For those who dont believe in forced loss streaks

Is he seriously implying masters is good? Omegalul. You can’t even maintain masters and act as if solo queueing to it means anything. Solo queue only means you weren’t carried. It doesn’t make you good in any sense

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IDK who this post was directed towards, but since it seems like something about me, i’m gonna reply to it.

I could definitely make it from gold to diamond using rein only. God that sounds so easy.

Haven’t placed main account since i recently quit my job and dont have a ton of confidence in my game, just been playing on a bunch of alts til i regain confidence. I was 4040 before i decayed (stopped playing on main since like january), and i’ve recently been playing on a few 3700 SR accounts

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I can maintain masters and being in masters means I’m better than about 95% of the population, i’m not implying masters is good, I’m saying factually it’s excellent rank.

I guarantee you on the other hand would never make it to masters, possibly not even diamond if you did 100% solo queue on a fresh account.

Okay heres some data i collected from around here and other sides.

Forced lose streaks are normally happen when the matchmaker decides to pair you with people 500mmr under you and put people with 500mmr higher on the opposite site to create somekind of avaraged out balance for your scores.

If your SR for any reason gets higher than your mmr the system prefers to demolish you instead of waiting out when will you dip down naturally because if you continue to win your SR will only get higher and your mmr grows much slower to caught up with it.

Factors what get in is both sides experience (levels are great indicators to some degree), previous loses/wins and while not proven report numbers.
The idea is simply the matchmaker has seen that you perform too well to your rank and got over your mmr with your sr. This could be luck, skill, boosting, etc… if you gone up in a way where your mmr stayed higher than your SR you wont have problems because the matchmaker thinks that okay.

Once you go over the matchmaker now gotta put you into a match with your current SR but your MMR supposedly indicates that you do not belong there whenever that is true or not. To offset the your newfound strenght the system now formulates the next match to make sure you are the best player in your team while everybody on the other side is avaraged equally in the eyes of the MMR.

If you win these handycapped matches your SR will rise while your mmr stays behind because this wasnt supposed to happen so your next match goes for more handicaps.

Many argue that lose streaks dont exist because they can climb but if the above system is in work that proves that you can both climb and can have forced lose streaks if for any reason you in one of your matches have overdone yourself and raised your SR higher than your mmr.

People dont have a problem with just losing the problem is it comes in streaks what are long enough to make you question what the matchmaker does.

I had some great game with a team in silver long ago, where we all showed how good we are. The match was awfully balanced and we won but only by a little. I got gold healing and objective time and the most offensive assists as lucio, never ever have i played him as good as there, like suddenly that lust puzzle piece falled into its place and everything was working.

Right after that match i had 7 matches where i was still doing what i could but we still lost. After the 4th loss i tried to find out what im doing wrong so i made a video of it with my phone (not the best way but i had no other idea that time), once we lost that i logged out and started to watch the video only to see the most horrific teamwork i have ever seen.

We played in that greek map with the well in the middle, i rushed in after i noticed that the enemy pharah has ult ready. They popped a grav at the side of the wall trapped the team in so i ulted and killed the pharah before he could finish the ult animation start.

3 of my teammates after the grav ended literally runned into that cursed well, the other support mercy i think proceeded to go and try to gun down the enemy dps behind the wall. Our hog tried to play flanker.

After watching throught the whole thing i found some mistakes i made but even if i would havent made any that match was unwinnable.

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People tend to make mistakes in this game that cost them a win and sometimes don’t even know about it. Mistakes tend to add up in the overall scheme of things. In addition, players develop bad habits which they get away with in lower ranks but get punished higher.

Using my friend as an example, he is a junkrat/soldier player “stuck” in high gold/low plat that blamed his team for losses, boast about how he gets golds all the time, as well as times where he do game-saving tires. Well I asked him to stream his game-play so either I or another friend could vod review but he refused claiming he knew everything he was doing wrong.

One day i got the chance to play comp with him as a duo, our group rating was about high plat/low diamond but my lord the things he did triggered me as well as explained why he was stuck in gold/low plat. To sum up a few, a fight was 100% lost and he would concussion bomb himself in the middle of 6 enemies alone following with riptire (spoiler alert he dies and wastes ult), fight pharah as junkrat, overextending alone when called to regroup. His riptire fiasco wasn’t just once it happened on multiple games and his reasoning is “This has worked for me before”. Situations where we are on OT and having a tire next fight would help a lot gets thrown out the window because he tries to make a play where he would have to get the entire team in order to benefit from it.

There are also those who don’t take advantage of their enemy mistakes which could’ve given them the advantage to win the fight but i’ll leave that for another day/post.

Going to the topic of forced loss streaks. The claim is after a set number of wins (for arguments sake lets say 5), the system decides to match you with supposedly bad teammates against a well coordinated enemy team. Now when does the system take away the “lose streak”? 5 games? and does it mean it starts pairing you with someone on a “win streak” because don’t you essentially become the “bad teammate” as your WR is being compared.
Given this logic doesn’t this mean everyone who is on a winstreak/career high will always get placed with impossible to win teammates? Have people thought that actions that they did before in the lower ranks may prove harmful in their new rank/career high? (pretty much not getting punished for doing things like my friend)

Also the amount of complaints for bad/toxic teammates/throwers is insane. Have people thought of finding like-minded players and forming a static 6-stack to play at specific times? I mean yeah your games will be against other 6-stacks requiring more coordination and getting everyone together(maybe make a discord for planning) will be hard but hey at least you don’t have to deal with the issue of bad teammates which seems to be the reason of loss streaks and you can improve as a team.

Ending this rant here before I talk about how people play for 50+ hours and expect to climb.

You are telling this to someone who solo’d all the way up to 4244 lmao. You really are a joke. And it’s not “excellent”, it’s barely understanding how the game works. I solo queued out of it the first season I solo’d to it



And what exactly makes you an authority on the subject?


Also, haven’t you said you go in and out of masters? Not that you stay in it. Regardless, this means that you still will perform at a diamond level.

Also, look around you. Wanna know what ya see? Solo queue players. A majority of the player base is solo queue. You aren’t special. I’m almost Top 500 solo queuing since diamond


I’m sure you understand simple math but maybe aren’t applying it here because it doesn’t support your point. If you rank better than 95% of people at anything which has a substantial amount of people participating, it means you are extremely good at it, far above average, It’s not even debatable.

What makes you an authority on the matchmaker, s23?
Please tell me so I can confirm you don’t know what you are talking about.

Unless, of course, you actually somehow have some insight that is hidden from the rest of us


so that you can just deny it?

everyone gets bad queues. t500 players fall out of t500 and into masters all the time.

sometimes you get bad games and sometimes you get good games.

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Forced loss streaks are 110% real

When you’re in diamond and have plat stats, the matchmaker tries to give you games (I.e. bad teammates and good opponents) designed to drag your SR down to where it belongs.

You think your teammates are bad now? Imagine how bad they’d be without this mechanic. Also know that sometimes that teammate you think is bad probably just isn’t good at the hero’s complemented by the hero’s you’re good at (e.g. you’re great at Moira and they’re good at Genji or pharah—not DPS that Moira is particularly good at healing) but something got them to the same rank you’re at.

Imagine a Venn diagram of mechanics, positioning, and game sense. You can get to diamond with a little of each, or a lot of one or two of them. You can probably get to master with just great mechanics alone but when your healers aren’t making up for your positioning mistakes and your tanks aren’t pressuring the DPS who counter you, you probably look really bad to your teammates.


No, that’s all relative. Numbers don’t tell you the actual skill than the players involved. If we wanna get into numbers, I’m in the top 2500 players globally. What does that mean? Nothing. Why? Because if you have any actual understanding of the game, you are basically handed masters.

It’s really not that hard to reach an “exceptional” rank

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You’re saying that because it’s not hard for you, but for 95% of people it is hard, that’s why they are unable to do it!! Try taking a bronze tier person and working with them to get to Masters using solo queue only. You could literally spend a year and probably not get them there, possibly not even 3 years. I think you lack empathy or the ability to understand how things work for people who are not yourself as well as underestimating the skills you have that allow you to get where you are.

there are losing streaks, yes.

prove they are forced.

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95% of people lack direction of how to get there.

I’d do it with a silver, but most people in bronze have some sort of actual restraint. If I could choose the bronze players setup and they weren’t literally handicapped, than sure.

Underestimate the skills I have? I was platinum a year ago. During the Chinese New year event of 2018 I fell to gold. Ya wanna know what it takes? Ask questions from players who actually understand the game, play the game, review your gameplay and ask decent players what your faults are. It’s literally just identifying your faults. I didn’t do that until about November, I got to low diamond by watching tip videos and playing the game endlessly.

Of course I got there eventually, but I could have done it long ago if I just recorded my gameplay. After that I was able to get to masters, probably the easiest rank to get out of. The season I solo’d to masters I got to GM, why? Because people have half an idea of what they are doing, so when you are able to do things a little bit better climbing is easy.


A lot of this doesn’t add up.

You say that if your SR is higher than your MMR the system tries to move you down really fast so that your SR matches your MMR. If this is true then the system would make you move up really fast when your SR is below your MMR. I’m not sure this really happens but even if it does it’s fair.

Hmmm. SR chases MMR, not the other way around. The first part I quoted from you illustrates that you understand this concept.

When one contradicts themselves they do not inspire confidence in their knowledge and understanding of a matter.

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Last Wednesday I was 7-1 in Comp, Thursday 5-4-1, Friday 3-6, Saturday 1-9-1, Sunday 7-17-1, Late Sunday 11-6-1, Monday 10-4, Tuesday 6-5
Are my stats bad???

Exactly. Any way you imagine implementing forced streaks doesn’t work logically.

Logic aside, there is no way to force streaks without the matchmaker using match history (win/loss), which I’m 99% sure it doesn’t.

Quote from Jeff Kaplan:

At no point in MMR calculations do we look at your win/loss ratio and win/loss ratio is never used to determine who to match you with or against.


I say 99% and not 100% because they could have changed the matchmaker since then. However given that people complained about the exact same things back then as they do now it seems nothing has changed.

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You’ve got the Burden of Proof the wrong way round, my man.