For the love of God nerf Tracer already

That made no sense. She’s got 3 Blinks + Recall on a 3 second cooldown while you’ve got 1 Flashbang on a 10 second cooldown. Mobility trumps all in the current meta.


This is theorycrafting, it doesn’t work. Tracer controls the matchup always, if McCree holds the FB then she can proceed to gun him down or if she wants to play it safer, she just goes away and tries again later.

Something that i find funny is how Tracers are never afraid of McCree, i mean, i see people saying that McCree is a counter to Tracer, but when i’m playing Tracers are never afraid of him, because they have learned how to handle him and it is not hard. you just have to flank him, shoot him a little, then blink out of his range in anticipation for FB, and if he doesn’t use it, then Tracer, now out of FB range, can continue to shoot at him or just go away, it’s super easy.

On the other hand McCree has to get the hang on Tracer if he wants to FB her and kill her, which of course can be done, not saying he can’t, i kill Tracers like that, however, it is much harder for McCree to do that than it is for Tracer, that is why McCree is far from a Tracer counter, he can kill her, yes, but counter? No, not at all, if anything Tracer is slightly strong against McCree, for a number of reasons. If McCree was a counter to Tracer, the OWL would be filled with McCree’s, but that is not the case.


How is flashbang predictable and easy to dodge? It comes out instantly and has an unusually large radius.

What people do (and I am still working on) is relying on the panic flashbang. Give it a fraction of a second after a McCree sees you, and then Blink. There is no animation that gives it away, no wind up, just practice based on an assumption that applies to 99% of the playerbase. Even pros have to predict.

This is the same philosophy Tracers have to use against Roadhog’s hook. And now Brigitte’s shield stun.

So smart McCree’s, Hogs, and Brigittes will have to bait out the Blinks, which is hell of a lot easier than predicting when an instant-cast hard counter is going to be thrown at you.


Ok guys, this is bordering on necro…OP was a month ago, give it a rest already.

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Instant cast is nothing know exactly when he’s gonna throw it and there’s a limited number of situations he will. If instant cast is your only excuse then I doubt you’ll have an easy time thinking ahead and preemptively planning how to handle situations, he’s got 1 chance with minimal range and you’ve got 4 chances to escape it. His stun is short range, buggy, he might need to roll to even get close enough to hit you with it, and if you blink through him there’s a good chance he can’t 180° and land it.

But nobody knows when he will throw it. Nobody. You can guess, sure, and most McCree’s will throw it out asap, but it is still a guess.

There’s no doubt I need to improve, of course, but saying an instant cast ability is nothing is disingenuous.

I have a much easier time blink dodging Hog’s hook, for some reason.

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Instead of nerfing Tracer, who’s been in a solid pick in OW in every single season other than the tank meta, they nerf the counters to Tracer (SOmbra).

Tracer can’t be nerfed. Blizzard simply wouldn’t allow it. She’s the poster child to this game.

It is really quite sad, actually. They’ve dug themselves a hole. Should have just included everyone on the boxart, not just one hero.


she is balanced tho…

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It’s not a necro if the thread is still active. It means people still want to discuss the things related in the OP.

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The issue is that Recall rewards bad Tracers with longevity and free picks, and rewards good Tracers with absolute godhood. Recall shouldn’t give back health, but give back Blinks instead.


I’m tired of reading about 1HKO abilities. Doom fist and Rein are like the only ones that have one, as 1HKO implies 1 punch or 1 button press.

Name all the characters, and their abilities, that are capable of killing anybody in 1 single button press.

Assuming “anybody” as “200 HP heroes”, and optimal conditions (range, positioning, etc):

  • Doomfist: Rocket Punch, Meteor Strike
  • McCree: Fan the Hammer, Deadeye
  • Pharah: Barrage
  • Reaper: Single shotgun fire, Death Blossom
  • Tracer: One clip of her gun (its a single button press), Pulse Bomb
  • Bastion: Half second of fire in Sentry Mode (its also a single button press), Config:Tank single shot
  • Hanzo: Full-charge headshot, Scatter Arrow
  • Junkrat: RIP-tire
  • Torbjörn: Single shotgun fire, technically any turret (if not destroyed)
  • Widowmaker: Full-charge headshot
  • Self-Destruct
  • Reinhardt: Charge
  • Roadhog: Single shotgun fire, Whole Hog (if target is near a wall)
  • Symmetra: Technically turret (if not destroyed)
  • Zenyatta: Full-charged Volley

Excluding ultimates from the list, this means 11 characters have access to “one shot button” (12 if you count Symmetra turret, but I think most will not).

The reason I added Tracer and Bastion in the “one button” list, but not other heroes that can kill targets with a single clip is because the nature of those shots allow them to kill in less than a second while making none or minor adjustments to their aim. Soldier have to keep burst control and hit headshots, Sombra take too long, etc.


EXACTLY. Rewind is what puts her over the top. If Recall didn’t heal her… we might have something more of a balanced. It keeps her mobility and brings her down a notch.

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Aaaaand Sombra got nerfed.


One word-Torbjorn,
he’s her biggest counter, without ulting or a Shield Tracer cant do anything about him. another good counters are symmetra (she cant get in without destroying the turrets but because of her lack of hp she will die pretty quick),Sombra (which can disable her movements) and Mccree (A good mccree will be able to stun a Tracer even though im not entirly recoming him). There are also Reinhardt & Winston which can take her out after couple of shots and brigette who can stun her and shoot her.
I know Tracer can be really annoying but she has enough counters to help against her. :slight_smile:

Blink, one-clip turret, Recall. Bye bye turret! You shouldn’t have to ult to counter flankers that you’re designed to counter.

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Good team will shield their turret… besides Tracer is a close range hero, therefore torbjorn will be able to hit her at least once before hitting and even if he’s not. Tracer cant get near the turret most of the time because the turret has enough range (placed high or far behind shields)

I understand why you mention Torb, but that is theory, in reality it doesn’t work, i’ve tried. Torb is so easily countered that it wont even be able to do much to Tracer. Maybe if they buff or rework Torb somehow, but right now, nah.

Tracer can’t one clip a turret.

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I said it was bordering on…not that it was…and the activity took many many days to get to…
My point was why hit a thread that hadn’t seen any action on in two weeks when there were plenty of other active (and just as ridiculous) nerf Tracer threads.