For the love of God nerf Tracer already

tracer must not be changed in any way shape or form
she must stay
p u r e

yes but every single hero in the game is unique in what they do. soldeir provides consistent damage, mercy can rez and is mobile. tracer dodges abilites gunfire by blinking around their enemy, litteraly the only true counter is having good aim, thats not a f*%king counter. and tracer players majority of the time play differently or in different un trackable positions. soldiers sit on high ground, ana chills in the back, tracer isā€¦ somewhere? tracer destroys at low ranks and is such a good carry hero because if the enemy cant aim then tracer can destroy. and just saying ā€œget gud at aimingā€ thats not a viable tactic because its not an easily learnable stat. and having god aim is just an instant win anyways as widow, hanzo, mcree, soldier and really any other aim based heroes.


Torb can be good but in my opinion the biggest problem right now is that because of his ability to create turrets most people just not shielding itā€¦ re-positioning a turret and keeping it shielded its one of the things making torb usefullā€¦ think of a Bastion without a shield, heā€™s to vulnerable to do something but with shields heā€™s much strongerā€¦ Besides you have to remember torbā€™s gun is super strong making it easier to shoot people or destroying shields. I agree with you that most of the times the turret is bad because Reinhardt is the most played tank after and heā€™s a really good counter to torb but without a rein in the team torb can easily kill peopleā€¦ Thatā€™s why i want the next hero to be a tank (or finally a new defense hero against snipers,Reaper and soldier76)

damn, almost 500 upvotes.
im starting to have faith in ow community

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How is she op? Yeah, she has high mobility and high damage but she dies so easily.

Tracer is fine, you just have to learn how to deal with her.

Tracerā€™s balanced. How many times do I have to say it?

She is not, but she is not overpowered, theres a difference.

Sheā€™s balanced.
The only reason people think sheā€™s OP is because they canā€™t counter her properly.

Or, you could stop playing Overwatch already.
Anyone else find it funny most people who complain about Tracer are Platinum and below?

up this post, dont forget

Except when you face smurfsā€¦ Huhā€¦ Bad memoriesā€¦ ā€˜-ā€™

And, well, itā€™s rare but good gold Tracers happens. Theyā€™re good for gold but still.

As a fellow Tracer Main, I actually agree with this. Nothing too nuts needs to happen, but less range would definitely put her effectiveness in a better place

I look at the t500 list and see that Tracer is (by far) the most present hero in that bracket.

I think thatā€™s telling, IMO.

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Doesnt seem like it matters though, any kind of thread that speaks against Tracer is completely ignored by Blizzard. The only thing we can do i guess, is continue to speak our minds and continue to make threads reminding them how broken she is if only to make them slightly uncomfortable about it, itā€™s probably the only thing we can do as a players, but at least they wonā€™t rest easy, knowing that people continue to speak the truth and wonā€™t be silenced about it.


She must be tuned down somehow on higher ranks. When I play on my main account on 4100+ almost in every game there is a Tracer main who solo destroys enemy team that has some issues with teamplay or (and) when her team plays a bit better than enemy team (in that case a good Tracer is just a snowball machine). But when I play on lower ranks I donā€™t really feel Tracerā€™s high pick rate or combat pressence that much like I feel on GM+ level (except smurfing Tracers).

After Sombra nerf there is no way for her to counter Tracer (except ulting her alone which is stupid) in face-to-face combat. Yeah, maybe Brigitte will be some kind of counterpick for bad Tracer, but thatā€™s not enought. Every hero in a game (except Tracer) has pretty good counters.

Some suggestions can be:

  • Increased spread
  • Increased reload speed
  • Increased blink CD
  • Displaying her trail-model for Recall ability (like Ekko in League of Legends)
  • Reduced melee attack damage (extremely mobile hero should not be able to spam or compensate missed shots with 30 damage melee attack) or removed completely. This gives her enemy some time to outplay her in case she missed some shots.

Iā€™m a supporter of nerfing her damage, i believe for a number of reasons that that is the best option.

How does she die so easily when she can have up top 299 HP?

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Agreed. I feel that her weapons should have extreme ranged damage falloff like Reaper.

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