QP with one of them, the other people in the game are essentially never masters or GM. It’s more like gold or plat, usually (which is consistent with the average MMR of my group at that point). On the other hand, I also have a buddy who is GM1/T500. When I group with him, there’s typically lots of Top 500 people in the QP lobbies. In other words, I group with a very wide array of skill levels of people in QP, and there is a vast difference in the rank of the other people in the games depending on who I’m grouped with. And I’d say the typically rank of the other players in the game is consistent with the average rank of my group. This suggests very significant skill-based matchmaking in QP.

The other anecdotal thing I’ll note is that the rank of players I’ve had in my QP games has changed a lot over time. I’ve played since early OW1, and mostly with the same people. We have all improved significantly over time as players. And the typical rank of our QP opponents has also changed a lot over time. Many years ago, when I’d play with those people who I currently typically have masters/GM players in my games with, we’d typically be playing against plat players. We all improved, and by the end of OW1, our QP opponents were typically masters players, and now with some rank inflation from OW2, our opponents are tilted more towards GM than Masters. Again, I think this is indicative of pretty strong skill-based matchmaking, because as my buddies and I improved, the rank of the players in our QP games changed dramatically. We genuinely virtually never see players in our QP games that are as low ranked as the typical players we used to see years ago were. And back when we used to typically get plat players in our QP lobbies, we’d almost never see the rank of player that is the norm for us now.

Overall, I see very strong anecdotal evidence that there’s quite significant skill-based matchmaking in QP, since the rank of the other players in my QP games is very responsive to who I’m grouped up with and how good I am at the given time.


I had this happen to me back in OW1 when I had 2 accounts.

I don’t think it was a forced loss streak, but more a problem to do with how I was playing.

If you’re used to playing in diamond or above, playing in that same style in lower ranks usually sees you losing. You get used to being able to push and rely on a support to keep you up, you get used to a team knowing when to be aggressive and doing so all at the same time etc.
You then expect those things in say, plat, and end up dying or having to back down because your teammates aren’t on the same page.

Also a load of goofy crap that wouldn’t happen or go unpunished in higher ranks actually works and catches you off guard. For example a Cass popping high noon on a flank should be insta-dead, but in gold kills all 4 of your allies.

That’s how you lose touch with the community.

As long as you have reason and proof on your side, I believe that the vast majority will side with you.
But what they did from the beginning was to say, “Trust us”, “We can’t tell you how it works in detail”, “You don’t want that” and so on.
And we had to watch how great games turned into … bad games.

It’s not that they’re screwing up, they’re screwing up with a special kind of boldness.
Perhaps Twitter is the ideal platform to convey this kind of attitude.

except that isnt how it started. We had devs and OW employees explain how stuff worked before. We originally had that.

But even if a dev explained something, the forums would assume they are lying or attack them still.

We drove away the devs.

Granted that was the OW1 devs, the current devs are a different story.

The very first thing they said about the matchmaker was “There’s so much more under the hood, but we won’t talk about that”.

I kinda think us not knowing more is for the best, considering the amount of smurfs and griefers we have.

Im currently looking at the post devs have made on the forums and cant find that? mind linking me the article?

Edit: I cant find a post (i used the find command so i might have missed it) of the devs talking about matchmaker.

The only real post i found amout MM is

Most of us have not yet had the opportunity to participate in the development of a complex matchmaker that serves millions of players.

But here’s are two questions that an actual matchmaking developer or a mathematician might be able to answer:

  1. Is it possible for a matchmaking service to operate completely transparently without compromising integrity?
    So you would have mathematically verifiable, detailed values that are visible to everyone so that you can check whether the team composition was optimal at the point of creating the match?

  2. Is it possible to carry out a transparent evaluation of players based solely on public criteria? I know the common reason given here on the forum is that players would exploit these criteria if they were public.
    But isn’t it bad matchmaking if you have to hide your rating criteria? Doesn’t that mean that your game wouldn’t work if everyone played it at the best possible level?
    As I understand it, all of the matches would have to improve in quality if the evaluation criteria were public.

It was a bit harder to find.

The system is extremely complicated and there is a lot more going on here than I am going to spell out. So please don’t take this as the comprehensive guide to how MMR is calculated in Overwatch. There is definitely a lot more going on under the hood.

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Yeah, I notice just whiplash matchmaking. You are getting rolled or you are the one rolling, and it rarely it goes toe to toe. So after winning a bunch of matches, you get horrible unwinnable matches afterward. Not even marginally harder, but straight out impossible.

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Thanks for finding that, but did you read that whole post?

Litterally the next paragraph is him explain MMR.

But saying

Is just a lie.

He litterally gave a simplfied version of how it worked. He did tell us how it works. Granted he didnt get technical about it, but very few people need the full data around it.

Its like I said

We had people like jeff explain stuff on the forums orgianlly, becuase the forums were good back then.

Overtime we become more and more toxic and the devs started posting less and less.

The devs still give info out, they just dont do it on the forums anymore becuase of us.

But that’s the only thing that matters.

Maybe they’ll stop selling games at some point because of us.


weather a games sells or not comes down to us?

What public criteria? MMR is the driving force for setting up matches.

in the case of that post from Kaplan (which is btw super old, from summer 2016, even before competitive mode was enabled I believe):

  • The first factor is time.
  • A second factor we take into account is ping
  • the next factor that we match on: grouping.
  • this leads me to matchmaking rating. This rating is the most important thing that we try to match on.

and then:

The system is of course deeper than this. There are penalties and handicaps added for things like not playing for a while or playing in groups of varying sizes.

Anyway, I think Jeff here is referring to the matchmaking for essentially QP there. As he’s talking “groups having no restrictions” unlike they do have in competitive, etc.

Regardless, here’s something else from Jeff:

At no point in MMR calculations do we look at your win/loss ratio and win/loss ratio is never used to determine who to match you with or against.
We are not trying to drive your win/loss percentage toward a certain number (although the fact that so many people are at 50% win rates makes us extremely happy).
All the system does when it comes to matching on skill is attempt to match you with people of a similar number.

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MMR is something they came up with but never explained.

And still no explanation. That’s exactly my question: why does it have to be so obscure?
They have made mistakes in the past, and so we have found that it is beneficial to play heroes that are rarely played at a certain rank. I wonder what else is beneficial for my MMR.
Maybe my MMR goes up if I wallride more than I need to?
Why can’t it be public?

because if someone knows how something works people abuse it.

Or it gets changed constantly its pointless to tell.

Example: Let say they give 100% of the details, and people find that you get 10% more points if you go full damage on supports?

People stop healing and going full damage to get more immaginary points.

We dont need the kraby patty secret forumla

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Oh its a widely used system in almost all games with skill based matchmaking.
What part about it in your opinion would need explaining?

Your mmr only changes based on winning or losing matches, what heroes you play and/or how, do not matter at all.
(Besides that you have a separate MMR for each role.)

In OW1 there used to be a performance based system for people below diamond, ie, if some of your stats were better than others around your rank you could gain or lose a bit more rating per win or loss.
But it’s completely removed in ow2.

In my view, that just shows that something is wrong with the evaluation.
Let’s assume everyone knows how it works because it’s public, why doesn’t that lead to better quality matches? There must be something wrong with this approach.