The "Git Gud" Mentality

That is not actually the topic here, Mercy. As you agreed with before, there are problems with the system that need to be fixed.
Forced losing streaks happen, but not in the way everybody seems to think.
It is not the system making sure you lose. It is trying to see your carry potential (as I see it) by grouping you with people who are NOT the same skill level as you, while putting you against people who are as good as you. It is sort of unfair, but it also is trying to test your leadership skills: can you make good calls to help the team?

The problem with that, is partly the system, but mostly the players. You get such wild variance in players in every match. One game you can go and have everybody communicate and make calls…then the next game, everybody is sitting there calling you racist slurs and being extremely unproductive. Or even just not saying anything at all and its a 1v11 at that point.

The system is only working in theory.
You have people who are improving, but it is not enough to carry 5 other golds or whatever to a higher SR.
Somebody who is worthy of gold, can not carry gold matches. They have to climb through it to get into Plat. And out of plat to Diamond.
And it gets harder because of the flaws of the system IN ADDITION TO the players you can get on each team.

And in order to fix both problems, we have to do something with the system.
And ONLY THEN can people work on the “people problem” that exists.
We need to educate people. Teach them certain skills.
Stop giving the “git gud” advice, because it is not productive.
WE need to tell people what needs to change.
We need to tell people to get in voice chat, and teach them how to make usefull calls.
I do that in every match I play. I encourage people to get in the voice chat with lines like “Hey, I am on Zen and going to be calling out my Discord Orbs a lot. Maybe get in the voice chat so you can help me nuke down these B-words on the enemy team?”

So far, almost every team gets in the voice chat.
Most people respond to a winning mentality, much more than the “git gud” mentality. The Git Gud nonsense needs to stop. Its like saying “well, just make more money at your job, duh” as if that explains everything.

That is what the topic is about.

Normally I would not respond to you, since you are the problem here…but I just want you to know that if you need a friend, I can try and be a person you can talk to. I know you recently quit your job

And I know you like to flag people randomly, just because you dont like what they say

and there are many other posts where you accuse people of being tilted.
I think you are just upset about losing your job, and are running around flagging people randomly to vent your anger.
Take your own advice, and calm down before you make tilted posts on the forums…

Or at the very least, try and keep on topic. IF you do not agree with me, use logic and evidence to support your claim. False Flagging is a bad way to prove your point.

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